THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsCircumcision of Our Lord1 January 2012 | ![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
We begin this secular year celebrating the ritual when the official name of Jesus was given to Him. This was the name given by the angel even before He was conceived in the womb of His Blessed Virgin Mother.
It seems appropriate that at this time and always we should place the name of Jesus. St. Paul tells us “All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.” (Col. iii, 17)
St. John Chrysostom says: “If we do this, there will indeed be nothing of evil, nothing impure, in our invoking of the Sacred Name. If you eat, if you drink, should you marry, if you set out on a journey, do all in the Name of Jesus; that is, calling upon Him to help you. And having in all that you do invoked Him, then apply yourself to the thing in hand. Should you wish to speak concerning any business, do this beforehand. For this reason do we also place the name of the Lord at the head of all our epistles. Wherever there is the Lord’s name, everything will be well. For if the names of the consuls are affixed to documents, to insure that they are authentic, how much more the name of Jesus. … Do you eat? Offer thanks to God, both before you eat, and afterwards. Do you sleep? Give thanks to God, both before and after. Are you going out among people? Do the same; not some worldly thing. Do everything in the name of the Lord, and all that you do will bring you happiness. Wherever the Name of the Lord is set up, all things prosper. If it has power to drive away demons, if it can banish illness, much more will it aid your own actions.”
It is in this spirit that the Church and we Her children celebrate this new year. Our greatest desire is that everyone should on this day start anew in the name of Jesus Christ. Not only should we start in this Name, but we should also continue in this Name and ultimately conclude in this Name. Let us dedicate this year and the rest of our lives to Jesus. In this manner we will be living rightly as we fulfill the purpose of our very creation. The catechism tells us that we have been created to know, love, and serve Him in this world so that we may be happy with Him in the next.
With the name of Jesus at the start and end of our every action, we dedicate and offer all that we do for Him. We fulfill the command to serve Him. In our service we cannot help but see His goodness and perfections and in this manner are drawn to love Him more and more each day. The growth of this service and love commingles with the growth of our knowledge of God. As one of these aspects (know, love, serve) increase so do the others.
We find that phenomenal growth in all these areas are readily achieved by those who put into practice placing the Most Holy Name of Jesus upon all that they do. We have been created by God for God. It is only in living our lives while doing His will that we fulfill our purpose in being. Those who do not seek to do the will of God are not living as they were created to live. These poor souls find nothing in this life but, frustration, and emptiness. St. Augustine tells us in his “Confessions” that our hearts are forever restless until they rest in God. Those who live not for God are miserable now and will be so forever in eternity unless they turn away from their path of destructive disobedience.
Those who will follow the simple plan placed before us today by our Holy Mother the Church of placing the Name of Jesus upon all that they do, will find peace in their lives now but even more importantly they will find eternal happiness in heaven.
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