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Friday, March 23, 2012

Today I should be getting our computer back all cleaned out and protected so hopefully this doesn't happen any more.  But I just had to vent a little bit about an incident last night.  It actually ties in very closely with the latest Seraph article by Bishop Louis about the situation in Fillmore NY and ecumenism.

I have a cousin who lives down south and rather than type for hours about her background, let us suffice to say - in her own words mind you - that she is a "Liberal Catholic".  Now that should say it all.

She called me last night and told me that her son got married earlier this year and that her brother wouldn't attend the wedding because he was being married "outside the church".  Now you and I know that they aren't really "in the church" but for the sake of argument, lets pretend they are.  She of course was very miffed about it.  I told her that I agreed with him and in fact may be facing the same situation this summer.  I told her that I was not attending the wedding for the same reason.  She was flabbergasted and just proceeded to tell me that "her priest" said that because the "church" recognizes marriages between two protestants as valid that it was just dandy for her to attend it.  What kind of convoluted thinking is that!!! Her son is a so-called Catholic being married before a Methodist "minister"!

She then told me - actually begged me - not to do this.  She said that Jesus would not want me to do this.  I asked her about the martyrs - did Jesus approve of their actions?  She let that one slide but I can tell you that she was really fumbling for answers.  The beauty part is that my brother and sister-in-law are going to be visiting her today and this should make fine dinner conversation.

Here is the bottom line for her and for all :  Catholicism is not a smorgasbord - you cannot pick and choose.  You either ARE or you ARE NOT.  Just that simple.  It does not matter what you think - IT ONLY MATTERS WHAT GOD THINKS.  
We must pray for these poor deluded souls that are being led to the slaughter without even realizing it. We must stay strong and remember good saints like St. Thomas More who forsook his family for God.  We also must pray for perseverance so we don't give up before the end.


  1. I went through my oldest daughter's wedding six years ago. I also did not go because of apostasy. Funny, I have another daughter who wants to get married in the novus ordo just to make sure that I will be there! I will of course, but warned her that there will be no graces or blessings bestowed on her and her boyfriend if she goes through with this. We will see. I will pray for you.

  2. Did you say Joyce that if she marries in the novus ordo you will be there? I don't think you can attend that one either. The bogus ordo is apostate and I think the same rules apply to this as apply to any other. Was that a typo?

  3. No it wasn't. Father said that I could be there since it is catholic even though it is novus ordo. Still, she has seen a few novus ordo churches, and she complains to me that they are all different, yet she will not humble herself enough to see Father. Time will tell.

  4. I guess the reason is that she wasn't raised in the true church - only the novus ordo. My children do not have that opportunity. They MUST marry in the church or we cannot attend. I will pray that your daughter will humble herself and let Fr. Joseph perform the wedding ceremony. He did a marvelous job when we were in Lubbock with the wedding there. Too bad she can't talk to the bride from that wedding. It might change her mind.

    1. I had taught her in the traditional Baltimore Catechism, and we did, at that time, attend a Traditionalist church for a few years. It was an hour away. Our car broke down on the way there one morning, and we never went back. This was because my hubby was not comfortable there, and it was like pulling teeth to go anyway. Soon the family lost interest, even after I met Father. I will continue to pray for them regardless because you just never know when a conversion can take place!
