I do hope some one will feel it, dearest Lord, I should be disappointed did I know that I had none of the fragrance of the Tabernacle about me, fragrance of the Tabernacle about me,-for Thou knowest, divinest Lord, that I want people to know that I am Thy slave, Thy willing tool, Thy servant, and Thy child. But, sweet Master, how can they know this unless there be some mark upon me, unless something in me makes them think of Thee?
I shall begin by being kind to every one, so kind that those who see me will wonder where I learned it and will watch and find that I come daily to visit Thee, my King, and they will guess the secret, and will come to Thee themselves. Then I shall be Thy little conquerer too, conquering souls and leading them gently to Thy Feet.
Good-bye once more, my tender, loving Lord, I shall come to Thee again tomorrow. Now I am going out to work for Thee by thinking of Thee, loving Thee, and smiling for Thee, my tender Friend, my patient Counsellor, my great and wondrous King.
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