Lefebvre has been excommunicated by the anti-pope John-Paul II. Now,
Marcel Lefebvre merely laughed at this excommunication counting it as
nothing. But, he publicly claimed to recognize John-Paul II as a
legitimate Pope. Therefore, he was bound to obey his pope.
By his disobedience and gross ignoring of all authority, Lefebvre
spawned an equally disobedient and arrogant sect that ignores all
has been accurately said that Lefebvre's sect was conceived in lies,
was born of lies and can only continue in existence in a world of
religious indifference by its lies. The apple does not fall far from the
genuine movement in the Church has this sign of its genuineness: It is
inspired by the Holy Ghost and is approved by the divinely instituted
visible authority of the Church.
the "Society of St. Pius X" received the necessary canonical approval
that would assure its recognition as a Roman Catholic society?
The answer is in the negative.
of all, a local bishop does not have the authority to establish an
"international" anything. The deception presented to the Bishop of
Lausanne, Geneva and Friburg was a kind of boarding house for students
preparing for the priesthood and studying at the local university.
Lefebvre received permission from the local Bishop to establish a kind
of hospice for such students. This is the reason why Mgr. Charriere gave
authorization for a Pious Union. A "pious union" is not the same as a religious society or seminary.
Noteworthy, also, is that the Mgr. Charriere bases his authorization on the fact that Lefebvre intended a spiritual formation according
to the decrees of Vatican II and not according to the traditional
formation of priests according to the Council of Trent.
The first approval of August 18, 1970 says nothing about establishing a seminary. It
states: "By these presents, We, Francis Charriere, Bishop of Lausanne,
Geneva and Friburg, confirm the authorization which We have accorded to
His Excellency Msgr. Marcel Lefebvre, in the audience of June 1969,
namely: to open at Friburg a house of international character destined
to receive aspirants to the Priesthood who follow courses at the
We implore for these future priests and those who watch over their formation the blessings of God.
Given at our episcopal house in Friburg on 18 August 1970."
There then follows the signature and seal of Msgr. Francis Charriere.
organization spawned by Marcel Lefebvre (whose own validity is under a
cloud) is not unlike that started by the layman Schuckart and foisted on
the public under the pious-sounding name "Congregation of Mary
Immaculate" _ or some such "Marian" title.
the same Talmudic technique as Lefebvre, this man Schuckart started his
own "Religious" community. As will be noted, every one of these
illegitimate organizations have this particular characteristic in
common: They
all begin in the darkness of deception and can only exist by continuous
deception. And when a legitimate authority in the Church challenges
them, they show who their real Father is: the Father of Lies.
then, is an organization which, on the surface appears so "Catholic" in
its outward appearances, but is devoid of life-giving supernatural
grace. And this is the essential point that so many fail to comprehend.
all one ever heard was their hue and cry that they were canonically
established and that Rome had no right to close them down. It is all
very scary when such flagrant disobedience seeks to pass itself off as
being the work of the Holy Ghost.
going into any detailed study of the eighteenth century and why the
Jesuits were suppressed by Pope Clement XIV ( a Franciscan), the fact
remains that they were suppressed by the highest authority in the
even in this case, the Society of Jesus was a legitimately erected
Religious organization working with the approval of the Pope and all the
local Bishops in whose dioceses they were located.
Jesuits were _ and still are _ a "Society" even though they are no
longer in the Roman Catholic Church. They never were a Religious Order.
And this is something most people do not know or understand.
this legitimately erected Religious Society was likewise legitimately
suppressed by a legitimate Pope. Despite the discontent of many powerful
laymen and Churchmen, the Brief of Suppression was valid and effective.
far as I know, the Jesuits themselves humbly accepted this painful
decree even though in some parts of the world such as Russia and Poland,
the public authorities would not allow the papal Brief to be executed.
despite the fact that Lefebvre's young men are, for the most part,
talented young men, the lamentable fact remains: They are not members of
any genuine Roman Catholic organization; their very ordinations are
under a cloud and therefore, they cannot be accepted anywhere in the
Roman Catholic Church as valid priests (much less as "bishops").
situation becomes more and more complex as they arrogantly and
haughtily defy any and all authority. If one were to choose among the
many "saviors" of the Church one group that most closely resembles those
whom Jesus warned Christians to beware as false christs and false
prophets, one would be forced to choose those who call themselves the "Society of St. Pius X."
it is a loosely-ordered group, they have no deep roots in any kind of
tradition such as the genuine Religious communities of the Church.
Certainly, they find "like-minded" persons who will support them in
their proud deceptions.
But, the elect of Christ _ those who humbly persevere in the true faith _ will not be deceived. Not all that glitters is gold.
After gaining Msgr. Charriere's "authorization" for a Pious Union, Lefebvre almost immediately set about establishing a seminary. To
the ordinary layman, this may not mean much. But, in the mind of the
Church and in the good order that must be preserved, these distinctions
are very important.
it was not long before Lefebvre himself began to "ordain" these
poorly-trained young men who, ignorant of much of Church tradition and
law, eagerly embraced the ambitious vision of being the "saviors" of the
the recruits to Lefebvre's "pious union" began to promote themselves as
a Religious community. We also see Marcel Lefebvre traveling around the
world and wherever he went, he never visited the local bishop. Instead,
he pontificated independently of all those whose authority he publicly
claimed to recognize. In effect, then, he made himself a "pope" and his
followers certainly "divinized" him.
few people know is that when a bishop presides in his own diocese, he
has the crosier turned outwards; and when he is in a visiting diocese,
the crosier's crook is turned inside towards him.
did not take long before their heretical and schismatic mentality began
to reveal itself. Some members denied all the Popes from Pope Pius X
onward. This would mean that they denied the dogmatic decrees of those
Popes who followed after Pope Pius X.
the efforts of his disciples, Lefebvre was not well-versed in
philosophy or theology. Canon Law did not seem very important to him
either. Yet, anyone who had the courage to unmask their religious
charade was met not with valid logical arguments, but with ridicule.
But, that is the tactic of the Talmudist and Freemason.
like the Finno-Turkish mongols who invaded Palestine and are actually
squatters, the "Society of St. Pius X" amounts to the same thing in the
religious arena. They are religious squatters who shout for rights which
they never had.
example, when they came to Rochester, NY, a television reporter asked
about the necessity of having the local Ordinary's permission to
function in his diocese, their leader, Mr. Clarence Kelly answered that
they did not need the local Ordinary's permission because they were an
Order like the Franciscans and the Jesuits. This, of course, was a bald,
brazen lie. No one can function in any diocese without the permission
of the local Ordinary, i.e., bishop. And, furthermore, as a Pious Union
their only superior could be Msgr. Charriere of Lausanne, Geneva and
can understand the ruthless and obnoxious conduct of this man whose
"training" is overshadowed by his apparent dedication to the Communist
front organization known as the "John Birch Society." When one knows the
tactics and ideology of subversive political groups such as this
Society established by Freemasons in 1958, it is not difficult to detect
the same mentality in those who simply elevate the pride and ambition
of a political organization to the religious level.
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