On this day the glorified Virgin entered heaven and crowned by her presence the holy
pleasures of its inhabitants. But what mind can conceive the glory with which the
arrival of the Queen of the world was celebrated by the brilliant heavenly hosts,
their advance to greet her, their chanting as they led her to the magnificent throne?
Who can fancy the tender gaze, the loving countenance, the divine caresses with which
she was received by her Son and placed over all created beings, honored as became
such a mother, with the glory that became such a Son? What lips can describe the
assumption of Mary? As upon earth she, before all others, received special grace, so
in heaven she, before all others, receives special glory. If eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to know the delights that God
has prepared for those that love Him, who shall say what is prepared for her who bore
Him and loved Him more than all! O blessed art thou, Mary! Most blessed wert thou,
when thou didst receive the Saviour; most blessed art thou, when the Saviour receives
We accompany thee, on this day, with our most ardent wishes to thy Son, O glorious
Virgin, Queen of heaven! and follow thee from afar, O happy Virgin! Give thy mildness
to the world, give of the grace thou hast found with God. Obtain by thy blessed
intercession, grace for the guilty, recovery for the sick, strength for the
faint-hearted, aid for those in peril! Dispense to us thy servants, who on this
glorious festival-day invoke thy sweetest name, O gentlest Queen, the grace of Jesus
Christ, thy Son, our Lord and God, to whom be glory forever. Amen.
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