In Valpariso, Chile, at the beginning of the 20th century, Fr. Mateo
Crawley-Boevey SS, CC., well known as the great Apostle of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, was a young priest. Fr. Mateo told this story wherever he
preached and he found that where people were prepared to earn "three golden
coins" with love, many graces were obtained and many conversions followed.
He relates that one day an 8 year old girl told him that Jesus spoke to her
every time she received Holy Communion. Father was somewhat skeptical and
requested her to ask Jesus to give him proof. The proof Father requested
was the sudden conversion of a certain man who was a big sinner, a fallen
away Catholic, and enemy of the Church ... and also that this man should
come to him for Confession.
About a week later when Fr. Mateo was hearing confessions, the young girl
told him that this sinner was coming up to the church. As the priest was
leaving the confessional, the fallen away Catholic came into the church and
walked over to Fr. Mateo and asked him to help him with his confession. He
said that it was the first one since he was baptized. He did not know what
came over him that morning but he suddenly understood the necessity of
going to confession. Father realized that he had received the proof he
The young girl told the priest that Our Lord revealed to her that He would
give the graces to repent and mend his ways to this fallen away Catholic,
and also to many other souls. He said, "Always ask Me for souls and I will
give them to you, and tell Father Mateo to ask Me for souls. I will give
them to him, too, but first you must become My missionary."
She thought she was too young to be a missionary. Our Lord assured her that
He would make her His missionary and that she would have to pay a certain
price for souls. "I want you," said Jesus, "to earn three golden coins a
day." Our Lord then explained what He meant by golden coins.
1) The first golden coin was her prayers to Him for souls.
2) The second golden coin was her little sacrifices, especially acts
of obedience.
3) The third golden coin was a promise: "never to miss Mass or Holy
Communion through your own fault and to visit Me often in the Blessed
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