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Thursday, October 27, 2011

When our parish was located in Milwaukee, after our monthly Third Order meeting, the Third Order would drive to this abortion mill and pray a 15 decade rosary outside the building while murders were taking place inside.  The employees (or maybe they were volunteers but I doubt it) would stand outside in green vests and escort the young ladies inside to destroy the life inside of them.  These were some of the most vile creatures on the face of the earth.  I know that doesn't sound very charitable but if you saw their faces and heard their "laughter" I'm pretty certain you would say the same thing.  The immoral poses right in front of Father, laughing at my young daughter who was praying on her knees on the concrete, the times when they turned on the hose or cut the grass and directed the shoot right towards us points to some evil minds!..
Here is a story about the same abortion mill.  Doesn't surprise me one bit!

Oh - one last bit of info for you: One of the abortionists at this clinic actually was my obstetrician during my last pregnancy!  It's no wonder he was so insistent that an old geezer like me shouldn't be having any more children.  I'm sure he would have taken care of the "problem" (whose name is Christopher) without any hesitation.  He wasn't on call the weekend he was delivered so this vile creature never touched him thank God:

Milwaukee abortion workers dance in street after botched abortion

This past Friday, October 21, an ambulance rolled up to Affiliated Medical Services to take away yet another woman to a nearby hospital after a botched abortion. Abortionist Bernie Smith was reportedly on duty.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube.
AMS staff can be seen laughing, dancing and doing the limbo as the woman was taken away. One AMS staffer even threatened vigilers, saying, “You’re lucky it isn’t you in the hospital.”
AMS’s consent forms (available publicly on their website, snippet below)  state, in part, “Complications, including death, may occur.”
Those who lobby for abortion’s legality claim that if abortion were made illegal, women would have to resort to dirty, back-alley abortions. But the reverse has actually happened — as was sadly illustrated with Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” abortuary in Philadelphia, the dirty, back-alley abortions are legal and no one is watching.
This is at least the third time this year an ambulance has arrived at AMS after a botched abortion; sidewalk counselors recorded two separate ambulance visits on April 8. Abortion facilities in Milwaukee are not subject to health inspections. Some days the smell of death — blood and flesh — can be smelled wafting out of AMS when the staff open the doors.
AMS has been the site of 40 Days for Life for three years now. Sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors are present at AMS year-round as well. 40 Days vigilers were in front of AMS when this occurred.
Women have been taken to Columbia St. Mary’s after botched abortions, forcing a Catholic hospital and staff to clean up the abortionist’s mess.
HT 40 Days for Life of Milwaukee for taking the video.

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