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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Promises of Our Lord to Sister Mary Martha Chambon

Those who pray with humility and who meditate on My Passion, shall one day participate in the glory of My Divine wounds. Their members will receive from them a resplendent beauty and glory.
The more you shall have contemplated My Painful wounds on this earth, the higher shall be your contemplation of them glorious in Heaven.
The soul who during life has honored and studied the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ and has offered Them to the Eternal Father for the Souls in Purgatory will be accompanied at the moment of death by the Holy Virgin and the Angels; and Our Lord on the Cross, all brilliant in glory will receive her and crown her.
Life is short and death is sure; the hour of death remains obscure.
A soul you have, and only one; if that be lost all hope is gone.
Waste not your time, while time shall last; for after death 'tis ever past.
The all-seeing God your Judge will be, and Heaven or Hell your destiny.
All earthly things will fleet away, Eternity will ever stay.


  1. Will the Way of the Cross also help? I do this every day ever since Bishop Vezelis told me to do this during one of the radio programs that he was on!
