Third Order of St. Francis - St. Joseph of Cupertino Fraternity - St. Peter of Alcantara Province. ``Where the Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be; even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church'' Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. A.D
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From “Divine Intimacy” by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.
This Feast complements the circumcision mystery, since it was during
the rite of circumcision that the name Jesus was given to the Child. On the
first day, the Church directed our attention to the humility of the Son of
God; today she invites us to meditate upon and celebrate the glories of His
That these glories flow especially from His prodigious humiliations
is clearly affirmed by St. Paul : "Brethren, Christ humbled Himself,
becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the Cross. For which
cause God also hath exalted Him and hath given Him a Name which is above
all names : that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should bow" (Phil 2,
8-10). The Church, by placing on our lips this theme from today's Office,
invites us, her children, to render grateful, pious homage to Him who
humbled Himself so profoundly for us.
The heart of every Christian, should respond to this invitation and
exalt the most Holy Name of Our Savior, that is, His very Person, for the
Name of Jesus expresses what He is : Savior, Redeemer. This sacred Name,
announced by the Angel to both Mary and Joseph, was given to Our Lord by
God Himself. "Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people
from their sins" (Mt I, 21). This Name expresses and synthesizes the great
mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption; it is at the center of the
universe like a point of contact, like a bridge between God and all
mankind. Man can reach God only by means of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus:
"for there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved" (Ep :
Acts 4, 8-12).
From “Divine Intimacy” by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.
This Feast complements the circumcision mystery, since it was during
the rite of circumcision that the name Jesus was given to the Child. On the
first day, the Church directed our attention to the humility of the Son of
God; today she invites us to meditate upon and celebrate the glories of His
That these glories flow especially from His prodigious humiliations
is clearly affirmed by St. Paul : "Brethren, Christ humbled Himself,
becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the Cross. For which
cause God also hath exalted Him and hath given Him a Name which is above
all names : that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should bow" (Phil 2,
8-10). The Church, by placing on our lips this theme from today's Office,
invites us, her children, to render grateful, pious homage to Him who
humbled Himself so profoundly for us.
The heart of every Christian, should respond to this invitation and
exalt the most Holy Name of Our Savior, that is, His very Person, for the
Name of Jesus expresses what He is : Savior, Redeemer. This sacred Name,
announced by the Angel to both Mary and Joseph, was given to Our Lord by
God Himself. "Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people
from their sins" (Mt I, 21). This Name expresses and synthesizes the great
mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption; it is at the center of the
universe like a point of contact, like a bridge between God and all
mankind. Man can reach God only by means of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus:
"for there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved" (Ep :
Acts 4, 8-12).
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