THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsSecond Sunday after Easter14 April 2013 |
![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
Jesus is the Good Shepherd by nature; His bishops must strive to be so
by grace. Jesus told us Himself: “Only God is good.” Bishops are given
the care of the Church and are to give an account of all the souls
entrusted to them. They will have to render an account for our souls. We
can easily witness the many faults and defects in our shepherds, and
often are eager to be critical of their lives. History has shown us many
who apparently were only interested in feeding off of the flock rather
than feeding the flock. We have seen many who were completely
indifferent as the demons of error and heresy destroyed and devoured;
they remained indifferent never sounding a warning or fighting off these
attacks. Our Lord greatly despises the lukewarm and indifferent, “I
would that you were either hot or cold…”
Much of the destruction and desolation that we witness in the Church
today is due to demonic-talmudic-masonic influences. We can easily see
these wolves from hindsight as we survey the aftermath of the slaughter
and the continuing destruction of souls. Previous to the attacks and
often during the attacks we were deceived by the “sheep’s clothing”
draped over the wolves. But, once the destruction has taken place we
easily see what happened and who was behind the attack. Sadly, what we
have easily observed from hindsight is still hidden from many who do not
have the perspective that we were given and they still perceive the
wolves in sheep’s clothing to be sheep.
It was and is the duty of the bishops to keep watch for these attacks;
and not only to watch but, to warn and fight for these souls against
every, and all forces of evil. The bishops themselves have often been
devoured or have become the very wolves that they were to guard against.
Their miserable souls will have all of eternity to regret their
indifference, cowardice, laziness, or outright evil. This is truly not
an enviable position to be in because as was mentioned above only God is
good. It is however possible with the grace of God for bishops to be
good shepherds.
God has promised to give His grace to the bishops as He taught St. Paul:
“My Grace is sufficient for thee.” God has promised to remain with the
Church until the end of time. Therefore, even with the hirelings, who
have allowed the destruction, God has preserved and will continue to
preserve the Church (and therefore a shepherd) -- often in spite of the
weakness of these unenviable men. The flock may be a remnant of what
once was, but She will continue to the end. The shepherds’ burden can be
made light and sweet if they take it up for the love of God as He has
promised, but the flock itself, can make this duty much easier if they
will turn their hearts and ears in humble obedience to the earnest
efforts of the shepherds that God has given them.
When the people love and therefore; obey, work, and pray for their
bishop and the Church, everyone’s burden is easier and sweeter. If
bishops have this obligation to work, watch, and pray for the people,
then it likewise follows that the people have an obligation to humbly,
obey, see and listen to the bishop. The bishop feeds and keeps a
constant watch over the souls of the Church and so the people must
reciprocate in supporting the body of the Church. The body and soul then
work in harmony and both find their lots made better by the other. They
march ever forward to the better and greener pastures of Heaven.
Parents have a similar obligation to their children as the bishops have
to the Church. Children have a similar obligation to their parents as
the people have to the bishops. However, we all are called upon to be
shepherds of our own souls.
We must watch and pray keeping an ever vigilant eye for those who prey
upon souls (the devils, the world, and our own passions). When we see
our own souls in danger we must rise to the occasion in imitation of The
Good Shepherd. We must flee from the occasions of sin. We must listen
to the voice of our conscience and guardian angels, and resist all the
attacks waged against our souls. We must fight the good fight. May we
never allow carelessness, callousness, or laziness to make us lukewarm
and indifferent to the life of our souls.
When temptations assail our bodies (flesh) let us choose to allow the
flesh to suffer or even die rather than permit an assault upon our
souls. We must resist evil in every place and not allow it the least
entrance into our lives. The devils only need to get a toe in the door
and then they have us. Every sin, no matter how small is an offense
against God, and prevents us from entering Heaven (nothing stained can
enter the Kingdom of Heaven). We must be as the Good Shepherd ever
ready, willing and able to lay down our physical temporal lives for the
salvation of our immortal spiritual lives.
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