Dear Linda,
In recent weeks there have been reports about an abortion surcharge contained within President Obama’s signature healthcare law. Pro-abortion activists have been desperate to shove the issue under the carpet. They know full well public outrage will ensue if the law’s hidden agenda is fully exposed to the American people in broad daylight.
Many pro-abortion bloggers and members of the media have tried to hide the reality of the “abortion premium mandate”—a provision actually contained within Obamacare. But it’s imperative that you fully understand the facts they’re trying to hide.
Here’s how the provision essentially works: An individual enrolled in an insurance plan that covers abortions through an employer, by choice or even unknowingly, must pay an added abortion surcharge of one dollar per month. With no choice of opting out of the plan, paying for this abortion coverage is imposed whether an individual wants to or not.
This amounts to you and I being forced to take twelve dollars a year to the local Planned Parenthood or other abortion mill, place the money in the blood-stained hands of the abortionist and say, “This is to help fund the killing of innocent unborn babies.”
Obamacare even contains a clause that prevents insurance plans from letting people know about the required abortion surcharge. You won’t be notified that you’re paying into a plan that covers abortion until your time of enrollment. By then, in most cases, it’ll be too late. It’s sinister government secrecy—a bureaucratic sleight of hand—that will result in wholesale abortion-on-demand provided by the government.
Take a look at the text of the law for yourself:
(3) RULES RELATING TO NOTICE—(A) NOTICE—A qualified health plan that provides for coverage of [abortions other than in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother] . . . shall provide a notice to enrollees, only as part of the summary of benefits and coverage explanation, at the time of enrollment, of such coverage.Why would the law include such wording unless they didn’t want Americans to know what they’re buying until it’s too late?
(B) RULES RELATING TO PAYMENTS—The notice described in subparagraph (A), any advertising used by the issuer with respect to the plan, any information provided by the Exchange, and any other information specified by the Secretary shall provide information only with respect to the total amount of the combined payments for [abortions other than in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother] (emphasis added).
In addition to a finalized HHS rule that requires coverage for abortifacient drugs, this is yet another wave of assault against the pro-life community and your religious freedoms by the pro-abortion Obama administration.
You can see why it’s vital that you help me spread awareness of and opposition to the abortion surcharge. The lives of countless unborn babies depend upon the Obama administration feeling the heat for trampling on the conscience rights of everyday Americans. Education is the key for pro-life legislative victories. Many of your fellow pro-lifers are vaguely aware that such an abortion surcharge exists, but they don’t have a solid resource that lays out a helpful explanation. Please share this email with them.

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute
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