To make a friend better known is a distinct joy to us all. To have others realize how one stood by us when the shadows fell, how he nerved our hearts, when life's strain was hard, brings a ray of sunshine into our dullest day. Others must know my friend as I know him, and then they too will add their love to mine. This was the joy of John the Baptist that day when he stood by the Jordan's bank and pointed out his Friend.
So, too, it ought to be and must be with us and that same Friend, Christ Jesus. When our lives were robbed of sunshine, no friend was ever so near as He. When sorrow gripped our soul and the darkness of lowering storms came swift upon us. there never was a time when we stretched forth our hands in the dark and found Him not at our side, nor listened for His voice and heard it not in its answering. Then when the day dawned bright again and the clouds were hurried away, who sweetened our joys as He, who hallowed our pleasures as He?
Sweet then it ought to be to tell of all His love in the days gone by, sweet to tell of His kindly help and of His cheering voice. Others may not know Him as He has deigned to let us know Him, others may not have enjoyed the closeness of intimacy that has been ours - and shall we let our best of Friends remain unknown? It may be in His hidden Providence He is waiting for me to introduce Him to other souls. Shall I keep the Lord of all waiting for the introduction? Oh no! But rather I shall call the little ones around me and tell of the Friend that knows their little hearts and loves their tiny lives. I shall speak to older folk of the love that made a Bethlehem and then a Calvary, and made and still makes the God-Man find His home within the tabernacle. I shall tell of the burning flax He will not quench and the bruised reed He will not break, tell them one and all how weary hearts can gain their rest, where sun-lit lives may find new joy. Even when my lips are still, even when my voice is hushed, shall I yet speak of Him by my self-restraint and by my thoughtfulness for others, which I have learned by keeping company with Him. But loudest shall this voiceless story be as I kneel in lowly adoration before Him and never once do aught that would be rude while visiting such a Friend.
Jesus, Friend where others fail, Friend where others cannot help, would I could tell all men the story of Your gentle ways, and bring them, one and all, to love You in return. But that alas, were an idle wish. Yet some there are with whom I live my shortening days, some whom I have with me at home and some whom I shall meet in the busy ways of life. These at least will I teach the gladness of Your friendship, these few at least will I bring to know Your priceless love and all Your blessed gifts. Oh Jesus, help me to make You friend to all my friends.
"I could not do without Him!
Jesus is more to me
Than all the richest, fairest gift
Of earth could ever be.
But the more I find Him precious,
And the more I find Him true,
The more I long for you to find
What He can be to you."
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