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Monday, October 17, 2016


Saint Teresa of Avila
“It is not so essential to think much as to love much.”

“It is certain that the love of God does not consist in experiencing sweetness or tenderness of heart but in truly serving God in Justice, strength and humility.”

“Look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for all.”

“So dearly does His Majesty love us that He will reward our love for our neighbor by increasing the love which we bear to Himself, and that in a thousand ways.”

“Let nothing disturb thee;
 Let nothing dismay thee;
 All thing pass;
 God never changes.
 Patience attains All that it strives for. 
He who has God 
Finds he lacks nothing:
God alone suffices.”

“Don’t trust too much to nuns: I can tell you that if they want anything, they will make you see it in a thousand different aspects. [She laughed at those who] think they are dispensed from choir one day because they have a pain in their head, and the next day because they have had one, and the third day in case they may get one.”

St. Teresa was one of Bishop Louis' favorite saints!  

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