THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsFourth Sunday after Easter28 April 2013 |
![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
The liturgical seasons are once again about to change – from the Easter
season to Pentecost. With each change we are reminded of the similar
change in the life of Christ and of the Church. Jesus is preparing the
Apostles for his Ascension into Heaven and the coming of the Holy Ghost.
Change always has an element of fear because of the unknown. Christ is
removing some of this unknown for the Apostles. Our Holy Mother the
Church likewise is preparing us for the unknown. We pass through the
liturgical seasons year after year and this change is fairly well known
so it has lost much of the unknown and therefore the fear of these
changes. There is however, a change in our lives from year to year as we
progress in our material lives, and more importantly in our spiritual
As the Paschal season is drawing to a close the joy of Our Lord’s
Resurrection is fading as we anticipate His glorious Ascension into
Heaven. This loss of Christ’s visible human presence is not a little
disconcerting, but it is necessary for the Apostles as well as us. We
are to follow in a broad sense in our spiritual lives the development of
the Apostles. We began with Advent and the longing for the Savior. This
longing and desire came to fulfillment in the Birth of Our Lord. We are
born in sin and fall miserably daily but, through baptism we receive
the Christ Child into our lives. As we approach the Epiphany our Faith
brings the revelation of Christ more clearly into focus and joy fills
our hearts as we make these small steps increasing our joy and more
importantly our love for God. We are then reminded of the loss of the
Christ Child in the Temple, as we are allowed to fall and Christ begins
in this early stage to strengthen us through hardships. He is not away
long and then we find Him again to strengthen and renew our Love, Faith
and Joy.
Then we approach the Lenten season and are shown the pain and suffering
that we have caused Jesus because of His profound love of us. We see His
suffering and then our focus is upon our sins, faults, and failings
that were the very cause of His sufferings. We follow Him to Calvary in
the spirit of penance and mortification, repenting and confessing our
sins, and shedding tears of contrition. Then we experience the joy of
having our sins forgiven as our Holy Mother Church speaks to us of the
Now once again Jesus is going to hide Himself from us. He is about to
ascend into Heaven. We begin to feel this loss already even before He is
gone. He has given us Himself in the Holy Eucharist and He has promised
us the gift of the Holy Ghost. We have experienced sin and forgiveness
several times and hopefully have learned from each fall and made good
use of the evil by learning humility and a distrust of ourselves, and a
greater and greater love for God should be filling our hearts. We are in
a way being weaned from the spiritual milk and soft food and are
beginning to take more solid spiritual food.
We fear this progress and are eager to hold on to the pleasures of
childhood we have known; and fear the difficulties that spiritual
maturity will bring. But our Faith promises us that God is with us, He
will not ever give us more than we can handle. As He said to St. Paul:
“My grace is sufficient for thee.”
As we approach Pentecost we make the spiritual transition from
adolescence into adulthood. When the Holy Ghost comes to us in the
sacrament of Confirmation, we leave many of the easy joys and
consolations of our youth, the immature love of childhood transforms
step by step into more mature love of spiritual adulthood. The fears of
hardships and difficulties fade away as the grace of Charity fills us
more and more. With the grace of God we are able to accept, embrace, and
even love the crosses of this life. With this maturity we are inspired
to follow Our Lord to Calvary and even shed our blood with His.
Suffering, sacrifice and even death loses its sting as the God of Love
fills our hearts more and more.
This God of love has convinced this world of sin, and of justice, and of
judgment. As we are filled with this Holy Ghost we too see more and
more clearly the sins of this world and resolve to turn away from this
world of sin. We see the justice in all that God does, in the crosses,
suffering and misery in this world, as well as the apparent success of
evil. We judge this evil world and the devils that guide and lead so
many of this world on their way to Hell. We see the temporary success of
the evil in this world knowing that these poor people only seek
material success at the expense of spiritual success. God is just and is
good – He gives them what they desire here and now; but there is Hell
to pay for it. They do not love Him or wish to be with Him so they will
forever be separated from Him.
May this cycle of the liturgical seasons spur us onward in our spiritual
growth and progress so that we mature and develop our love for God. We
must never fear to take the next spiritual step but with Faith and Hope
grow in Charity from day to day and season to season.
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