Heart to Heart
The Tabernacle
by Joseph M. Woods, S.J.
My Cherished Rabboni
My cherished Rabboni. It is sweet to kneel here in They presence. It is a joy to know that Thy dear Eyes are resting upon me,-that no part of my soul is hidden from Thee,-that every aspiration, every longing every desire is known to Thee.
What does Thou think of my soul, my darling Lord?
Does it reflect a little of Thy beauty?
Does it seem to be ridding itself the marks of sin?
Is there anything to which I cling that prevents Thy grace from working freely therein?
are times when I think I am rather free from scar and stain, that my
battles have left but glory in their train; and then again as I kneel
at Thy dear Feet, sweet Lord, a consciousness of Thy great purity pours
in upon me and my poor bedraggled soul looks as though no ray of light
had ever broken in upon it, as though my cherished Rabboni had never
taken shelter within its gloomy depths.
How long it takes, beloved Lord, to polish and refine this dwelling place of my beloved King!
even this, sweet Lord, cannot make me sad, for I know that Thou art
working daily in my soul.-I know that each time Thou comest to my soul.
Thou takest away some defect and doth purify me of some stain.- I know
too the day will come when I shall be pure and pleasing in Thy sight.
I long so to be a storehouse from which others may draw the strength and encouragement to reach Thee.
I long so to be a storehouse from which others may draw the strength and encouragement to reach Thee.
I yearn to be filled with peace so full, that it may overflow into the hearts of others.
I pray that every one who comes near me may be attracted to Thee, my cherished Rabboni.
Thanks to my dear Third Order Sister for providing this reflection. She promises more to come. May they edify you during this Lenten Season!