For Immediate Release
April 6, 2012
Contact: Peggy Hamill, State Director, cell (414) 416-0489
Pro-Life Wisconsin thanks Governor Walker for signing pro-life bills
Madison – On Thursday, April 5, Governor Walker signed three pro-life bills into law. Senate Bill 237 reverses the contraception education/instruction sexual education mandate of 2010, once again giving public school districts the freedom to adopt abstinence-only human growth and development curricula. Senate Bill 92 prohibits any plan in Wisconsin’s prospective health insurance “exchange” from covering abortion. Senate Bill 306 effectively prohibits RU-486 videoconference abortions by requiring the prescribing physician to perform a physical exam of the woman and to be physically present in the room when the abortion-inducing drug is given.
Pro-Life Wisconsin State Director Peggy Hamill offered the following comments:
“Pro-Life Wisconsin is very happy to see Governor Walker sign three important pieces of pro-life legislation. We applaud him for approving these common sense bills that protect children, women and pro-life taxpayers.
Restoring local control to our public schools in the sensitive area of sexual development and rejecting Planned Parenthood’s ‘one-size-fits-all’ contraception instruction mandate is a key victory for parents and children. Giving our kids the tools they need to practice chastity is the only truly effective way to protect their bodies and their hearts from the pitfalls of premarital sex. Furthermore, studies show that increased contraception use leads to an increase in the abortion rate.
Concerning the Obamacare health 'exchanges,' polls demonstrate that Americans overwhelmingly oppose the inclusion of taxpayer-funded abortion in health care reform. Government must not force us to participate in the killing of our preborn brothers and sisters with our federal tax dollars. Finally, outlawing so-called ‘webcam’ abortions in our state is critical. Planned Parenthood already has the videoconference infrastructure in place to remotely dispense RU-486, a toxic chemical abortion drug dangerous to women’s health.
Pro-Life Wisconsin is proud to be part of the coalitional effort that resulted in today’s bill signings.”
Though this piece of legislation is for the most part positive, we tend to forget that the teaching of sex education should be left to the parents and not to the school system.