Divine Healer of My Soul
Divine Healer of my soul, dear Physician, tender Father, look upon my wounds, my scars, my seared and ulcered soul.
Lord Jesus, wilt Thou heal me?
I am troubled with many ills,-my miseries are great,-my weakness sad to look upon.
wonder, dearest Lord, that I venture to come so close to Thee! Even
nearer would I draw, lower would I bend beside Thee, for, dearest Lord,
it is only the touch of Thy dear Hand that can soothe my open
wounds,-only the sound of Thy dear Voice that can fill my soul with
courage,-only the love of Thy dear Heart that can reassure and make my
life abound in joy and peace and eager striving after good.
Healer of my soul, Thou knowest how weak I am, Thou hast seen my many
falls. Thou knowest, too, that when with certain persons fear to
acknowledge Thee, lest they think me prudish and unworldly. Thou
knowest well, dear Guardian of my soul, how often thy sweet and gently
voice has called to me and I have paid to heed; Thy kind face has
chided me and I have turned away my eyes: pectant at the door of my
heart, but I have been busy with other quests and there was no room
for Thee, my Lord.
Jesus, I am weary of it all- weary of the struggle to keep in touch
with Thee and yet not displease the world,-weary of striving to silence
the longing of my heart for the stable things of life;-weary of the
endless demands of the world and the emptiness of its promise.
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