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Saturday, March 16, 2013


Her Doctrine and Morals

Passion Sunday

17 March 2013


The Sunday


Dear Friends,
An ageless conflict is presented before us in today’s Gospel; Good versus evil; God versus Satan. Jesus confronts the instruments of the devil, and they are calling light, darkness, and darkness light. Jesus tells them what they are but they will not hear Him, because their pride and vanity has allowed the devils to blind them to the truth. This conflict is so ancient that it predates man himself; it began when the devil first rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. It continued with Adam and Eve being seduced and likewise rebelling against God; and it persists even today with the demonic blindness cast over all the heretics and schismatics in the world today. The Modernists, Materialists, Communists, Novus, Ordo, Protestants, Traditionalists, etcetera, all point the finger at the One True Holy Roman Catholic Church and accuse Her of having a devil, when in reality it is they that have the devil. 

The “ecumenism” of today welcomes all religions as long as they refrain from condemning one another’s errors. The True Church however, cannot refrain from these condemnations, just as Jesus could not refrain. The Church is commanded by God to admonish and condemn all these demonic influences, but it is also out of true charity that She points out the errors of these demonically seduced souls. She sees their grave errors and wishes to save them from themselves, but also it is a love for Her own children that She speaks out and condemns so that the faithful will be warned and therefore forearmed against these seductive traps of the demons. 

It is not a pleasant task but it is a vitally necessary one. It is truly impossible for The Church and Her Bishops and Priests to remain silent, as those promoting “ecumenism” would have us do. Their idea of “ecumenism” is one where God and the Truth are sacrificed on the altar of man. Human respect is what they wish to take the place of love for God and the Truth. In all these demonically inspired religions the people speak from a purely humanistic perspective or more accurately a demonic perspective. Even though they may claim to serve and love God; it is an illusion because they do not love Jesus Christ’s living presence in the world today (the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church – The Mystical Body of Christ). 

The condemnation of them makes them think that the Church is “intolerant” and “uncharitable.” The Church is and must be intolerant of all errors because She is guided and moved by the Holy Ghost Who is Truth Itself. And far from being “uncharitable” it is just the opposite. She is most charitable and it is this love for Her fellow men that fill Her with such ardor and zeal in condemning every error no matter how small. 

We must continue this fight as stated above because we are commanded to and because we love, but also because it is the Holy Ghost working within us. It is not men that speak for the Church but it is God speaking through men. Let us recall our Lord’s instruction to the Apostles not to worry what they are to say, but rather trust in God and it will be given them what to say. There is no salvation in any other religion because there is only one Baptism, One Lord, One Truth, One Church by which we must be saved. All the other “religions” of the world are demonic religions that have ultimately the devil as their father. Only the True Catholic Church has God for Her Father. 

May we be inspired by Christ in today’s Gospel to never flinch out of fear or human respect to boldly declare the truth and condemn all the errors and false religions in the world today. If we are ashamed of God and His Church and deny Them before men then, Jesus will deny us before His Heavenly Father. Yet, with all this let us remember that we are men also and we likewise have sinned and therefore have had the misfortune to have fallen under the influence of the devils. We must remain humble and charitable to one another. Not condoning sin, errors, or evils; but, resisting and rebuking them within ourselves as well as in others. 

This season of Lent has been given to us to repent and do penance for our transgressions and to renounce the devils once again and make ourselves truly children of God rather than children of the devil. The days are growing shorter for us and our time is slipping quickly away from us. We must not allow ourselves to grow complacent or to remain complacent, but rather rally ourselves to rise from our lethargy and fight off the evil in ourselves as well as in others and rise to defense of the Truth, the Church and God.Let us always strive to be true children of God always recognizing the true Church through which God feeds our souls. To accomplish this it is necessary that we have true Charity (an uncompromising love for God and the Truth). To obtain this true Charity we must humble ourselves in prayer and penance so that we may not be deceived by false teachers. This prayer and penance is done with joy by all the true sons of freedom. May we always be cheerful givers to the Lord and thus be found worthy to be called children rather than slaves.

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