THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsSt. Michael the Archangel29 September 2013 |
![]() The SundaySermon |
Dear Friends,
Most people know St. Michael as the slayer of the demon dragons. He is
the one we are told who stood up against Lucifer and his cohort of
rebellious angels. St. Michael is however also represented to us as
offering incense to God along with the prayers of men. Today’s Mass also
reminds us that we all have angels and the angels of children (or the
innocent) stand before the face of God.
To scandalize the children is to take the side of Lucifer and the fallen
angels and lead souls away from God. Those who thus scandalize the
innocent incur the just indignation of St. Michael and all the angels
but especially the particular guardian angel of these souls being stolen
from innocence and God.
Jesus teaches us in today’s Gospel that whatever causes scandal should
be cut off, plucked out, or cast aside. It is better to enter into
Heaven maimed than to go to Hell whole. The same is true with mankind.
It is better that the part of mankind that leads others into sin should
be cast out and lost rather than that all mankind should be destroyed.
It is necessary that there are scandals, but WOE to those by whom they
come. It would be better for that man (that causes scandal) that he were
never born. It would be better that the man that causes scandal should
have a millstone tied around him and be drowned in the depths of the
All those who give bad example or endorse or encourage sin in any way
make themselves enemies of God, enemies of men, and enemies of St.
Michael and all the angels. The angels in Heaven come to the aid of the
innocent and as we see, also burn sweet incense to mix with the prayers
of men. God is most pleased with this union of His creatures (angels and
men) in prayer and sacrifice.
Though the devils and evil men appear to succeed and advance in this
world, we know that this is only an illusion. They have no real success
as their success is only temporary. The price that they have to pay for
this temporary and apparent success is eternal damnation. The scales of
justice that St. Michael holds in his hand will infallibly weigh out the
acts of men and determine their true or eternal merit.
Many have speculated what the test for the angels could have been that
caused Lucifer and his followers to turn against God. There is a
tradition that relates to us the rise of the first sin, when the rebel
angels rose up against God. It is said that God revealed to all the
angelic host that the Second Person of the Trinity was to become man and
that the angels must worship God not only in His Divinity, but also in
His Humanity. This was apparently too much for the pride of Lucifer and
his cohort. How could an angel that is higher than man bow down to
worship man? Foreseeing God in this humble position caused Lucifer to
proclaim himself greater than God. Obviously, Lucifer would never stoop
to become human.
St. Michael rose up in defense of God in His Humanity and drove these
demons out of Heaven. In accepting the test in all humility, St. Michael
rose to the height of glory. St. Michael comes to the defense of Jesus
Christ but also through Him, St. Michael comes to the defense of each
and every member of the Mystical Body of Christ.
Lucifer and all the demons in Hell eternally hate us for the exalted
inheritance that is offered to us through Jesus Christ. We are to be the
children of God. We are to be like unto God. The very position that the
devils aspired to and lost through their pride is to be ours through
the practice of virtue and humility.
The test that began in Heaven with the angels, continues in time here on
earth. We are all constantly faced with the test to worship Jesus
Christ (true God and true Man). We are asked to humble ourselves in all
love and obedience to the Church (the Bride of Christ). Those who fail
in this will be joined eternally with the rebellious devils in Hell. The
damned will pay an even heavier price if they have led others into a
similar damnation.
May St. Michael come to our aid and help us fight off these devils and
evil men who scandalize us, as well as offer his burning incense to God
with our prayers that we might be pleasing to God. May we thus avoid
offering scandal but rather that we may always give our fellow man the
example and inspiration to know, love and serve God in this world, so
that they may be eternally happy with Him in Heaven.