Kind Guardian of My Soul
Lord Jesus, divine Guardian of my soul, teach me to pray every hour of my life. Teach me to keep myself united to Thee at every step I take.
My days are full of social duties and my nights are passed amid the lights of fashion and the glare of worldly glory.
It seems an empty life, sweet Lord. It weighs heavily upon my heart at times. It wearies me with its incessant call, and its empty laughter sickens me and I would wish to bury myself in some secluded corner where truth and sincerity sweeten the air with their precious fragrance.
But, my Kind, my Lord this cannot be. I cannot run away. I must stay at my post and listen to the monotonous jingle of empty words, and smile and laugh at the tinseled pageantry as it passes and repasses before my weary eyes.
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