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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Among the Holy Archangels, three are particularly distinguished in holy writ--SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. St. Michael, whom the Church honors this day, was the prince of the faithful angels who opposed Lucifer and his associates in their revolt against God. Michael, in Hebrew, signifies, "Who is like God?" this was as it were, his motto, whom by humility he repressed the pride of that apostate angel, and set up the standard against him. He continues to protect the saints from his assaults.

This Holy Archangel has ever been honored in the Catholic Church, under the same title as her guardian under God, and as the protector of the faithful; for God is pleased to employ the zeal and charity of the good angels and their leader against the malice of the devil.

It is mentioned in particular of this special guardian and protector of the Church, that, in the persecution of Antichrist, he will powerfully stand up in her defense: "At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people." He is not only the protector of the Church, but of every faithful soul. He defeated the devil by humility; we are enlisted in the same warfare. His arms were humility and ardent love of God; the same must be our weapons. We ought to regard this Archangel as our leader under God; and courageously resisting the devil in all his assaults, cry out, "Who can be compared to God?" His feast day is the 29th of September.

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