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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Here is an update on the baby Lucy situation.  For those of you that are unaware, our granddaughter Lucy Anne  was rushed to the hospital on Sunday night because she stopped breathing and turned blue.  She had surgery yesterday and spent today on a breathing tube but I'm happy to report that they have taken the tube out and she is breathing on her own and actually drank 2 oz of milk without choking.

Lucy would not be alive now if her father wasn't holding her when she turned blue.  She would have been another sudden infant death syndrome statistic.  We all firmly believe that the St. Blaise blessing that she received on Sunday was the reason that she was in her father's arms at the moment that she turned blue.  We all firmly believe that the prayers that were poured out to heaven by her family in the faith were the reason that she recovered so quickly.  Bishop Bonaventure said Holy Mass for her and we cannot thank him or all of you enough  for your prayers!

Now we must all thank God that He saved her life.  We also firmly believe that God has great things in store for this littlest angel.

Deo Gratias!!!!



  1. Thanks be to God! I was mainly praying to St. Lucy and St. Theresa since it was her Tuesday prayer day. So glad she is doing well!

  2. Yes, me, too, also to Saint Anne and Saint Anthony. Just wonderful, amazing! How blessedly this all worked out, what kindness God is showing towards this family. That dear little angel!

  3. Yes, let's not forget to pray in thanksgiving to God for this great blessing! How quickly we can all unite and call on Him for His help and then quickly forget to thank Him! Deo Gratias!

  4. Its looking very good that she will be going home tomorrow. She just has to spend another good night and then the doctors will be confident that she can leave! Finally this poor family will be reunited!
