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Thursday, December 12, 2019

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Portiuncula (17th century), Pieter Thijs


Lord, when the journey of life is o'er,
And I lie on my bed of pain,
Oh, grant that my spirit a solace may find
In the sound of Thy blessed name.

And when the vision of earth grows dim,
And the darkness of death is nigh,
O Lord, wilt thou send an angel to me
With light from Thy home on high?

When closed are my ears to all earthly sounds,
And they hear not word nor prayer,
O Lord, wilt Thou open Thy Heart to me,
And give me a shelter there?

When wrenched at length are all earthly ties,
And I part from this body of sin,
Dear Lord,  when I knock at the heavenly gate,
Wilt Thou bid me enter in?

And when my trembling spirit shall stand
At the dreaded judgment-seat,
O Lord, wilt Thou let me bend to kiss
The wounds of Thy Sacred feet?

In honor of Brother Dominic Brueggmann, OFM


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