Saint Corona pray for us! This saint with the amazingly apt name in the current health crisis is especially venerated in Austria and Bavaria as the patron-saint against epidemics.
In Anzù, Northern Italy, the hotbed of the coronavirus in Europe, is a basilica where the relics of Saint Victor and Saint Corona are being preserved since the 9th century.
Saint Corona was only fifteen when she professed her Christian Faith during the persecution of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius around 165.
Corona was arrested and tied by her feet to the tops of two palm trees which were bent to the ground. When the palms were let loose she was torn apart. According to the Roman Martyrology, this happened in Syria.
Two investigations in 1943 and 1981, proved that the relics belong indeed to a man and a woman. Cedar pollen was found confirming an original burial in Syria and then in Cyprus.
Saint Corona is especially venerated in Austria and Bavaria as the patron-saint of treasure hunters and against epidemics. Her feast day is May 14.