THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsOur Lord Jesus Christ the King28 October 2012 |
![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
The kingdom of Jesus Christ is in this world, but is not of this world.
There is an important distinction to be made here. All other kingdoms
are of this world; made here in this world, by this world, and for this
world. The kingdom of God is from heaven, by heaven and for heaven.
In this life (world) there are two kingdoms (or “cities” in St.
Augustine’s words) both intermixed with each other as in the parable of
the wheat and cockle sown in the same field. They must grow side by side
until the last day. The kingdom of God is not in this place or that
place, but rather is distributed throughout the whole earth, just as the
kingdom of darkness is. If we look carefully we see both good and bad
everywhere. Now is not the time to cut down or uproot the evil. The evil
must be patiently put up with until the end – harvest. Then it will be
God’s Angels not us who will gather the evil to be burned in hell and
the good into heaven.
The evil in this world is necessary for us. In the Church here on earth
(God’s kingdom) we have great need for penance, suffering, and crosses
so that we may purify ourselves and increase our love for God by
following Him (imitating Him) in humbly carrying the cross. The cross,
suffering, and penance are provided for us by the kingdom of darkness.
Unwittingly those who hate us and wish to harm or destroy us become our
greatest benefactors. While they harm their own souls by their evil,
they provide us with the opportunity to grow in humility, strength, and
virtues. Evil, then, is necessary to us here and now. When we truly
begin to understand this we see how and why we must not hate those who
do evil to us, but rather love our enemies. St. Paul likewise, reminds
us that our glory is not in this world, but rather our glory is in the
cross and this cross is provided for us by the enemies of the Kingdom of
God, and sometimes even by other members of the Kingdom (the Church).
“God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ.” (Gal. vi, 14)
Our vision of this Kingdom is through faith while we are here on earth,
only in heaven will we see by sight. To see this Kingdom through faith
here and now, we must look into our consciences and if there is charity
(love) there, then we will see God; for St. John tells us that “God is
love.” As the Kingdom of God is above and throughout this world we need
not look for automobiles, ships, or airplanes, to get there. What we
need are the two wings of charity: love of God, and love of neighbor.
One wing is not enough, we need two. When both loves are in place we can
soar to God very easily and freely.
We all began in the kingdom of darkness and through the graces of God
have been brought into the Kingdom of Light. We are therefore, unclean
or blemished and are unworthy as an offering or sacrifice to God. Jesus
came Himself therefore, and took our nature upon Himself, to become the
clean and unblemished offering for us. The members of the Kingdom of God
unite themselves to Christ becoming one with Him in the Mystical Body
of Christ and in this manner cleanse and purify themselves in Christ and
thus make themselves acceptable to God and His Kingdom. We become part
of the clean oblation when we are united or buried in Christ’s body and
In this kingdom God demands that everyone must love Him. This is not for
His own benefit. God has no need of our love. Our love does not
increase Him in any way; nor does our hatred of God rob Him in anyway.
We are commanded to love Him for our own good. In loving Him, we are
cleansed, purified, and increase or grow in grace and life.
In loving God we draw near to Him as King of kings. The title of king is
not an honor to Him who is much more than that.
God is all perfect to
an eternal degree (perfection without limit). The honor we give to Him
is not an increase of His power; it is, rather, a sign of mercy to us.
In this time of eclipse it seems that the Church – God’s kingdom – has
been abolished by the Modernists who have overtaken the physical houses
of God here on earth even as far as the Vatican. An eclipse is not a
destruction but rather a hiding. The Kingdom (Church) – Mystical Body –
cannot be destroyed, but will subsist here on earth to the end of time
and will continue eternally in Heaven. These Modernists who have created
the darkness of this eclipse belong to the kingdom of darkness. They
have declared themselves our enemies as such. May we not fight them on
their terms – hatred for hatred, but rather may we return love for evil.
Let us always be thankful for the crosses they cause us so that we may
follow Christ and be worthy members of His Kingdom. Remembering that
they cannot harm God or His Kingdom, but only themselves, let us filled
with charity pray with Our King: “Father, forgive them for they know not
what they do.” (Luke 23, 24)
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