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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The following summary of virtues is taken from St. Alphonsus'  book:  "True Spouse of Jesus Christ" which I read many years ago.  I found this summary so perfect that I took a copy of it and as usually happens with this type of stuff, it got filed in my papers and forgotten.  It was written for nuns in a convent but could easily apply to any Third Order member or any Catholic for that matter.  I'm going to post them a few at a time because they need to be read and deeply meditated upon for awhile.   So here they are:

1.  To desire always to advance in the love of Jesus Christ.  Holy desires are the wings with which souls fly to God.  Hence it is necessary to meditate frequently on the Passion of our Lord.  To make frequent acts of the love of Jesus Christ during the day, beginning as soon as you awake in the morning, and endeavoring to fall asleep making an act of love.  And always to ask of Jesus Christ his holy love.

2.  To go to Communion as often as possible, with the permission of your director.  And during the day to make several spiritual Communions, at least three.

3.  To visit the Most Holy Sacrament at least once in the day; and in the visit to ask perseverance and holy love, after the acts of faith, thanksgiving, and love.  And when you meet with troubles, losses, affronts, or any other cross, have recourse to the Blessed Sacrament, from the place in which you find yourself at the time.

4.  Every morning, at rising, to offer yourself to suffer in peace all the crosses that will happen during the day, and when they happen always to say:  Lord, Thy will be always done.

5.  To rejoice in the infinite happiness of God.  She that loves God more than herself ought to rejoice in his felicity more than in her own.

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