Brother Anthony gave the most powerful sermon today on detraction and calumny. He took one phrase out of the gospel (Luke 16:1-9) ..."There was a certain rich man who had a steward, who was reported to him as squandering his possessions....." He took that phrase and launched into an explicit description of detraction and calumny. He even brought it down to the level of the children by calling it "tattling" . My oldest granddaughter was totally enthralled and after Mass said that she was going to try her best not to "tattle" on her sister anymore! He reminded us that if it's none of our business, then we have NO RIGHT to say anything to anyone. He explained the three "players" so to speak who are involved in the gossip: one one who is telling it, the one who is listening and the one being talked about.
He also mentioned stirring up trouble by going to someone and telling them what another said about them. He explained when it was a mortal sin and when it was venial and by the time he was done, most all of us were squirming in our pews! This young man is going to make an awesome priest!