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Friday, March 7, 2014


Her Doctrine and Morals

First Sunday in Lent

7 March 2014


The Sunday


Dear Friend,
Today, we read that The Spirit led Our Lord into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Jesus had just been baptized by St. John and now He is going forth to be tempted. There is no disorder in Jesus, so the temptations were not to come from within Him as so often happen with us because of the passions caused by our fallen nature. All the temptations of Jesus had to come from outside of Himself. 

The devils do their damnedest to divide us from each other before they begin their assault. Our Lord went into the desert to allow these temptations for our instruction. Not everyone is called by Him to go into the desert to fight these demons. Most are instructed to learn from Our Lords temptations and how to avoid them, rather than seek them out. Only those inspired by God or the foolish seek out combat with evil spirits. Our best tactic is to avoid them. St. Augustine tells us that the demons are like chained dogs that cannot harm us as long as we do not enter into the realm of their chain. They may bark and snarl, but they can do no more, unless we draw near to them.
Seeing that Jesus went into the desert to be tempted, instructs us in the truth that the devils seek first to separate us from others who may help us to resist their temptations. For example the devil waited to approach Eve when she was separated from Adam. He chose to attack the weakest point, when she did not have the support of Adam. After winning Eve over to sin, she became an instrument of the devil in the assault upon Adam.
In like manner, the devils prepare their assault against us. The temptations to sin are the greatest when we are separated from others who would be a deterrent to us. The temptation of the young, is to get away from their parents and family. Most of our young people impatiently await the day when they turn eighteen or twenty-one so that they no longer have to answer to their parents or familial authority. They are independent and free. They move out on their own — often as far away from their parents as they can. In a new environment, away from the eyes of those whom they feared or respected, they are now easy prey of the devils. 

There appears to be another newer weapon that the demons love to make use of today. In the guise of bringing us closer to one another — many have started using electronic tools. (mobile phones, texting, emailing, etc.) It seems that the more these tools are implemented the less physical connection takes place. People no longer make eye contact; much less speak to the person physically next to them. They are too busy chatting or texting someone at a distance (sometimes even in the same room). Or they are absorbed in some electronic game. They are alone even in the midst of a crowd. 

The electronic media offers a sense of anonymity. Anonymity suggests a sense of separateness, and this is the opening that the devils are waiting for. Thinking that no one they know is watching them, they are spiritually entering into the desert. The internet is filled with temptations and the assault begins. Gradually at first, but then with heightening crescendo it culminates in forgetting God and committing sin. 

They begin by separating from any good moral influence physically around them. Family and friends are put at a distance, and then any thought of God is pushed out of the mind. Once God is forgotten or pushed out of our thoughts, it is not long before He is removed from our hearts too. Temptations are suggested and with all restraint taken away, the damage is done. At this point, the evil is virtually committed. Sin is just a consent away. The progression is from: a sense of isolation (real or virtual); then comes the temptation; desire soon follows; the desire gives way to words actions or omissions, and the sin is complete. Actually the sin is complete as soon as the consent or desire is entered into. The man who harbors hatred or lust in his heart is already guilty of murder or adultery. He need never physically say or do anything. The electronic virtual world allows this with greater and greater ease.

Seeing Jesus fight off the temptations of the devils, should inspire us with the desire to resist them also. He has placed the answers and tools in our hands to resist the devils at every stage of their game. But, the greatest instruction and weapon that He shows us is that we should not enter into their game. We should keep a positive moral influence near us at all times. We should constantly remind ourselves that God and all the angels and saints are watching us. 

We know that our government can and does watch us and many are outraged and are fighting against this because they fear the eroding of our freedom and liberty. While this may be true, and we should be concerned of this "Big Brother," we must always remember that we have no reason to fear those who can only hurt us in this life. Rather, we must fear God, who not only can punish us in this life, but can also send us into Hell to suffer for all of eternity. 

We are always in His presence, and if we will remember this, we will never sin. Let us strive to constantly keep Him in our minds and we will never be alone in the desert to fight the demons alone.

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