THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsPalm Sunday24 March 2013 |
![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
Let us consider today a mystical interpretation of the ass and her colt.
Some of the Fathers of the Church inform us that these animals
represent to us the different nations. The ass who was accustomed to the
harness represents to us the nation of Israel. Her colt that had never
been ridden was as yet still wild and unbridled represents to us the
gentile nation.
The Israelites have been harnessed by the Law of Moses and was broken to
the halter and as such should have been ready to receive Our Lord, but
they were not. It is they that rejected Jesus even though He came to
them first. The second to be invited supplanted the first. Christ rode
upon the colt that had never been ridden before and its mother naturally
followed behind. The gentile nations carried Our Lord and left the
Israelites to follow.
We see manifest the power of God when the Apostles were sent to bring
the animals. The owners were as Christ had predicted willing to let the
animals go with the Apostles simply at their word that the Lord needs
them. It is a rather unusual situation. Owners of things of this earth
usually do not allow their property to depart from them as easily as the
owner of these animals did. God was able to inspire these men to freely
give these animals for His use. It might be compared to someone coming
to take your car and when you ask them what they are doing they tell you
that the Lord has need of it and you let them take it away. God can and
does change men to accomplish His will. It is therefore already a
manifestation of God’s power in predicting and disposing these men as He
wishes. He likewise inspires us very often with a detachment from the
things of this earth, but sadly most of us refuse to let go of the
things of this earth or to allow them to be used for the purposes of
God. In clinging to these things we deprive ourselves of a very great
reward. We must be certain that the man who gave of these animals to God
is even now rejoicing over the good that he was able to help
If God is able to inspire men with these things, we might ask, why did
He not motivate the Israelites to love Him instead of crying out for His
Blood? God can and does inspire and move the hearts of men, but at the
same time He always recognizes and considers their free will. When man
opposes his will to God’s then God is likewise able to use their evil
wills so that good may
come from it. The devils inspired the people to hate Jesus and to force
His crucifixion, but in doing this they actually were helping to bring
about the redemption of the world. So we see that an evil spirit is made
to assist and bring about good in spite of itself. All those devils and
those who have aligned themselves with the devils reject God and seek
the destruction of God and all who would follow Him, but the ones that
they harm are only themselves.
Ultimately God is still in Heaven and still in charge and there is
nothing that any or all of the demons in Hell can do about it. God’s
Divine Will will ultimately be brought to fruition. Those opposed to It,
will only be made to conform to It against their own perverted wills,
and will only bring death and destruction upon themselves. God will not
be harmed in the least nor will His Divine Will. Those of evil
dispositions are only harming themselves and causing greater and greater
misery for themselves.
As Christ enters Jerusalem upon these beasts of burden, they conform to
His will either willingly or unwillingly as the ass and her colt. The
colt willingly allows Jesus to ride upon his back, but the ass only
follows her colt. One conforms to God’s will directly and the other
indirectly. The Israelites follow the Gentiles in the spiritual realm,
but only from material reasons. In this world we still find these two
peoples: those who willingly seek out to do the will of God and those
who ultimately end up following the will of God not for spiritual
motives but for worldly ones. The one will be rewarded eternally; and
the other that helped to accomplish the Divine Will, even against her
own will, will be eternally punished in Hell.
As we carry our blessed palm today may we consider which of the two we
are. Do we find ourselves counted among those who rebel against God and
in spite of ourselves are forced to accomplish His Divine Will, or are
we to be counted among those who willingly seek to do and fulfill the
Will of God? May this Holy Week find us welcoming Jesus upon His entry
into Jerusalem as well as find us weeping beneath His Cross. And may we
also, pray for the enemies of God as Jesus did upon the Cross: “Father,
forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” In their rebellion
and hatred they are fulfilling the Divine Will against their own will,
and at the same time they think in following their own will that they
will find happiness, when in reality, all they will find is eternal
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