THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsTwenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost11 November 2012 |
![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
Truth comes first and evil follows. We see that the field is tilled, the
grain is sown, and then, under cover of darkness the cockle is sown. In
like manner prophets came and then anti-prophets; apostles came and
then anti-apostles; popes came and then anti-popes; and Christ came and
then anti-Christs. Evil cannot stand on its own, but always follows and
imitates the truth and good. The devils watch and see what is built up
and then conspire to create a counterfeit to it.
We see counterfeits all around us, and in every aspect of our lives here
on earth: government, law, education, health, etc. but worst of all are
the counterfeit of true religion. There seems to be no limit to the
different false religions. Before one falsehood is completely exposed
several more have arisen. It is for this reason: the uniqueness of each
heresy; that the weeds are gathered into bundles; each sect into its
unique bundle; and the true Catholic faithful all gathered together into
His barn.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed and outnumbered by the heretics when we
see them all around us but, when we begin to consider the individual
errors and bundle them accordingly we see that each bundle is very small
compared to all the Saints in Heaven. Broken up into their various
groups and sects they are truly small and insignificant in comparison
with the greatness of God and the eternal truth of His Church. The
devils however, not to be outdone, have progressed and again developed
another ruse to deceive even in this. Seeing the catholicity (universal
nature) of the Church, the devils in the persons of their human dupes
have been working at a feverish pitch to create an anti-catholic
(universal) church. They began with outright demonism, but this soon
self-divided according to the devils served. Next, in the pursuit of
this goal came Freemasonry. The Masons seek to bring all religions under
one umbrella (themselves). So they welcome any and all religions under a
non-descript, vague, and general idea of a “creator.” These ran into a
great obstacle with the Catholic Church, who early and consistently
exposed, and condemned this falsehood.
Failing in this (while still not completely abandoning it) the agents of
devils infiltrated the Catholic Church planting weeds within and even
into the highest places in Rome. While the weeds were growing, flowering
and re-seeding themselves in the Vatican and dioceses and seminaries
throughout the world, the devils simultaneously began the promotion of a
“One World Religion” based on the earlier concept of the Masonic
imitation of the universality of the Church. We are witnessing the
development of these tactics before our very eyes today in what the
popes have labeled, Modernism, or the culmination of all heresies.
Lest the remnant Catholic should escape this universal drag-net pulling
all into Hell, the devils have made a compact with the Lefebvre sect (so
called “Society of St. Pius X”) and other “Traditionalists” to gather
them all together and sneak them into the back door of the monster
anti-church. While condemning the false ecumenism of the Modernist Novus
Ordo, the “Traditionalists” practice the same thing in their own way.
The Lefebvre–sect recognizes and participates in the Modernist Novus
Ordo when it is convenient or their own “services” are not available,
even though they call them heretical. The repudiated spawn of the
Lefebvrite sects (a.k.a. the Northeast Nine [“Society of St. Pius V,”
Dolan’s sect, etc] the “Society of St. Peter” etc.) in their various
sects will still ecumenically worship with their harlot mother sect who
is accepting of the heretical Modernists. The other many traditional
sects accept and ecumenically worship with one or more of the Lefebvrite
sects, etc. We see clearly the universal spread of these demonic weeds
throughout the world. Each bundle of heretics (weeds) attempting to
unite with others and thus overwhelm the remnant Catholics (wheat).
No doubt the kingdom of Hell is united in this goal, and in the end they
will all suffer in the same flames of eternal punishment, but while
there is still time here on earth, they must constantly create new sects
and traps to attempt not to let any escape the drag-net. We must suffer
these attacks with the patience of Job. When we look around and we see
nothing but weeds may we in all humility and love lift up our eyes,
hearts, and minds to Heaven and see that the remnant is not alone nor
outnumbered. There are many saints already in Heaven along with
countless hosts of angels, not to mention the immense magnitude of God
Before the harvest all appears as weeds, but
after the bundles are gathered and burned the remnant will see each
other more clearly. Then as they are brought to the threshing floor,
they will notice again, that there is more straw and chaff than there is
grain. When the treading and winnowing begin, the evil will be blown
away revealing the cleaned and purified grain that is now ready to be
put into the barn. Then, the remnant will enter in with all the rest of
the saints into the Kingdom of Heaven.
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