Lord, is there not some way, while steeped in the sea of the world,
that I can weave into my life an eternal value that will be to Thee a
token of my love, a proof of my desire to live closely bound to Thee
while threading my way through this maze of unsteady lights, my lips
pressed to the empty cups of pleasure?
Divine Lord, there must be some way by which I can love Thee with all my heart,- by which I can exult in the presence of my Master in my soul and still stand at my post amid all the light and dazzle of the world.
Divine Lord, there must be some way by which I can love Thee with all my heart,- by which I can exult in the presence of my Master in my soul and still stand at my post amid all the light and dazzle of the world.
Lord, it must be so, else how could I have this ever eager longing to
possess Thee, to serve Thee, to live for Thee while forming a part of
the great procession of seekers after pleasure.
it must be that I tarry yet a while amid this froth and bubble, teach
me, my cherished Lord, how to bring to this whirl of social gayeties,
the fragrance of Heaven and the influence of the King of Heaven.
wish to play well my part. I wish so to move in the circle of society,
as to gain, at every moment, Thy approval, my divine and loving Lord.
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