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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Planned Parenthood mocks St. Philomena with “Pillamena, Birth Control Girl”

St. Philomena is a Catholic martyr, murdered on account of her faith, for refusing to marry a  Roman emperor. Read about her here. So it is only fitting that Planned Parenthood should mock this Catholic saint — martyred for protecting her virginity — with “Pillamena,” Birth Control Girl. Photo of Pillamena, left (or view it on Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page here.]
And regarding the possibility that Planned Parenthood just happened to give their walking birth control advertisement a similar name…  that’s naive. PP has never shied away from digs at the Catholic Church and Her unchanging rejection of contraception.


  1. The Living Rosary Association is a Novus Ordo organization. I used to be in it and even had a decade to say. We are not to be involved in it.

  2. While that is true, that would not be the point of this article.
    In our parish, we do our own living rosary. We have three 15 decade rosaries going daily for three different intentions. You do not have to belong to any bogus organizations to pray.
