Cardinal Donato Sbaretti
1. When occasion arises, the parish priest, and especially the preacher, should, according to the words of the Apostle Paul (2 Tim. iv, 2), insist, argue, exhort and command that feminine garb be based on modesty and that womanly ornament be a defense of virtue. Let them likewise admonish parents who allow their daughters to wear indecorous dress.
2. Parents, conscious of their grave obligations to their offspring regarding education, especially religious and moral, should see to it that their daughters are solidly instructed from earliest childhood in Christian doctrine. And they themselves should assiduously inculcate in their souls, by word and example, love for the virtues of modesty and chastity. Since their family should follow the example of the Holy Family, they must govern in such a way that all its members, reared within the walls of the home, should find reason and incentive to love and preserve modesty.
![]() The veil is commendable, the tank top already opens doors to immodesty at Mass |
4. Superiors and teachers in schools for girls must do their utmost to instill love of modesty in the hearts of the girls confided to their care and urge them to dress modestly.
5. Said Superiors and teachers must not receive in their colleges and schools immodestly dressed girls, and should not even make an exception in the case of mothers of pupils. If, after being admitted, girls persist in dressing immodestly, such pupils should be dismissed.
6. Sisters, in compliance with the Letter dated August 23, 1928 by the Sacred Congregation of Religious, must not receive in their colleges, schools, oratories or recreation grounds girls who are not dressed with Christian modesty, or, if once admitted, they should not tolerate this. Said Sisters, in addition, should do their utmost so that love for holy chastity and Christian modesty may become deeply rooted in the hearts of their pupils.
7. It is desirable that pious organizations of women be founded, which, by their counsel, example and propaganda will combat the wearing of apparel unsuited to Christian modesty, and will promote purity of customs and modesty of dress.
8. In pious associations of women, those who dress immodestly should not be admitted to membership. But if, perchance, they are received, and after having been admitted, fall again into their error, they should be dismissed forthwith.
9. Women and girls who are dressed immodestly are to be debarred from Holy Communion and from acting as sponsors at the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Further, if the offense be extreme, they may even be forbidden to enter the church.
Cardinal Donato Sbaretti
Prefect of the Congregation of the Council
Rome, January 12, 1930
Most of you know that I went to an all girls Catholic high school. The nuns MADE us kneel down and our uniform skirt HAD to touch the floor. If any teacher - nun or lay - saw us during the day with our skirts rolled up we HAD to unroll them! (See number 4, 5, & 6).
Yesterday I received an issue of the DSHA WORD which is the school alumni newsletter/booklet. I was appalled at the cover and even more appalled when I opened it and saw the young ladies in uniform and EVERY UNIFORM WAS AT LEAST 6-8 INCHES ABOVE THEIR KNEES EVEN DURING THEIR RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES (WHICH THEY CALL THE "MASS)!!!! Here is an example of a cover of a recent issue:
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