THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsTrinity Sunday3 June 2012 | ![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
The thought of the Trinity brings to mind a common and frequent tradition of all true Christians (Catholics). We have the tradition of frequently signing ourselves with the Sign of the Cross. This practice is handed down to us in Tradition and for this reason is denied or at least not practiced by many heretics and non-Catholics. This tradition is inspired by God and not by men.
Tradition is an equal source of revelation as that of Holy Scripture. The Sign of the Cross professes our belief in the Crucifixion of Jesus (the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity) and our belief in the same Blessed Trinity. We name three Persons in One God. We do not say in the “Names” (plural) but in the “Name” (singular). Thus professing our belief in the Unity of God or His Oneness and at the same time likewise, professing our belief in the Trinity of Three Persons.
Tradition is handed over to us in a kind of mystery. The Bishops (successors of the apostles) have been entrusted with and commanded to protect and to pass on to others all the traditions they have received from true and legitimate sources. The papacy as the head and source of unity for all true bishops, is entrusted with ensuring these traditions in the faithful as well as maintaining union with their brothers the fellow bishops.
Throughout history we see tradition attacked by fallen away bishops, priests, and laity. Each one began a new schism or heresy, many of which continue in existence today. The papacy and all the bishops in union have condemned these without reserve or hesitation even when it meant the loss of hundreds and thousands of souls.
The truths of tradition cannot be denied as all truths reflect God Himself – every error is an insult or attack upon God because God is Truth Itself. There was then, as is now, no way to reconcile error with truth. All our true traditions are good and every attack upon these traditions must be evil. There can be no middle ground. Every attack or denial of Jesus Christ as true God and true Man is an evil error and all those who obstinately espouse these errors must be barred from the Church and eternal salvation. The Pagan, the Atheist, the Jew, the Muslim, etc. are all on their way to Hell because there is no salvation without Christ.
Many “Christians” deny the Catholic teaching and revealed traditions that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son, are likewise barred from the Church and salvation. It seems a small matter but it is not. Every ritual teaches a truth or doctrine and therefore: denying, throwing out, or modifying any tradition amounts to the same as denying throwing out or modifying the doctrine associated with the tradition.
We Catholics must hold to all our traditions especially those not only handed down to us but confirmed and guaranteed to us until the end of time. The Council of Trent under the infallible direction of Pope Pius V guided by the Holy Ghost codified and preserved forever (at least in the Latin rite) the manner and form of the Mass. This was done to halt and prevent the influence of the Protestant (heretics) of that time and those of the future from ever infiltrating or wearing down the sacred truths and traditions inspired by the Holy Ghost and handed down to us from our predecessors.
The Modernists have cast aside this Mass and many other traditions which ultimately led to a denial of the very doctrines professed by these traditions. They invited and accepted the “help” of heretics in designing and implementing their “New Mass” (Novus Ordo Missae) so that there would be nothing offensive to the heretics. The Modernists far from converting the heretics, allowed themselves to be converted to heresy.
Let us continue to hold fast to all that has been given to us. It will necessitate that we cooperate with the Holy Ghost and stand firm against all attempts to rob us or lead us away from the truth or the Church. Even if we must stand alone, let us never bend to the evil influences that would take away the traditions and therefore doctrines of the Church. Let us be ready to die rather than ever sin. We are temples of the Holy Ghost – let us make sure He is always at home and at rest in our souls – and never insult Him by denying any of the traditions inspired by Him especially those relating to the Sacraments and associated doctrines.
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