Many years ago, I read in a booklet about the "Tuesdays with St. Therese" prayer. It's so simple and really isn't that what her "Little Way" was all about?
All you do is say 3 Hail Marys on Tuesday in her honor. I promise she will "gift" you during the day. Sometimes it's something little like a phone call from an old friend or finding something that you lost. But sometimes it's something really big and wonderful like a lost soul returning to the faith or a huge debt taken away from you. Also, beware that it can be something "devastating" but those were few and far between. The reason for the quotes around devastating is that those times were very hard but ended up being for the best.
So on this feast day of one of my favorite saints, I'd like to leave you with that - try it and you will see what a really wonderful, fun saint she is!!

Five years ago you did an article on her Tuesdays complete with a picture of her. I have printed that out and have said the prayer almost every day since. Thanks!