RUSSIANS PULLOUT OF AUSTRIA, 1948 - After World War ll, the Allies turned
over Catholic Austria to communist Russia. For three years the Austrian
people endured this tyranny. Then, a Franciscan priest, Father Petrus,
remembered how the Christians although greatly outnumbered had defeated the
Turks at the Battle of Lepanto through the Rosary, and he launched a Rosary
crusade. Through it 70,000 people, one tenth of the Austrian population,
pledged to say the Rosary daily for the Soviets to leave their country.
Austria was valuable to the Russians because of its strategic location,
rich mineral deposits and oil reserves. Yet on May 13, 1955, the
anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, the Russians
signed the agreement to leave Austria, and they did so without one person
being killed and without one shot being fired. It is the only time that the
militant atheistic forces of Marxism have ever peacefully left a country in
which they held power. Military strategists and historians are baffled as
to why the Russians pulled out. But we are not - it was the power of the
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