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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

THE GOOD NEWS IS:  I'm back.   THE BAD NEWS IS...we have a nasty virus in our computer.  THE GOOD NEWS IS:  we have a backup computer.  THE BAD NEWS IS:  its as slow as dial up or even slower.  THE GOOD NEWS IS:  I can post things again.  THE BAD NEWS IS:  I need a LOT of patience which I seem to be in short supply of when it comes to computers. 

You get the picture!

I probably wont post a lot until we get our regular computer back but at least I CAN post and catch your comments!


  1. Other good news: I've noticed you've been getting 'hits' from a number of places outside the United States.

    But welcome back, even with difficulty - hope your computer gets cleaned up in a hurry ;)

  2. Thanks Sister Cecelia! You would not believe how slow this computer is and I just get frustrated and shut it down. However, I did finally find a reputable place to take our other computer and he said he will call in about 4 days after he scans our hard drive. Then it will be business as usual here! I'll probably make up for lost time for a while.
    The hits outside the US are most likely because of the pictures that are posted. They see them on a search and then click on the site. Every bit helps!
