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Saturday, March 25, 2017


The "Society of St.Pius X" is not a legitimately approved religious institute in the Roman Catholic Church.

It has become an heretical and schismatic sect smacking of Jansenism.
Roman Catholics may not associate with this sect in any way, whether by attending their bogus religious services or supporting them in any material manner. Those who do must know that they do so in disobedience to the Church and at the peril of their salvation.
For the sake of those who would desire to know the Church's discipline in similar matters, the pertinent laws are presented here.

The Foundation and Suppression of a Religious institute (cc.492-493)

Art.1 Bishops only (exclusive of the Vicar Capitular and the Vicar General) have the power to found religious congregations. They may not, however, found or allow such congregations to be founded without consulting the Holy See. In the case of tertiaries living in common, aggregation to the first order by act of the superior general is likewise required (c.492,§ 1).

A congregation founded by a Bishop is and remains a diocesan congregation even though in the course of time it be extended to other dioceses, and it remains subject to the Ordinaries in whose dioceses it exists, according to the prescriptions of the law, until such time as it receives pontifical approbation, or at least the decree of praise (c.492,§ 2).
Although there are more laws regarding the establishment of a Religious congregation, the above should suffice to serve as a guide to understanding the mind of the Church in such matters.
Thus, all those who claim to be founders of some kind of Religious community among the "Traditionalists" are, in reality, disobedient to the Church. And, disobedience to the Church is the same as being disobedient to the Holy Ghost.

All those claiming to be some kind of Religious institute and are not subject to a legitimate Bishop are schismatic sects regardless of their origin. Even those priests who are members of long-established Religious congregations or orders may not administer Sacraments or preach to the faithful unless they are approved by the Bishop in whose territory they are located.

Those are to be strongly condemned who through a secret attitude of disobedience promote a similar spirit of disobedience in the people. The blame for the chaos, anarchy and anxiety of the general faithful is to be placed at the feet of recalcitrant, renegade clergymen whose disordered pride has led them and those who would foolishly follow them into heresy and schism.
And, heading the long list of such disloyal individuals is to be placed the bogus "Society of St.Pius X" and its spin-off, the "Society of St. Pius V."
What of the so-called "Thuc-line bishops" _ are they truly Bishops and are they truly Catholic? Generally speaking, those who have received valid consecration in the line originating from Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc are real Bishops. But, this does not prove that they are genuine Roman Catholic Bishops. Most of them, at least to the knowledge of this writer, have not been called to this office but have "stolen" it by some artifice or other. One must look at the intention of Msgr. Ngo in order to justly evaluate his actions.
It was already anticipated that after his death many would come in his name in order to seek some kind of legality for their dishonorable ambitions. Neither Msgr. Ngo nor the bishop who has remained faithful to his intentions and the duties of a Bishop can control the actions of others.
There are those who have not heeded the words of the Apostle and have "laid hands" upon some too lightly. And this to the detriment of souls seeking genuine spiritual guidance.
To be sure, Satan has not abandoned those who have had the courage to separate themselves from the apostate Church of Vatican II. On the contrary, all the devils of hell seem to have conspired against the small number of remaining Catholics who escaped the great apostasy.
The turbulence and turmoil existing among those who sought security for their faith by leaving the Modernist-occupied church buildings has been misunderstood. Certainly, Satan is the great master of deceit. By sowing his seeds of pride in the hearts of otherwise good people and priests, he has reaped a bountiful harvest of souls.
It may seem odd and perhaps even presumptuous to suggest that despite all the trouble and turmoil, God's purposes are being realized. While the faith of many is lost, the faith of the few is energized to heroic degrees. While our Lord gave the example of treachery in high places by choosing as an Apostle one who would betray Him, it appears that the divine providence that rules the world and the Church has seen fit to preserve Her by one faithful successor of the Apostles among the many unfaithful ones.
But, it may be asked: How can we know which of all these claimants is the true Bishop? Yes, it is true, the discernment is not all that easy because the devil will give us no rest. One need only read the life of St. Bernadette to understand the similar circumstances in which we find ourselves.
It was Bernadette alone who had received the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin. But, the devil began to inspire many others to pretend to have the same apparitions. Soon, the people no longer knew whom to believe. This, according to St. Bernadette, became her greatest cross: Because of the many false visionaries, she who had received the messages of God through the Blessed Virgin would not be believed.
It would be false humility to deny the truth. It is the truth that will make us free _ free of doubt and free of self-deception.
The Church will remain forever, even though Her numbers will be very small. One need only remember the wisdom of the saints and seek consolation in the words of our Lord. One drop of holiness is more precious in the eyes of God than an ocean of mediocrity. It is mediocrity that God vomited out of His mouth. While most people seek the superficial solace of an ocean of tepidity, the select few find it in the grace received in the true Mystical Body of Jesus Christ.
Because God is a God of right order, and because it is vital that there be visible clarity to avoid confusion and the many false christs and false prophets, the writer, Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM, has been forced by these considerations to reject all those who have been either ordained or consecrated after his own consecration on August 24, 1982.
The practical reason for this course of action is motivated by the needs of the faithful. Since the first ones in the Church who should be a sign of solidarity for all the other are the Bishops, it is also the Bishops who gather and seek out candidates for the office of bishop. No one takes this dignity upon himself but he who has been called. Too many have taken this dignity upon themselves and were never called to it by the grace of God.
There were those who, after their own efforts to be consecrated failed, publicly expressed their rejection of the very bishops whom they had at first accepted with the pharisaical excuse: "Show me a mandate from the Pope or a first class miracle and then I will accept you as my bishop" _ were the words of Rev. Vida Elmer (now deceased). This man tried every way possible to get himself consecrated. He was rejected by the Bishops in the United States. By the way, he had already rejected John Paul II as a legitimate Pope. How, then, one might ask, did he expect a papal mandate from Rome?
The same is true of Rev. Fidelis McKenna, OP. Failing to achieve his goal of becoming a Bishop, he eventually got himself consecrated in France by an aging fellow-Dominican who had been consecrated by Msgr. Ngo. Whereupon he, who had voted for the consecration of Rev. Vida Elmer and had then retracted his decision eventually consecrated Rev. Vida Elmer. And on and on it went _ and still goes on.
Among the duties of a Bishop is that of upholding the laws of the Church _ not ignoring them.
The difference between Marcel Lefebvre and Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc is essentially this: Lefebvre (whose ordination and consecration are in doubt) provided the Church with doubtful priests and doubtful bishops; was concerned with the external pomp and ceremony that dazzled the masses and befuddled the ignorant. Msgr. Ngo, on the other hand, went to the very essence of the matter, ignored all the external pomp and ceremony and provided the Roman Catholic Church with that one external mark of the true Church which was dangerously on the verge of extinction: Apostolic succession.
The true Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. While many other Churches are able to claim with some reasonable accuracy some of the other marks of the true Church, none can provide the fourth mark _ Apostolicity _ except the true Church.
One true and orthodox Bishop remained in the entire Roman Catholic Church: Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc. Abandoned and forsaken by most, he lived in humble obscurity in Toulon, France. His love for the Church and good will were abused by those who sought to deceive him. Nevertheless, he had the courage to do what he certainly knew was a high risk action: He sought to provide for the Roman Catholic Church that essential mark which he clearly perceived endangered: Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc gave the Church genuine Roman Catholic Bishops as successors of the Apostles!
Despite the fact that many have come in his name but have not been called, does not change the fact that at least he would not be disappointed in one of them; that the office of the Bishop in the true traditions of the Church would continue.
It is a truly painful thing to see so many waste their lives chasing after illusions. These illusions were born either of the weakness of human nature or of the master of deceit, Satan. Whatever the cause, the effect is still the same: Loss of souls and victory for Lucifer.
As a final note and to assure our kind readers of our intentions and motives, let it be known that we do not recognize as legitimate Roman Catholic Bishops anyone who has been consecrated after August 24,1982; we do not recognize as a legitimate Religious institute of whatever kind any that has not existed at least from the time of Pope Pius XII; we do not recognize as Roman Catholic even those communities established by genuine Religious of whatever Order or Congregation that are not in union with the Bishop and from whom they must receive faculties to administer the Sacraments. This is the right order of the Roman Catholic Church.
And, as we read in the Athanasian Creed: "Whosoever wishes to be saved, before all else must hold the Catholic faith: which whoever does not observe wholly and inviolate, without a doubt shall perish for all eternity."
The Creed ends with these terrifying words: "This is the Catholic faith, which unless one shall believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."
An integral, inviolate doctrine of the Catholic faith is that Christ established a visible hierarchy to teach, sanctify and govern His Mystical Body. Those who do not believe this in their minds and express it in their actions cannot be said to "faithfully and firmly" believe in the Catholic faith and are not, therefore, Catholics.
Heaven and earth will surely pass away, but the words of our Lord will not pass away:

"Not everyone who says to me, `Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of my Father in heaven shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

"Many will say to me in that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and work many miracles in thy name?' And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity!'"
(Matt.4, 21-22).

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