"Beltane, or May Day is the fertility festival marking the beginning of summer. People often decorate their neighbor's doorsteps with fresh flowers (hence the tradition of May Day Baskets), enjoy picnics with their families, and dance around a maypole to insure fertility for the coming year.
This represents the Goddess in ascendancy as the Mother, and the death of the God after the conception of the Divine Child."
Beltane Eve ( WALPURGISNATCH ) is often celebrated with a festival that includes bonfires and fertility rites and is the greatest Witches Sabbat. animal and human sacrifice will take place within thousands of Satanic covens around the world on both days.
Goddess ascendancy, the death of the God and the Divine conception harken back to ancient Egyptian religion regarding Isis, Osirus & Horus.
Also, Mother / Goddess Earth was honored by the UN last week on MOTHER EARTH DAY.
Third Order of St. Francis - St. Joseph of Cupertino Fraternity - St. Peter of Alcantara Province. ``Where the Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be; even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church'' Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. A.D
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsLow Sunday1 May 2011 | ![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
“Crave as newborn babes pure spiritual milk.” (Today’s Introit: 1 Peter 2, 2)
We must constantly desire and seek nourishment for our souls. We often think it mature to make ourselves void of all spiritual desires. It is okay for women and children to pant after indulgences and spiritual gifts and pleasures, but we think it inappropriate for those of mature reason and intelligence. Today’s Introit suggests to us just the opposite, the greater our maturity, reason, and intelligence the greater should be our craving for pure spiritual milk.
Let us also note that it is pure spiritual milk – not just any spiritual milk. The religious anarchy that is rampant today gleefully promotes the idea that any spirituality is good. We are told things like: “all religions are good;” “we all believe in the same god;” “as long as you are sincere;” “visit the church of your choice;” etc. These are all lies. This mentality promotes spiritual milk but not a pure one. The spiritual milk that they are promoting is one that is sour and polluted.
The apostles and even Doubting Thomas were seeking pure spiritual milk. It did cause them (especially St. Thomas) some problems, but it was all for their benefit and ours. They had been fed pure spiritual milk from Jesus before His crucifixion, but they were not craving it at that time, so we read that the meaning of these things was “hidden from them.” Now, we see that they are all eager to see and to hear Jesus, but they are concerned that it be real and genuine. They do not wish to be deceived in any way. They did not even trust themselves. That is why St. Thomas desires not only to see and hear but to touch and feel our Lord and His wounds. It is their burning desire for the truth that has given us such certainty today.
Today however we see that most of those who call themselves followers of Christ are much less concerned with the true and pure spiritual milk. They have cast all discernment aside to accept whatever pleases their fancies. A rather cold indifference to Christ and the Word of God has pushed aside the desire for unadulterated truth. All truth has been reduced to theory and is placed into the “scientific” idea of relativity. Now there are no absolute truths but merely relative ones. Therefore, God who is Truth becomes relative also. We see in them that lukewarmness that Our Lord condemns and says He will vomit out of His mouth.
Those craving pure spirituality may make mistakes even as St. Thomas did, but ultimately those who are craving will find that which they are craving just as St. Thomas did. We are told to seek and we shall find, to knock and it will be opened to us, to ask and we shall receive. All of these things imply a craving or a burning desire.
In this cacophony of false and or polluted spirituality, we must be ever persistent in seeking the true Christ and His true Church. It is possible to be misguided or led astray for a time, but if we remain eager and craving we will reach the object of our desires. God cannot refuse one who loves Him with such love.
We must be constantly on our guard lest we become cold or even worse -- indifferent. We must not become satisfied with half-truths (which are whole lies) or pious prattle. The devils are all very good at creating false religions. It does not bother them that so many are Christian or Catholic in name only. They love creating sects and heresies. There is always something for the incautious to be hooked onto and drawn away into the snares of false religion and/or false spirituality.
The Church has always had to fight against many different false or polluted forms of spirituality. In the first days She had to defend Christ’s two natures in one Person. She continued in this same struggle with the Protestant revolt, and more recently with the indifferentism of Modernism. And while we still must resist all these past errors there are new ones that have risen in our own times with the Novus Ordo and the many “Traditionalists” sects who supposedly began with the purpose of holding on to the truth as the Novus Ordo threw it out. There seems to be any flavor of religion that one could want and yet more seem to be started every day. That is why we must truly crave pure spiritual milk and never be content with just the appearance of spiritual milk.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Revolting:’ Pro-Life Memorial Vandalized With Upside Down Crosses, Fake Blood
- Posted on April 26, 2011 at 12:32pm by
Jonathon M. Seidl
The Cemetery of the Innocents at Clarion University in Clarion, PA is supposed to commemorate the millions of babies lost to abortion. But last week, the quaint memorial with 350 wooden crosses resembled a satanic ritual scene after it was vandalized during the campus’s Life Week, which also happened to be Holy Week.
Students for Life of America (SLA) explains the vandalism:

“Vandalism of pro-life displays on campus is not uncommon, but this incident takes pro-choice vandalism on campus to a whole new level,” SLA Director Kristan Hawkins told “It is revolting to think that anyone would desecrate a display in this way, most especially with red paint to imitate blood. Clarion University must take a strong stand against this disgusting, intolerant, and hate-filled act.”
“Every year, Clarion SFL experiences some sort of vandalism – broken crosses or knocked over crosses – during their Life Week,” she added. “Members of Clarion’s Students for Life group see an anti-Life motivation to this vandalism, but also an anti-Christian motivation as well. The inverted cross has long been a symbol of anti-Christian and anti-religious sentiments.” tried to contact the university, but its request for comment has gone unanswered.
Students for Life of America (SLA) explains the vandalism:
In a breathtaking public display of anti-Christian and anti-Life motivations, 350 crosses were pulled up and re-inserted in inverted fashion, a well-known anti-Christian symbol. Additionally, red paint was splattered on crosses and signs. Even eerier was the mock bloody footprints of an infant painted in front of the display.If the description wasn’t chilling, the pictures provided by the group are:

“Vandalism of pro-life displays on campus is not uncommon, but this incident takes pro-choice vandalism on campus to a whole new level,” SLA Director Kristan Hawkins told “It is revolting to think that anyone would desecrate a display in this way, most especially with red paint to imitate blood. Clarion University must take a strong stand against this disgusting, intolerant, and hate-filled act.”
“Every year, Clarion SFL experiences some sort of vandalism – broken crosses or knocked over crosses – during their Life Week,” she added. “Members of Clarion’s Students for Life group see an anti-Life motivation to this vandalism, but also an anti-Christian motivation as well. The inverted cross has long been a symbol of anti-Christian and anti-religious sentiments.” tried to contact the university, but its request for comment has gone unanswered.
This weekend we were discussing the upcoming
"beatification" of JPII and I mentioned this picture and stated that before this happens, I think another "miracle" will take place and he will be "canonized". As my dear elderly friend always says: "there are NO saints in hell!"
In any event, the false church will have its first false pope as a false saint.
How can Our Lord hold back His hand on us?
"beatification" of JPII and I mentioned this picture and stated that before this happens, I think another "miracle" will take place and he will be "canonized". As my dear elderly friend always says: "there are NO saints in hell!"
In any event, the false church will have its first false pope as a false saint.
How can Our Lord hold back His hand on us?
Monday, April 25, 2011
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsEaster Sunday24 April 2011 | ![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
It is a glorious day for all who truly love God. Those who love Jesus have followed Him to the Cross and from the Cross to the Sepulcher, and now today, from the Sepulcher to eternal Life.
There is no Resurrection without a prior death. We have died with Christ when we were baptized or when we put off the old man (the ways of sin) and became a new creature in Christ. We have followed our Lord’s injunction to take up our cross and follow Him. In denying ourselves we have died to ourselves, therefore it is just and fitting that we should rise forth in a new life with Jesus.
It is true that Jesus has risen from the dead and that we too will rise from the dead one day. Our resurrection will be glorious if we have truly died to ourselves and this world. If we have failed to die to ourselves and this world but have only suffered a physical death then our resurrection will be a most terrible and miserable one, because we will have risen to eternal damnation.
Today we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and in this celebration we strive to follow Him. We hope that in His mercy He will give us the grace to die with Him so that we may rise with Him. It is not enough for us to just believe in Him; we must follow Him; we must pattern our lives on His.
Too many today will celebrate the Resurrection, but will have nothing of the suffering. They desire to follow Christ in His glory but will have nothing to do with Him in His suffering. They will go to church on this Sunday but the rest of the week, or even month or year they will spend in a hedonistic forgetfulness of God. They seek physical and material pleasures at the expense of the spiritual ones. This celebration is then a fake and a fraud. Such as live in this manner are not true Christians.
Only those who have spent the season of Lent and most importantly the last few days with Jesus can truly rejoice and benefit from today’s feast.
Those who have born this sorrow of Christ’s suffering, at least in their hearts, now run forth with joyful exhilaration like the women as they go to tell Peter and the other Apostles what has taken place. There are no words to truly express the sentiments of these hearts that love Jesus this way.
As Lazarus suffered in this world so was he rewarded in Heaven, and the rich man suffered so much the more because of all the pleasures that he enjoyed in this world. The same applies to all of us. If we will not suffer now for the love of God as Lazarus did, then we will surely suffer in Hell as the rich man does. Recall that the rich man begged Abraham to allow Lazarus to go back and warn the rich man’s family so that they might avoid his punishment. Abraham tells him that his family has the revelations of Moses and the Prophets and if they will not listen to them then they will not listen to one who returns from the dead.
We too have Moses and the Prophets and in addition Jesus has returned from the dead. If the rich man’s family had no excuse for not correcting their lives, then those today who live as they did will have much less of an excuse. Perhaps even worse will be those who will use the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection to be even more offensive to God.
Let us not break our Lenten fasts with overindulgence and excesses just because it is truly a time for celebration. The whole purpose of the celebration and its joy will be completely lost if we use the opportunity only to offend God. The Modernist Materialism is all around us. It is not wrong to take moderate enjoyment from these worldly things, but is necessary that we sanctify these things at least by seeing and associating the symbolism of these things with Christ. The passing of winter has brought out the little bunnies from their holes in the ground which suggest to us Christ’s rising from the tomb. The little chicks must break forth from their egg shells and represent to us the Resurrection. The candy and sweets all suggest to the goodness and sweetness of Heaven and all of God’s gifts to u,. etc.
In this time of joy let us sanctify ourselves and the season by looking for God in everything around us. Let us see His goodness in our joys and sorrows; in our pleasures and in our pains. Let us do all for the love of Jesus and in this manner our Easter joy will be just as beneficial to us as our Lenten sacrifices and mortifications.
This is my favorite Gospel!
[13] And behold, two of them went, the same day, to a town which was sixty furlongs from Jerusalem, named Emmaus. [14] And they talked together of all these things which had happened. [15] And it came to pass, that while they talked and reasoned with themselves, Jesus himself also drawing near, went with them.
[16] But their eyes were held, that they should not know him. [17] And he said to them: What are these discourses that you hold one with another as you walk, and are sad? [18] And the one of them, whose name was Cleophas, answering, said to him: Art thou only a stranger to Jerusalem, and hast not known the things that have been done there in these days? [19][20] And how our chief priests and princes delivered him to be condemned to death, and crucified him. To whom he said: What things? And they said: Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet, mighty in work and word before God and all the people;
[21] But we hoped, that it was he that should have redeemed Israel: and now besides all this, today is the third day since these things were done. [22] Yea and certain women also of our company affrighted us, who before it was light, were at the sepulchre, [23] And not finding his body, came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, who say that he is alive. [24] And some of our people went to the sepulchre, and found it so as the women had said, but him they found not. [25] Then he said to them: O foolish, and slow of heart to believe in all things which the prophets have spoken.
[26] Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to enter into his glory? [27] And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the scriptures, the things that were concerning him. [28] And they drew nigh to the town, whither they were going: and he made as though he would go farther. [29] But they constrained him; saying: Stay with us, because it is towards evening, and the day is now far spent. And he went in with them. [30] And it came to pass, whilst he was at table with them, he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them.
[31] And their eyes were opened, and they knew him: and he vanished out of their sight. [32] And they said one to the other: Was not our heart burning within us, whilst he spoke in this way, and opened to us the scriptures? [33] And rising up, the same hour, they went back to Jerusalem: and they found the eleven gathered together, and those that were staying with them, [34] Saying: The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. [35] And they told what things were done in the way; and how they knew him in the breaking of the bread.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Today a great silence reigns on earth, a great silence and a great stillness. A great silence because the King is asleep. The earth trembled and is still because God has fallen asleep in the flesh and he has raised up all who have slept ever since the world began... ..He has gone to search for Adam, our first father, as for a lost sheep. Greatly desiring to visit those who live in darkness and in the shadow of death, he has gone to free from sorrow Adam in his bonds and Eve, captive with him -- He who is both their God and the son of Eve.. "I am your God, who for your sake have become your son... ...I order you, O sleeper, to awake. I did not create you to be a prisoner in hell. Rise from the dead, for I am the life of the dead." [Ancient Homily for Holy Saturday: PG 43, 440A, 452C; LH, Holy Saturday, OR]
Friday, April 22, 2011

[6] But the chief priests having taken the pieces of silver, said: It is not lawful to put them into the corbona, because it is the price of blood. [7] And after they had consulted together, they bought with them the potter's field, to be a burying place for strangers. [8] For this cause the field was called Haceldama, that is, The field of blood, even to this day. [9] Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremias the prophet, saying: And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was prized, whom they prized of the children of Israel. [10] And they gave them unto the potter's field, as the Lord appointed to me.
[11] And Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, saying: Art thou the king of the Jews? Jesus saith to him: Thou sayest it. [12] And when he was accused by the chief priests and ancients, he answered nothing. [13] Then Pilate saith to him: Dost not thou hear how great testimonies they allege against thee? [14] And he answered him to never a word; so that the governor wondered exceedingly. [15] Now upon the solemn day the governor was accustomed to release to the people one prisoner, whom they would.
[16] And he had then a notorious prisoner, that was called Barabbas. [17] They therefore being gathered together, Pilate said: Whom will you that I release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus that is called Christ? [18] For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. [19] And as he was sitting in the place of judgment, his wife sent to him, saying: Have thou nothing to do with that just man; for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. [20] But the chief priests and ancients persuaded the people, that they should ask for Barabbas, and take Jesus away.
[21] And the governor answering, said to them: Whether will you of the two to be released unto you? But they said, Barabbas. [22] Pilate saith to them: What shall I do then with Jesus that is called Christ? They say all: Let him be crucified. [23] The governor said to them: Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying: Let him be crucified. [24] And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it. [25] And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.
[26] Then he released to them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him unto them to be crucified. [27] Then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the hall, gathered together unto him the whole band; [28] And stripping him, they put a scarlet cloak about him. [29] And platting a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand. And bowing the knee before him, they mocked him, saying: Hail, king of the Jews. [30] And spitting upon him, they took the reed, and struck his head.
[31] And after they had mocked him, they took off the cloak from him, and put on him his own garments, and led him away to crucify him. [32] And going out, they found a man of Cyrene, named Simon: him they forced to take up his cross. [33] And they came to the place that is called Golgotha, which is the place of Calvary. [34] And they gave him wine to drink mingled with gall. And when he had tasted, he would not drink. [35] And after they had crucified him, they divided his garments, casting lots; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: They divided my garments among them; and upon my vesture they cast lots.
[36] And they sat and watched him. [37] And they put over his head his cause written: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. [38] Then were crucified with him two thieves: one on the right hand, and one on the left. [39] And they that passed by, blasphemed him, wagging their heads, [40] And saying: Vah, thou that destroyest the temple of God, and in three days dost rebuild it: save thy own self: if thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
[41] In like manner also the chief priests, with the scribes and ancients, mocking, said: [42] He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the king of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. [43] He trusted in God; let him now deliver him if he will have him; for he said: I am the Son of God. [44] And the selfsame thing the thieves also, that were crucified with him, reproached him with. [45] Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole earth, until the ninth hour.
[46] And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying: Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? [47] And some that stood there and heard, said: This man calleth Elias. [48] And immediately one of them running took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar; and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. [49] And the others said: Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to deliver him. [50] And Jesus again crying with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Dear Friends,
A Special Edition of the Catholic Faith Radio Program will take place tomorrow, April 22 from 4 - 6 p.m. (Central Time) on KRFE AM 580, Lubbock, TX.
As you must know, tomorrow is Good Friday. Therefore, I will be reading the Passion according to St. John, saying the Stations of the Cross, and as time allows, be reading comments about the Seven Last Words.
No calls will be taken and no conversation will take place. It simply will be two solemn hours of reading, praying and singing.
I hope you will be able to join us.
May God bless you,
Fr. Joseph, OFM
Thursday, April 21, 2011
More Bogus Ordo Tomfoolery - THIS is what the phony church will be doing on Good Friday at 2:15-3:00 instead of the Stations of the Cross and true repentance and sorrow for our sins!!!!
Pope to answer questions on Good Friday TV show
By David Kerr
Vatican City, Apr 20, 2011 / 03:29 pm (CNA).- Pope Benedict XVI will make papal broadcasting history on April 22 when he takes part in a televised question and answer session. The pre-recorded program, entitled “In His Image – A Good Friday Special,” will be broadcast on the Italian station RAI Uno.
Out of all the queries submitted from around the world, several people have been selected to ask the Pope a question. Among them is a Muslim mother from the conflict-torn Ivory Coast in west Africa who wants to know more about Jesus as a teacher of peace. There’s also a question from seven Christian students from Baghdad, Iraq.
The RAI program website says viewers will also hear “questions from an Italian mother whose son was in a coma for many years and a young Japanese girl who wrote to ask the Pope to explain the cause of the recent earthquake in that country.”
The television special is set to begin at 2:10 p.m. Rome time, so that it is playing at 3:00 p.m., when Jesus is traditionally believed to have taken his last breath.
The host of the show, Rosario Carello, says he hopes the program will remind viewers of the significance of the day. “This sentiment has been lost,” he said, suggesting that for most television stations Good Friday has become “a day like any other for all the channels, there are even quarrels, idle gossip and things like that.”
The situation led Carello's production team to come up with the idea of reviving a previous program format where viewers could ask questions about Jesus. And who better to answer those questions, they thought, than the Pope himself.
Carello says that the idea initially seemed “crazy” but they saw “something in Pope Benedict's style that caused them to at least propose this idea to him.” And so, “We proposed it and the Pope accepted.” He describes the opportunity to see and hear Pope Benedict through the program as “extraordinary.”
This is true love:
EXCLUSIVE: Young mother with cancer sacrifices life for unborn child

Jessica and Clint Council with their son.
April 20, 2011 ( – In August of last year Jessica Council – a beautiful, 30-year-old mother of one – noticed that she had a sore throat. At around the same time, she also began to suspect that she was pregnant.
When after two weeks the sore throat had not gone away, Jessica decided to have it checked out. Her doctor told her that it was probably a thyroid goiter, and ultimately nothing to be too concerned about. Just to be sure, however, he had a test done, which he said confirmed his initial suspicions. Everything would be ok, he said.
But everything was not ok. The doctor had misread the test.
Around November 15th, Jessica began having trouble breathing. On November 21st she landed in the emergency room. Then, on November 22nd, her throat closed up so tightly that she could not breathe, at which point doctors managed to insert a tube down her throat, and put her on a ventilator.
The following day, November 23rd, Jessica was informed that she had cancer. By then, she also knew for certain that she was with child.
Thus began a journey that would put the faith and pro-life convictions of Jessica and her husband, Clint, to the ultimate test.
“It was worth every day”
Jessica and Clint met at Greenville College School. In a lengthy interview with, Clint said that he had spotted the gorgeous redhead sitting one day in the university dining hall, and asked if he could join her. She refused. But Clint didn’t give up.
(Read the complete interview with Clint here)
In fact, it took Clint a year and a half of pestering before Jessica agreed to go on a date; the couple married two and a half years after that. “I guess when you know you know,” he said. “I had to work really hard for her, but it was worth every day.”
The pair moved to Traveler’s Rest, South Carolina, where they had a son and worked at a Christian charity as youth mentors. Life was good: they were young, in love, healthy, and enjoying life.
Clint points out that his wife always took meticulous care of herself. “She’s always been extremely, extremely healthy,” he said. “Watched what she ate very carefully. Tried to honor God with her body. Exercised regularly.”
For this reason, the last thing either of them expected was the cancer that struck last August.
No more options
Clint describes his wife’s reaction to the news of the cancer in her throat as “a mixture of fear and surprise.” As for himself, he says he felt “just every emotion you can think of … except for joy. I was a basket case.”
But, of course, Jessica wasn’t the only one threatened by the cancer: she was pregnant, and any treatments she underwent would almost certainly harm, and possibly even kill her unborn child.
On November 25th, the hospital’s OB/GYN offered the couple an abortion. Clint says Jessica never hesitated. “That was never an option,” he said. “That is black and white.”
But what was less black and white was whether or not to accept treatments: while the oncologist said chemotherapy would likely kill the baby, the OB/GYN disagreed, saying the baby would probably survive, but suffer brain damage.
“Jessica looked at me, and it took her a few seconds,” says Clint, “and she shook her head ‘no.’” She also refused radiation therapy because of its similar risks.
“We really didn’t have a lot of treatment options after that,” said Clint, pointing out that surgery was never an option because of where the cancer was.
“She did not wake up”
The treatment question came up again when the baby reached the third trimester. At that point, says Clint, the decision was much more difficult, with the doctors claiming that the risks were minimal because the baby was almost fully developed.
However, Jessica still refused the treatments for the sake of her unborn child – a decision that Clint says left her doctors “very confused.”
Clint confides that neither he nor his wife felt doctors were being completely straightforward about the risks. But he also says that his wife had another reason for refusing the treatments.
“She knew she was going to die anyway,” he says. “She didn’t share that with me until almost when she died. ... But I think she knew, and she was thinking she was going to give this baby every chance she could.”
Although the couple found some success with alternative methods to stem the cancer’s growth, including a strict diet of organic vegetable juices and supplements, without more aggressive treatments it was only a matter of time before the cancer got the upper hand.
A 23-week miracle
On the night of February 5, Jessica went to sleep with a headache and nausea. “She did not wake up,” says Clint.
The following day the hospital declared Jessica brain dead, and Clint gave the doctors the go-ahead to deliver by C-section. On February 6, little “Jessi” was born, weighing only 1 lb 3 oz.
Doctors had thought that Jessica was 25 weeks pregnant, but after they delivered the baby they realized that she was likely only about 23 and a half weeks along – the absolute threshold of viability.
“I can only testify to God’s grace on that, because Jessica died right when the baby was viable for life outside the womb,” says Clint. Doctors say baby Jessi is doing well.
“Emotionally brutal”
Clint describes the whole experience as “emotionally brutal,” and admits that despite his firm Christian and pro-life convictions, it was the farthest thing from easy to take the path that he and his wife did.
“Yes, I did struggle,” he says, “because in the Bible the one person that we’re commanded to love more than myself, this was her. I did struggle.”
“Sometimes it’s easier to be selfless as far as whatever happens to you,” he points out, “but when it comes down to losing the one you love more than anything else, it’s very difficult.”
It was also difficult for their two-and-a-half-year-old son. Clint recounts that after Jessica went into the hospital, his son was unable to see her for about a month, and during that time he wouldn’t even look at or speak to his father. But after he got to visit his mother, “he started doing better,” says Clint.
After Jessica’s death the boy suffered a period of acute “separation anxiety,” although his father says he has begun to adjust.
As for Clint himself, barely two months after his wife’s death, he says that he is operating on autopilot, staying busy with work and caring for his two children.
At this point he pauses. “I’m going to be very open,” he says, remarking that he wants to do whatever he can to help others who might be in a similar situation. “For about the first month, I could not - and I mean that as in a literal inability - I could not read my Bible, I could not pray.”
He describes the feeling as akin to that of a child being disciplined by a parent: “Even though I knew cognitively that the relationship was there, I knew [God] loved me, I accepted all these things from a mental standpoint. I felt nothing, spiritually.
“And it’s not about the feelings, but the delight in God was completely gone for about a month. I was functioning solely on what I knew to be true from a mental standpoint.”
Now, however, he says he has moved beyond that first stage, and has begun to pray again, including for other people.
Nevertheless, he says there will probably come a time when he will have to drop everything, and properly mourn the loss of his wife.
“God be praised”
Even though the weariness and the suffering is palpable in Clint’s voice, in speaking to him one detects something else as well – a deep resignation born not of despair, but of an authentic, rooted faith that accepts that this suffering was ultimately meaningful, and that there are worse tragedies even than death.
In a note penned less than two weeks after Jessica’s death, and posted to a blog about her struggle with cancer, Clint wrote the last words many would expect to hear from a man who has just lost a young wife whom he dearly loved.
“God is to be praised, my Friends,” he said. “Do not doubt God; do not be angry with Him for me.
“I am privileged to have had a Wife who was so full of the love of the Father. Rejoice with me, Brothers and Sisters. God has blessed Jessica in taking her to place of perfect peace and no pain. I must be thankful for the time that I had with her rather than ungrateful for all the things we never got to do together. We must give thanks in all things for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ.
“Grace and Peace to all.”
When after two weeks the sore throat had not gone away, Jessica decided to have it checked out. Her doctor told her that it was probably a thyroid goiter, and ultimately nothing to be too concerned about. Just to be sure, however, he had a test done, which he said confirmed his initial suspicions. Everything would be ok, he said.
But everything was not ok. The doctor had misread the test.
Around November 15th, Jessica began having trouble breathing. On November 21st she landed in the emergency room. Then, on November 22nd, her throat closed up so tightly that she could not breathe, at which point doctors managed to insert a tube down her throat, and put her on a ventilator.
The following day, November 23rd, Jessica was informed that she had cancer. By then, she also knew for certain that she was with child.
Thus began a journey that would put the faith and pro-life convictions of Jessica and her husband, Clint, to the ultimate test.
“It was worth every day”
Jessica and Clint met at Greenville College School. In a lengthy interview with, Clint said that he had spotted the gorgeous redhead sitting one day in the university dining hall, and asked if he could join her. She refused. But Clint didn’t give up.
(Read the complete interview with Clint here)
In fact, it took Clint a year and a half of pestering before Jessica agreed to go on a date; the couple married two and a half years after that. “I guess when you know you know,” he said. “I had to work really hard for her, but it was worth every day.”
The pair moved to Traveler’s Rest, South Carolina, where they had a son and worked at a Christian charity as youth mentors. Life was good: they were young, in love, healthy, and enjoying life.
Clint points out that his wife always took meticulous care of herself. “She’s always been extremely, extremely healthy,” he said. “Watched what she ate very carefully. Tried to honor God with her body. Exercised regularly.”
For this reason, the last thing either of them expected was the cancer that struck last August.
No more options

Jessica Council
But, of course, Jessica wasn’t the only one threatened by the cancer: she was pregnant, and any treatments she underwent would almost certainly harm, and possibly even kill her unborn child.
On November 25th, the hospital’s OB/GYN offered the couple an abortion. Clint says Jessica never hesitated. “That was never an option,” he said. “That is black and white.”
But what was less black and white was whether or not to accept treatments: while the oncologist said chemotherapy would likely kill the baby, the OB/GYN disagreed, saying the baby would probably survive, but suffer brain damage.
“Jessica looked at me, and it took her a few seconds,” says Clint, “and she shook her head ‘no.’” She also refused radiation therapy because of its similar risks.
“We really didn’t have a lot of treatment options after that,” said Clint, pointing out that surgery was never an option because of where the cancer was.
“She did not wake up”
The treatment question came up again when the baby reached the third trimester. At that point, says Clint, the decision was much more difficult, with the doctors claiming that the risks were minimal because the baby was almost fully developed.
However, Jessica still refused the treatments for the sake of her unborn child – a decision that Clint says left her doctors “very confused.”
Clint confides that neither he nor his wife felt doctors were being completely straightforward about the risks. But he also says that his wife had another reason for refusing the treatments.
“She knew she was going to die anyway,” he says. “She didn’t share that with me until almost when she died. ... But I think she knew, and she was thinking she was going to give this baby every chance she could.”
Although the couple found some success with alternative methods to stem the cancer’s growth, including a strict diet of organic vegetable juices and supplements, without more aggressive treatments it was only a matter of time before the cancer got the upper hand.
A 23-week miracle
On the night of February 5, Jessica went to sleep with a headache and nausea. “She did not wake up,” says Clint.
The following day the hospital declared Jessica brain dead, and Clint gave the doctors the go-ahead to deliver by C-section. On February 6, little “Jessi” was born, weighing only 1 lb 3 oz.
Doctors had thought that Jessica was 25 weeks pregnant, but after they delivered the baby they realized that she was likely only about 23 and a half weeks along – the absolute threshold of viability.
“I can only testify to God’s grace on that, because Jessica died right when the baby was viable for life outside the womb,” says Clint. Doctors say baby Jessi is doing well.
“Emotionally brutal”
Clint describes the whole experience as “emotionally brutal,” and admits that despite his firm Christian and pro-life convictions, it was the farthest thing from easy to take the path that he and his wife did.
“Yes, I did struggle,” he says, “because in the Bible the one person that we’re commanded to love more than myself, this was her. I did struggle.”
“Sometimes it’s easier to be selfless as far as whatever happens to you,” he points out, “but when it comes down to losing the one you love more than anything else, it’s very difficult.”
It was also difficult for their two-and-a-half-year-old son. Clint recounts that after Jessica went into the hospital, his son was unable to see her for about a month, and during that time he wouldn’t even look at or speak to his father. But after he got to visit his mother, “he started doing better,” says Clint.
After Jessica’s death the boy suffered a period of acute “separation anxiety,” although his father says he has begun to adjust.
As for Clint himself, barely two months after his wife’s death, he says that he is operating on autopilot, staying busy with work and caring for his two children.
At this point he pauses. “I’m going to be very open,” he says, remarking that he wants to do whatever he can to help others who might be in a similar situation. “For about the first month, I could not - and I mean that as in a literal inability - I could not read my Bible, I could not pray.”
He describes the feeling as akin to that of a child being disciplined by a parent: “Even though I knew cognitively that the relationship was there, I knew [God] loved me, I accepted all these things from a mental standpoint. I felt nothing, spiritually.
“And it’s not about the feelings, but the delight in God was completely gone for about a month. I was functioning solely on what I knew to be true from a mental standpoint.”
Now, however, he says he has moved beyond that first stage, and has begun to pray again, including for other people.
Nevertheless, he says there will probably come a time when he will have to drop everything, and properly mourn the loss of his wife.
“God be praised”
Even though the weariness and the suffering is palpable in Clint’s voice, in speaking to him one detects something else as well – a deep resignation born not of despair, but of an authentic, rooted faith that accepts that this suffering was ultimately meaningful, and that there are worse tragedies even than death.
In a note penned less than two weeks after Jessica’s death, and posted to a blog about her struggle with cancer, Clint wrote the last words many would expect to hear from a man who has just lost a young wife whom he dearly loved.
“God is to be praised, my Friends,” he said. “Do not doubt God; do not be angry with Him for me.
“I am privileged to have had a Wife who was so full of the love of the Father. Rejoice with me, Brothers and Sisters. God has blessed Jessica in taking her to place of perfect peace and no pain. I must be thankful for the time that I had with her rather than ungrateful for all the things we never got to do together. We must give thanks in all things for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ.
“Grace and Peace to all.”
Perfect for Holy Thursday - Institution of the Sacraments of Holy Order and Holy Eucharist
HAD you the purity of an angel and the sanctity of St. John the Baptist, you would not be worthy to receive or administer this Sacrament. It is not because of any human meriting that a man consecrates and administers the Sacrament of Christ, and receives the Bread of Angels for his food. Great is the Mystery and great the dignity of priests to whom is given that which has not been granted the angels. For priests alone, rightly ordained in the Church, have power to celebrate Mass and consecrate the Body of Christ.
The priest, indeed, is the minister of God, using the word of God according to His command and appointment. God, moreover, is there -- the chief Author and invisible Worker to Whom all is subject as He wills, to Whom all are obedient as He commands.
In this most excellent Sacrament, therefore, you ought to believe in God rather than in your own senses or in any visible sign, and thus, with fear and reverence draw near to such a work as this. Look to yourself and see whose ministry has been given you through the imposition of the bishop's hands.
Behold, you have been made a priest, consecrated to celebrate Mass! See to it now that you offer sacrifice to God faithfully and devoutly at proper times, and that you conduct yourself blamelessly. You have not made your burden lighter. Instead, you are now bound by stricter discipline and held to more perfect sanctity.
A priest ought to be adorned with all virtues and show the example of a good life to others. His way lies not among the vulgar and common habits of men but with the angels in heaven and the perfect men on earth. A priest clad in the sacred vestments acts in Christ's place, that he may pray to God both for himself and for all people in a suppliant and humble manner. He has before and behind him the sign of the Lord's cross that he may always remember the Passion of Christ. It is before him, on the chasuble, that he may look closely upon the footsteps of Christ and try to follow them fervently. It is behind him -- he is signed with it -- that he may gladly suffer for God any adversities inflicted by others.
He wears the cross before him that he may mourn his own sins, behind him, that in pity he may mourn the sins of others, and know that he is appointed to stand between God and the sinner, never to become weary of prayer and the holy offering until it is granted him to obtain grace and mercy.
When the priest celebrates Mass, he honors God, gladdens the angels, strengthens the Church, helps the living, brings rest to the departed, and wins for himself a share in all good things.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Legendary Saints Were Real, Buried Alive, Study Hints
Bones of a Roman couple—killed for being Christian—may have been identified.
Ker Than
Published April 15, 2011
The skeletons of two married, early-Christian saints—said to have been buried alive nearly 2,000 years ago—may have been identified in Italy, scientists announced Thursday.
Analysis of the skeletons—sealed off for centuries in an Italian cathedral until recently—seems to support the legend of Chrysanthus and Daria, who are said to have been persecuted in the city of Rome for being Christians.
According to ancient stories, the Roman Empire killed the celibate Roman husband and wife in the third century A.D., after they had converted many Romans to the fledgling religion.
Though there's no way to identify the skeletons with 100 percent certainty, "all of the evidence we have gathered points toward the relics having belonged to Chrysanthus and Daria," investigation leader Ezio Fulcheri, a paleopathologist at Italy's University of Genoa, said in a statement.
O Victorious Lady, Thou who hast ever such powerful influence with Thy Divine Son
in conquering the hardest of hearts, intercede for those for whom we pray,
that being softened by the rays of Divine Grace, they may return to the unity
of the True Faith, through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Our Lady of Victory, pray for us (x3)
O Victorious Lady, Thou who hast ever such powerful influence with Thy Divine Son
in conquering the hardest of hearts, intercede for those for whom we pray,
that being softened by the rays of Divine Grace, they may return to the unity
of the True Faith, through Christ Our Lord. Amen
Our Lady of Victory, pray for us (x3)
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsPalm Sunday17 April 2011 | ![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
Our Lord has come for both the Israelite and the Gentile. Both the ass that was tethered and her colt that had never been ridden before were taken for Jesus to use. The one and the other represent to us the Israelites who were bound by the law and the Gentiles who were free from the law.
In both cases it is the Apostles that Jesus sent to free the one and bring them both to Him. It does not matter whether we consider the one bound by the Mosaic Law or bound in sin. Both the sinner who is bound in sin and the just man come to Jesus through the Apostles. Whatever state we find ourselves in – the only way to Jesus is through His Apostles. Without the Apostles there is no Church and there are no Sacraments or Sacrifice.
It is upon the backs of sinners and the just that Jesus is taken into the city. All of mankind has brought Jesus to this city where He is to suffer and die. On this day though, it is with great joy and celebration. Jesus is welcomed as the King. There is cause for us all to rejoice as our salvation is at hand. But, there is reason to weep also because we have set in motion by our sins the very necessity of Jesus’ death upon the cross.
The liturgy for this week brings before our eyes very vividly the events leading up to the Crucifixion. Just as the people turned out in Jerusalem for these days so should we make ourselves present, as much as possible, for the Lenten ceremonies that will take place this week. Let us follow Jesus spiritually through this most emotionally wrenching few days, in the hopes that we will increase our love for Him and bravely take up our daily cross to follow Him in this love.
All too often our love for God is as fleeting as we see in these people of Jerusalem. Today we acclaim our undying love welcoming Him as our King and then a little while later we cry out for His blood by our sins. How fickle we truly are. We should be begging God for the grace to persevere in the love of Him.
Now in the midst of the joy and celebration of welcoming our King we should be preparing ourselves with greater acts of penance and mortifications. We should be renewing our acts of: Faith, Hope, Love, and Contrition. We need to impress upon our hearts and minds a most vivid and indelible image of Jesus and what it has cost Him to save us from our sins. He came to us when we had no means of helping ourselves or even of hoping for the assistance of anyone. We were completely lost and in His mercy and love He picked us up and placed our sins upon His own shoulders.
It is not enough to have a crucifix hanging on our walls or hidden away in a pocket or a dresser drawer, we must have this image seared into our hearts and minds so that it may never leave there. God thinks of us all the time. He has thought of us from all of eternity. Jesus came to this earth with the thought of us; He went into Jerusalem to suffer and die with the thought of us in His mind. He gave everything for us. He lived and died for us. Considering all this, it is not too much to ask us to always think of Him. It is not too much to ask us to do all for the greater honor and glory of God. It is not too much to ask us to love Him with our whole being. Our reason tells us that we owe at least this much to Him and even much more than we could ever hope to be able to offer Him.
As we take our blessed palms in hand today and recount Our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, let us also recount with our Holy Mother the Church the terrible Passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The joy and the sadness go hand in hand. Love has its joy then comes the sacrifice and suffering only to be rewarded later on with greater joy and happiness. This was the path taken by Jesus and this is the path He invites us to take with Him. Let us stir up our love for Him today so that we may not shy away tomorrow when there is sadness, pain and suffering to be endured. If we can persevere in this love through all the sufferings with Christ in our daily lives then we will find an eternal happiness with Him in Heaven.
The Audio Sermon Link For Palm Sunday
Fr. Bonaventure Strandt, OFM
Palm Sunday 2011
Fr. Bonaventure Strandt, OFM
Palm Sunday 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Advice from St. Alphonsus Ligouri:
All the saints cherished a tender devotion towards Jesus Christ in
his Passion; this is the only means by which they sanctified
themselves. Father Balthasar Alvarez, as we read in his life, used to
say that one should not think of having done anything so long as one
has not succeeded in constantly keeping in one's heart Jesus
crucified. His method of prayer consisted in placing himself at the
feet of Jesus crucified, by meditating especially on his poverty, his
humiliations, sorrows, and by listening to the lesson that our Lord
made him hear from the height of the cross. You may also hope to
sanctify yourself if you continue in like manner to consider what
your divine Redeemer has done and suffered for you.
Ask him, without ceasing, to give you his love; and this grace you
should never weary to ask from your Queen, the Blessed Virgin, who is
called the Mother of beautiful love. And when you ask this great gift
for yourself, ask it also for me, who have desired to contribute to
your sanctification in offering you this little work. I promise to do
the same thing for you in order that, one day, in paradise, we may
embrace each other in a holy charity, and may recognize each other as
devoted servants of our most amiable Saviour, finding ourselves united
there in the society of the elect to see forever, face to face, and
love for all eternity, Jesus, our Saviour and our love. Amen.
his Passion; this is the only means by which they sanctified
themselves. Father Balthasar Alvarez, as we read in his life, used to
say that one should not think of having done anything so long as one
has not succeeded in constantly keeping in one's heart Jesus
crucified. His method of prayer consisted in placing himself at the
feet of Jesus crucified, by meditating especially on his poverty, his
humiliations, sorrows, and by listening to the lesson that our Lord
made him hear from the height of the cross. You may also hope to
sanctify yourself if you continue in like manner to consider what
your divine Redeemer has done and suffered for you.
Ask him, without ceasing, to give you his love; and this grace you
should never weary to ask from your Queen, the Blessed Virgin, who is
called the Mother of beautiful love. And when you ask this great gift
for yourself, ask it also for me, who have desired to contribute to
your sanctification in offering you this little work. I promise to do
the same thing for you in order that, one day, in paradise, we may
embrace each other in a holy charity, and may recognize each other as
devoted servants of our most amiable Saviour, finding ourselves united
there in the society of the elect to see forever, face to face, and
love for all eternity, Jesus, our Saviour and our love. Amen.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Minnesota Activists Reports 4th Abortion Emergency Transport in a Week
- Written by Operation Rescue
- Posted April 15, 2011 at 12:19 pm
Minneapolis, MN — Brian Gibson of Pro-Life Action Ministries in Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that an ambulance screamed into a Planned Parenthood parking lot there on April 14, 2011.
This is the fourth emergency transport from an abortion clinic witnessed by pro-life activists in the span of a week.
Click here to view video of an emergency transport on April 9, 2011, in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Click here to view video of two separate emergency transports in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on August 8, 2011.
Click here to view video of two separate emergency transports in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on August 8, 2011.
“These transports are troubling and show that abortion clinics in this country present a public health menace to women,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is all the more reason why abortion providers should not be funded with our tax dollars. We have never seen an abortion clinic that fully complies with the law, and that is why every abortion mill should be investigated and inspected. If that was done, nearly every abortion mill in the nation would close.”
Dear Sister Bridget,
I looked at the Third Order blog and am very impressed. Although some attention ought to be given to the world of wizardry (Satanic inspired civil machinations), the only true solution to world and local problems is a genuine return to the Roman Catholic faith. Without this, there can be no responsible form of government because Jesus Christ is the true Ruler of society. Only those who live and work under His banner - the CROSS - can be transformed and become Christ-like and capable of transforming society. It must all begin with the INDIVIDUAL. There no such thing as "collective sanctity" just as there is no such thing as "collective guilt". The former is the demonic design of the Modernist Church and the latter is the invention of that rabbinical sect known as "Judaism".
If anyone is serious about one's own salvation and the betterment of society, such a person must first begin cleaning his own house (soul). "Finger pointing" is probably the biggest cause for "rocking chair Christianity" - the rocking chair is man's invention to create the illusion of movement without getting any where.
With these words, I send my episcopal blessing to each and everyone participating in this form of apostolate, both those who labor to prepare it and those who have the grace to benefit from this, the "science of the saints".
Prayerfully in the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
+ Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM DD
I looked at the Third Order blog and am very impressed. Although some attention ought to be given to the world of wizardry (Satanic inspired civil machinations), the only true solution to world and local problems is a genuine return to the Roman Catholic faith. Without this, there can be no responsible form of government because Jesus Christ is the true Ruler of society. Only those who live and work under His banner - the CROSS - can be transformed and become Christ-like and capable of transforming society. It must all begin with the INDIVIDUAL. There no such thing as "collective sanctity" just as there is no such thing as "collective guilt". The former is the demonic design of the Modernist Church and the latter is the invention of that rabbinical sect known as "Judaism".
If anyone is serious about one's own salvation and the betterment of society, such a person must first begin cleaning his own house (soul). "Finger pointing" is probably the biggest cause for "rocking chair Christianity" - the rocking chair is man's invention to create the illusion of movement without getting any where.
With these words, I send my episcopal blessing to each and everyone participating in this form of apostolate, both those who labor to prepare it and those who have the grace to benefit from this, the "science of the saints".
Prayerfully in the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
+ Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM DD
Besides making a public renewal of profession on or around April 16, the anniversary of the profession of St. Francis, tertiaries should frequently renew their profession privately, for instance, on First Fridays, the anniversary of their own profession, at a retreat, on the feast of All Saints of the Three Orders (November 29) etc…
Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, one God in three persons, * I present myself before you * to give you thanks for all the blessings and mercies * you have bestowed on me with so much bounty * since the moment I came into the world. * I thank you in particular, O my God, * for having made me a member of the Third Order of your servant St. Francis. *
I confess that the yoke of the holy order is not heavy * that its obligations are not difficult * and that its blessings are many and great.* I embrace anew the holy rule of our glorious father St. Francis. * I ratify my profession and renew it with all my heart * promising again in the presence of your Divine majesty, * in honor of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, * of blessed Father Francis, * and of all the saints, * to observe all the time of my life * the commandments of God and the rule of the Third Order, * as also to fulfill the penance imposed on me by my superiors * for any transgressions against the rule.
O my God, with the assistance of your grace, * I will, from this day forth, * be more exact in the fulfillment of my duties as a tertiary. * Deign to bless this my resolution. * Kindle in my heart the fire of your love * that, glowing with the warmth of your charity, * I may be a true child of our seraphic father, * and never cease to serve and love you. Amen.
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