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Thursday, October 25, 2012

I just finished reading this book - "The Life of Saint Dominic Savio" by Saint John Bosco.  I must tell you that I could not put it down.  I cried like a baby when he died and was so impressed with this young man's life.  It is so heartwarming to read about a priest that starts a school for boys on the premise that they are going to learn to be good soldiers for Christ on earth and then become citizens of heaven.

  Dominic's life was spent being the best example of Christ-like behavior without being stuffy.  He laughed and played games, he did school work and did chores just like any other 15 year old boy.  But he went out of his way to encourage his fellow classmates to receive the sacraments as often as possible.  Weekly confession was a must and Dominic was allowed to receive the Blessed Sacrament daily.  Many times after Communion he would go into an ecstasy and stay in a trance like state for hours on end.  When St. John Bosco would come to find him, he would wake him up and Dominic would be so surprised at how many hours had gone by!  

One time he was given a revelation that his mother was in serious trouble so he asked permission to quickly go home which was granted.  He took with him a Green Scapular.  When he arrived at his home, his mother was  giving birth and was actually having an extremely difficult time.  She was clearly dying and so Dominic hugged her, told her he loved her and put the Green Scapular on her.  Then he said good-bye.  She not only lived but the baby was born safely.  Thereafter, the women in the town would give that scapular to other women in childbirth and they also had safe deliveries.  

After he died, he appeared first to his father, who was having a very difficult time with his death.  He knew he was in heaven but missed him so much as can be expected.  Dominic told him he was in heaven and his father asked him to pray for his brothers and sisters and he said yes, he would.  Then he asked Dominic to pray for his mother and him and he agreed as well.

  The next apparition was to St. John Bosco almost 17 years after his death.  He saw Dominic at the head of a group of young men.  They were all dressed in white robes with a red sash.  He was led to understand that these young people were virgins and had sacrificed all worldly pleasure just to keep that virtue of purity.  Dominic gave St. John 3 pieces of paper on which were "written" the names of Oratory boys.  The first one had the names of boys that were virginal, the second were those who had fallen but were trying very hard and the third one had the ones in mortal sin.  The third paper  smelled so awful that he felt nauseous.  After Dominic disappeared, the smell remained on his clothing so he know that he wasn't imagining this vision.

We desperately need a St. Dominic today - young people have such a tough road.  St. John Bosco kept saying how difficult it was then for young men and women to keep their virtue but I'm sure he had no idea of what was coming in future ages - the movies, books, internet, billboards and just the way most people dress today.

I also found it interesting that these two people both became saints!  It makes you daydream about the people we know and who of us will become saints.  I can think of several friars that are great candidates..........

This book cost me 89 cents at St. Vincent de Paul thrift  store.  I looked it up on Amazon and it said it was $7.83 for a new one and $17.10 for a used one.  I'm not kidding.  

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