Yesterday, we laid to rest a most pious and devout Catholic man by the name of Victor Evans. Our Catholic faith has the most beautiful Mass for the day of burial but this particular Mass had the most beautiful and touching sermon given by Father Bernard. There wasn't a dry eye in the entire church.
In addition to this, we used for the first time a booklet that one of our parish members assembled for use by people who attend the Mass on the day of burial. It has the entire service including the Mass in logical order and it was so easy to follow. The one part that struck me the most was the translation of the "Dies Irae, Dies Illa". This is one of my personal favorites but I think you wil be particularly impressed with this translation:
Day of wrath, that final day,
Shall the world in ashes lay;
David, Sibyl, this display.
Most intense will be the fear,
When the Judge shall reappear;
For a judgment most severe.
Then shall trumpet’s wondrous tone
Sound through death’s sepulchral zone,
Forcing all before the throne.
Death and nature too shall quake,
As humans from dust awake;
To their Judge reply to make.
Then will written book appear,
Which records all deeds done here;
For the judgment hour is near.
Now before the Judge’s Throne,
Will each secret sin be known;
For them all, one must atone.
Wretched one, what shall I say,
To what patron can I pray,
When the just are in dismay.
Thou majestic dreaded King,
Piety’s perennial spring;
Our salvation freely bring.
Think, O Jesus, it was I,
Brought Thee to this earth to die,
Save me on that day, I cry.
Seeking me though faint with pain,
Saving by the cross, now deign,
That such labor be not vain.
Judge to punish, just Thou art,
Thy forgiveness now impart;
Ere the time of vengeance start.
Trembling culprit full of tears
Red my face with shame appears;
God spare suppliant me, in tears.
Who absolved the Magdalen,
And the thief from blackest sin;
Give me also hope again.
Mid the sheep,
O bid me stand,
Far from that rejected band;
Safely placed at thy right hand.
When the cursed,
By Thee addressed,
Go to flames at thy behest;
Call me then to join the blest.
Suppliant in prayer I bend,
Contrite as my breast I rend;
Help me reach to my last end.
Sorrowful shall be the day,
When guilty raised from clay,
Called to judgment must obey;
Save us Lord,
From that doom’s day,
In thy mercy Jesus blest,
Grant thy servants endless rest.
Mr. Evans has left us all a sterling example for our own lives and our personal preparation for death!
ReplyDelete"Charity covereth a multitude....." and his charity was great - to the Church, his family, and in particular to his fellow parish members.
May he truly rest in peace - he will not be forgotten by this poor sinner -