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Friday, December 27, 2013


Her Doctrine and Morals


25 December 2013


The Sunday


Sunday within the Octave of Christmas
Dear Friend,
The census taken by Augustus was of the whole world and was a material census. Christ's coming was during this time to instruct us in some very important truths. For a census of the whole world, it was necessary that there should be peace. It was foretold that there would be peace when Christ came. The census also symbolized the spiritual census when God would call all men to be counted as His children in the Kingdom of Heaven or the Catholic Church.
The ancient enrollment of the Synagogue has ended. The Israelite nations have lost their own rule and are subject to the Roman rule. The time is now for a new enrollment in the Catholic Church. The baptismal registry of every Catholic Church is in a way a registry of the census of Catholics in the whole world. Our place in this registry is a testament to our having renounced the world and embraced Jesus Christ.
We have seen that an angel appeared to Mary at the Annunciation, an angel appeared to St. Joseph in a dream to tell him that it was God's will that he should take Mary to wife and that she was the mother of God and is a virgin. Today, we see that angels appear to the shepherds watching their flocks by night.
Angels are messengers of God's will to men. The Apostles and their successors, the bishops, are also referred to as angels. They present the will of God to their flocks, they are charged with shepherding them through this life and into the gates of Heaven.
As we behold the Christ child, wrapped in swaddling clothes, let us consider how His hands and feet were bound so that we might be set free. Already in this early stage of His life He is suffering for us. He is offering Himself for us. For all the sins we commit with our freedom of movement God allowed Himself to be tied and bound.
As we look upon Him in the manger, we are reminded that we are but animals. We are unworthy beasts, yet He came to feed us. We are not to feed upon hay and grain, but rather upon the Body of Christ. He is inviting us to come and receive Him. It is through the Church, the Sacraments, and His priests and bishops that Jesus offers Himself as our food. He sacrifices Himself to feed not our bodies, but more importantly He desires us to feed our souls with Himself.
This beautiful little Child in the manger is God, and in this "helpless" infantile state sacrifices and offers Himself in the greatest act of love for us.
The dignities of Mary must not be forgotten on this day either. St. Ambrose tells us: "Mary; a spouse conceived, a Virgin brought forth. For though He appeared as man yet He was not in all things subject to the laws of humanity; that He was born of woman, savored of lowliness; the virginity however that attended His birth shows that He transcended mankind. His carrying in the womb was joyful; His birth immaculate, His coming forth without pain, His nativity free of blemish, neither taking rise from the will of the flesh, nor brought forth in sorrow; for since she who by her fault had brought death to our nature was condemned to bring forth in sorrow, it was fitting that the Mother of Life should bring forth in joy. And in that hour, in which the shadows began to retire, and the immense gloom of night was forced back by the splendor of this Light, Christ, through this virginal incorruption, comes to share the life of mortal men. For death had reached the boundary of the domination of sin, and now moves towards nothingness, because of the presence of the True Light which by its evangelical rays has given light to the whole world."
This glorious anniversary that we are celebrating reminds us of all that God has given us in the Church and Her sacraments. It is Himself. In this beautiful Infant all sin is conquered. In this wondrous Baby, we are given angels both spiritual (in our guardian angels) and physical (in our bishops and priests) to announce to us and shepherd us to the Kingdom of Heaven.
We encourage one and all to give heartfelt thanks to God for this glorious gift of Himself to us, as well as thanking Him for His angels, bishops and priests, that not only announce the Gospel message to us, but bring Him to us in the sacraments, especially the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
We have taken the first steps in approaching God by receiving Baptism and being enrolled in the registry of the Church, but this is not yet enough. We must continue in the Church and in the Faith that we have received at the Baptismal fount. Tragically, there are many who have entered but have turned back. The joy of Christ's birth no longer fills their souls with joy. They have lost their youthful innocence and have in a spiritual sense removed their names from the Church and therefore from the Kingdom of Heaven.
May we each and every one this day come near to the Christ Child, leaving behind our sins and evil lives that we renounced at our baptism, and re-enroll ourselves in the census of God. In this way, we will experience true happiness as we celebrate the anniversary of the Birth of Our Lord.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Her Doctrine and Morals

Fourth Sunday in Advent

22 December 2013


The Sunday


Dear Friend,
Once again St. John is brought before our consideration as we arrive at the threshold of Christmas. He is preaching the same message as always: penance in all humility and meekness. 

We see that the mountains will be brought low and the valleys will be filled up. As mountains repel water so the proud repel the Truth. As waters spring up in the valleys so wisdom, knowledge and understanding, spring up in the humble and meek. St. John humbles himself and becomes as a valley so that God may fill him with His graces. 

We also, must follow in the same path as St. John. We must tear down the mountains of pride and vanity; we must straighten out the ways of evil, and smooth over all the rough ways. There is truth in this humility and meekness; but there is something greater in that as we decrease, Jesus increases. As we empty ourselves, Jesus fills us up. Ultimately, our goal is to be filled with Christ and say with St. Paul. It is not I, but Christ living within me.

No one can do this penance for us, we must each do our own part. Ezechial says: And if these three men, Noe, Daniel, and Job shall be in it, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they shall deliver their own souls by their justice (Ezech. xiv. 14). Having good parents or good children will not save us. On the contrary if we are damned in spite of having these good influences at our sides, our punishment will be made all that much worse. Those who did not believe that Jesus cast out demons by the power of God were referred to their own children who were casting out devils in the name of Jesus. Our Lord tells them that their own children will condemn them (Luke xi, 19). Those who reject the faith will be judged by those who were once near and dear to them. 

We cannot rely upon the merits of others, but must each one of us examine our own consciences and there begin to tear down the mountains of pride and vanity; straighten out the crooked ways; smooth over the rough paths; and fill up the valleys of doubt with faith. As we in true humility lessen ourselves, the Holy Ghost will come and fill us with Himself and His grace. If we are to advance to Christ this is the only way. 

Jesus comes to us as a Child, and He tells us that if we wish to come to Him we must approach Him as a child. This Christmas is a splendid time of grace for us, because Jesus is eager to come to us as a little child. He comes not with judgment, and fire, or with threats and punishment. He comes to us meek and humble; He is unimposing and lovable as a child. We must approach Him in the same manner. This is the only sure way, as well as the quickest way to be well received by God. 

We must fear Jesus when He returns in all His Divine power majesty and glory, because then He will come to judge. Then there will be justice and the debt of sin will have to be paid by all those who have refused His help in redeeming themselves. To avoid facing an angry Divine Judge, we must do violence to ourselves. We must heed the call of St. John and our consciences and turn our evil lives upside down. We must become as innocent humble children once more. In this manner, we can not only approach God but we will be able to embrace Him and play with Him. He will find joy in us as we will in Him. His great desire is to be with us (the sons of men). 

St. Francis, St. Theresa, and many others have found this "little way"of love a sure and easy path to the heart of God. If we approach Jesus as children, He will take us by the hands and we will grow with Him. The entire liturgical year takes us through the life of Jesus, and each step of the way we are led (if we will follow) closer and closer to the Heart of God. 

First, though, we must pray and do penance. We must renew our baptismal promises, and truly empty ourselves of our vices and sins. Then Jesus will be our friend, and we will be His. He will shower us with His gifts and we will grow daily more precious and loving in His sight. And our hearts will grow with ever increasing love of Him.
If we do this, then when we meet Him again as the Divine Judge, we will not fear Him, but welcome Him with the words of St. John the Evangelist: "Come Lord Jesus, Come!"

Thursday, December 19, 2013


St. Emily de Vialar

St. Emily de Vialar
St. Emily de Vialar
Feastday: June 17

St. Emily de Vialar, Virgin, Foundress of the Sisters of St. Joseph "of the Apparition"
Anne Marguerite Adelaide Emily de Vialar was the eldest child and only daughter of Baron James Augustine de Vialar and his wife Antoinette, daughter of that Baron de Portal who was physician-in-ordinary to Louis XVIII and Charles X of France. She was born at Gaillac in Languedoc in 1797. At the age of fifteen she was removed from school in Paris to be companion to her father, now a widower, at Gaillac; but unhappily, differences arose between them because of Emily's refusal to consider a suitable marriage.
For fifteen years, Emily was the good angel of Gaillac, devoting herself to the care of children neglected by their parents and to the help of the poor generally. In 1832, her maternal grandfather died, leaving her a share of his estate which was a quite considerable fortune. She bought a large house at Gaillac and took possession of it with three companions. Others joined them and three months later, the archbishop authorized the Abbe to clothe twelve postulants with the religious habit. They called themselves the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition. Their work was to be the care of the needy, especially the sick, and the education of children. In 1835, she made her profession with seventeen other sisters, and received formal approval for the rule of the Congregation.
The foundress, in the course of twenty-two years, saw her Congregation grow from one to some forty houses, many of which she had founded in person. The physical energy and achievements of St. Emily de Vialar are the more remarkable in that from her youth she was troubled by hernia, contracted characteristically in doing a deed of charity. From 1850 this became more and more serious, and it hastened her end, which came on August 24, 1856. The burden of her last testament to her daughters was "Love one another". Her canonization took place in 1951; her feast is June 17th.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Hail Mary of a Protestant
(A true story)

A little six-year-old Protestant boy had often heard his Catholic companions reciting the prayer "Hail Mary." He liked it so much that he copied it, memorized it and would recite it every day. "Look, Mommy, what a beautiful prayer," he said to his mother one day.

"Never again say it," answered the mother. "It is a superstitious prayer of Catholics who adore idols and think Mary a goddess. After all, she is a woman like any other. Come on, take this Bible and read it. It contains everything that we are bound to do and have to do." From that day on the little boy discontinued his daily "Hail Mary" and gave himself more time to reading the Bible instead. 

One day, while reading the Gospel, he came across the passage about the Annunciation of the Angel to Our Lady. Full of joy, the little boy ran to his mother and said: "Mommy, I have found the 'Hail Mary' in the Bible which says: 'Hail full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.' Why do you call it a superstitious prayer?" 

On another occasion he found that beautiful Salutation of St. Elizabeth to the Virgin Mary and the wonderful canticle MAGNIFICAT in which Mary foretold that "the generations would call her blessed." 

He said no more about it to his mother but started to recite the "Hail Mary" every day as before. He felt pleasure in addressing those charming words to the Mother of Jesus, our Savior. 

When he was fourteen, he one day heard a discussion on Our Lady among the members of his family. Every one said that Mary was a common woman like any other woman. The boy, after listening to their erroneous reasoning could not bear it any longer, and full of indignation, he interrupted them, saying: 

"Mary is not like any other children of Adam, stained with sin. No! The Angel called her FULL OF GRACE AND BLESSED AMONGST WOMEN. Mary is the Mother of Jesus Christ and consequently Mother of God. There is no higher dignity to which a creature can be raised. The Gospel says that the generations will proclaim her blessed and you are trying to despise her and look down on her. Your spirit is not the spirit of the Gospel or of the Bible which you proclaim to be the foundation of the Christian religion." 

So deep was the impression which the boy's talk had made that his mother many times cried out sorrowfully: "Oh my God! I fear that this son of mine will one day join the Catholic religion, the religion of Popes!" And indeed, not very long afterwards, having made a serious study of both Protestantism and Catholicism, the boy found the latter to be the only true religion and embraced it and became one of its most ardent apostles. 

Some time after his conversion, he met his married sister who rebuked him and said indignantly: "You little know how much I love my children. Should any one of them desire to become a Catholic, I would sooner pierce his heart with a dagger than allow him to embrace the religion of the Popes!" 

Her anger and temper were as furious as those of St. Paul before his conversion. However, she would change her ways, just as St. Paul did on his way to Damascus. It so happened that one of her sons fell dangerously ill and the doctors gave up hope of recovery. Her brother then approached her and spoke to her affectionately, saying:

"My dear sister, you naturally wish to have your child cured. Very well, then, do what I ask you to do. Follow me, let us pray one 'Hail Mary' and promise God that, if your son recovers his health, you would seriously study the Catholic doctrine, and should you come to the conclusion that Catholicism is the only true religion, you would embrace it no matter what the sacrifices may be." 

His sister was somewhat reluctant at the beginning, but as she wished for her son's recovery, she accepted her brother's proposal and recited the "Hail Mary" together with him. The next day her son was completely cured. The mother fulfilled her promise and she studied the Catholic doctrine. After long preparation she received Baptism together with her whole family, thanking her brother for being an apostle to her.

The story was related during a sermon given by the Rev. Fr. Tuckwell. "Brethren," he went on and said, "the boy who became a Catholic and converted his sister to Catholicism dedicated his whole life to the service of God. He is the priest who is speaking to you now! What I am I owe to Our Lady. You, too, my dear brethren, be entirely dedicated also to Our Lady and never let a day pass without saying the beautiful prayer, 'Hail Mary', and your Rosary. Ask her to enlighten the minds of Protestants who are separated from the true Church of Christ founded on the Rock (Peter) and 'against whom the gates of hell shall never prevail.'"

December 17 – St. Olympias

December 16, 2013
St. Olympias
Born 360-5; died 25 July, 408, probably at Nicomedia. This pious, charitable, and wealthy disciple of St. John Chrysostom came from an illustrious family in Constantinople. Her father (called by the sources Secundus or Selencus) was a “Count” of the empire; one of her ancestors, Ablabius, filled in 331 the consular office, and was also praetorian prefect of the East. As Olympias was not thirty years of age in 390, she cannot have been born before 361. Her parents died when she was quite young, and left her an immense fortune. In 384 or 385 she married Nebridius, Prefect of Constantinople. St. Gregory of Nazianzus, who had left Constantinople in 381, was invited to the wedding, but wrote a letter excusing his absence (Ep. cxciii, in P.G., XXXVI, 315), and sent the bride a poem (P.G., loc. cit., 1542 sqq.). Within a short time Nebridius died, and Olympias was left a childless widow. She steadfastly rejected all new proposals of marriage, determining to devote herself to the service of God and to works of charity. On the death of her husband the emperor had appointed the urban prefect administrator of her property, but in 391 (after the war against Maximus) restored her the administration of her large fortune. She built beside the principal church of Constantinople a convent, into which three relatives and a large number of maidens withdrew with her to consecrate themselves to the service of God. When St. John Chrysostom became Bishop of Constantinople (398), he acted as spiritual guide of Olympias and her companions, and, as many undeserving approached the kind-hearted deaconess for support, he advised her as to the proper manner of utilizing her vast fortune in the service of the poor (Sozomen, “Hist. eccl.”, VIII, ix; P.G., LXVII, 1540). Olympias resigned herself wholly to Chrysostom’s direction, and placed at his disposal ample sums for religious and charitable objects. Even to the most distant regions of the empire extended her benefactions to churches and the poor.
When Chrysostom was exiled, Olympias supported him in every possible way, and remained a faithful disciple, refusing to enter into communion with his unlawfully appointed successor. Chrysostom encouraged and guided her through his letters, of which seventeen are extant (P.G., LII, 549 sqq.); these are a beautiful memorial of the noble-hearted, spiritual daughter of the great bishop. Olympias was also exiled, and died a few months after Chrysostom. After her death she was venerated as a saint. A biography dating from the second half of the fifth century, which gives particulars concerning her from the “Historia Lausiaca” of Palladius and from the “Dialogus de vita Joh. Chrysostomi”, proves the great veneration she enjoyed. During he riot of Constantinople in 532 the convent of St. Olympias and the adjacent church were destroyed. Emperor Justinian had it rebuilt, and the prioress, Sergia, transferred thither the remains of the foundress from the ruined church of St. Thomas in Brokhthes, where she had been buried. We possess an account of this translation by Sergia herself. The feast of St. Olympias is celebrated in the Greek Church on 24 July, and in the Roman Church on 17 December.

J.P. KIRSCH (Catholic Encyclopedia)

Audio sermons from this weekend:
Third Sunday in Advent Rejoice and let your modesty (moderation) be known to all men. Do penance with a cheerful heart. Avoid extremes in all things.
Saturday Dec 14 The Old Testament ran out as the wine ran out at the wedding feast of Cana. The New Testament is the new wine that Jesus made. We must make sure not to put this New Wine in Old wine skins.

Third Sunday in Advent - Holy Sacrifice of the Mass- Fr. Bernard, OFM 

Third Sunday in Advent-Fr. Joseph, OFM 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Her Doctrine and Morals

Third Sunday in Advent

15 December 2013


The Sunday


Dear friend,
Our Lord came in lowliness and humility, St. John precedes Him in this same manner. We are invited with love, humility, meekness and patience to approach Jesus Christ. If the birth of Christ is to be of any benefit to us we must take heed of Christ in this humble manner.
It is related that the devils fell from Heaven because they were shown that God would assume this humble manner and they must adore and worship Him in this manner. Their pride and vanity was repulsed at the very idea and hence they were driven out of Heaven and into Hell. Mankind is in a very similar situation today. We are called upon to worship and adore God in Human Flesh. The poor, humble, infant, Jesus calls out to us to come to Him. St. John in his capacity as pre-curser, is preparing the way for God in this humble manner. St. John is calling us to Jesus. He is telling us to prepare our hearts and minds. We must open up our souls so that we may be able to believe that Jesus is God even though He looks like a man. St. John is preparing a way for us all to imitate Christ. We must put aside all manner of evil and put on humility and penance. In this manner, we will find, see, and love Jesus.
The Scribes and Pharisees at that time could not or would not put away their pride and vanity, and so they were blind and stumbled upon Christ. They stumbled and fell upon the Rock. Jesus has grown from this humble Rock into the large mountain of the Holy Catholic Church. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. It is as a mountain now because It has grown so that all the earth has seen and heard It. How foolish it is now for men not to believe. Yet, men still refuse to adopt a humble and meek attitude, so the teachings of the Church (the teachings of God) are hidden from them. They stumble and fall upon the Mountain and are lost. The men in the days of St. John were bruised by the Rock, the men of our days are crushed by the Mountain.
Jesus has approached us in this meek and humble manner, but His next coming is going to be in all power and glory. His precursor for this second coming will be Elias whom men were expecting St. John to be. St. John came in the spirit of Elias but not in his person. They are both pre-cursers, but vastly different as Jesus will come in a vastly different manner the next time He comes.
Elias will come preparing the way of the Lord, not by inviting us to approach God in humility and meekness, but rather he will come and drive the evil men aside to clear the way for Our Lord. He will be filled with power and might. Jesus will come in all power and glory. The humble Jesus that we have been invited to approach and imitate, will then return to judge and punish all who have refused Him in His humility.
St. John announces in all mildness the humble and meek Savior; Elias in all might and power will announce the all-powerful and glorious Judge of mankind. It is the same God “ Jesus Christ “ but He will manifest Himself in two different ways. For this reason, we see that there are two different pre-cursers. The pre-cursers have within them the same Spirit “ The Holy Ghost “ but they are two different men.
This Advent we are preparing to celebrate the anniversary of Christ's first coming, and at the same time we are looking forward to His second coming. Before Jesus returns we are invited with great humility and meekness to embrace the True Faith. We are invited with St. John to straighten out our lives, and to do penance. If we correspond with this invitation hearing the voice of St. John crying in the desert of our sinful lives, and put off the old man (sin) and put on the new man (virtue and penance); we will find that when Elias comes preparing the way of the Lord, we will not be driven away or cast aside but gathered together. Just as in the fall of the devils from Heaven, so will it be on the last day when Jesus returns. Elias will come first to clean up and drive all evil out. The time of penance will have ended. All the evil men will be cast into Hell with the fallen angels.
Until that day, we are invited by God through His Church in all humility and meekness. Catholics should, with true love and compassion for their fellow sinful men invite them to the Truth in the same manner. The time for judgments and condemnations is not for us at this time. Many are driven from the Truth because of overzealous Catholics judging and condemning before it is time. While there is life there is hope, and we should imitate Jesus and have mercy and compassion for sinners. We must condemn the obdurate as Christ did so many of the Scribes and Pharisees, but we must likewise be merciful to sinners. Let us not seek justice and judgment now but leave that for Christ when He returns. Now let us examine ourselves and put on humility and penance. If we must admonish the sinner, let us do it with humility and meekness; seeking to win souls to Christ in the same manner that He has come to us.

My Kindle Fire is one of the best purchases that I've ever made.  On it I have purchased classics such as the Holy Bible, Humility of Heart, Imitation of Christ, and many St. Alphonsus classics.

  Last week I purchased a book  called "Catholic Collection" which has 732 stories or sermons from different sources.  Most of them are canonized saints so I felt that it was worth the price.  So far, I have been blessed to read a fantastic story about Lourdes and this story about Eve Lavalliere who was actually a "Mary Magdalene" at the early part of the 20th century.  When they mentioned that she became a Third Order Franciscan, I was sold! 
Here is a short synopsis of the life of this Third Order Franciscan Tertiary . I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  It goes to show that ANYONE can convert and become a saint!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 13 – St. Lucy: Venerated From Time Immemorial

St. Lucy

Panel depicting the martyrdom of St. Lucy
Panel depicting the martyrdom of St. Lucy

A virgin and martyr of Syracuse in Sicily, whose feast is celebrated by Latins and Greeks alike on 13 Dec. According to the traditional story, she was born of rich and noble parents about the year 283. Her father was of Roman origin, but his early death left her dependent upon her mother, whose name, Eutychia, seems to indicate that she came of Greek stock. Like so many of the early martyrs, Lucy had consecrated her virginity to God, and she hoped to devote all her worldly goods to the service of the poor. Her mother was not so single-minded, but an occasion offered itself when Lucy could carry out her generous resolutions. The fame of the virgin-martyr Agatha, who had been executed fifty-two years before in the Decian persecution, was attracting numerous visitors to her relics at Catania, not fifty miles from Syracuse, and many miracles had been wrought through her intercession. Eutychia was therefore persuaded to make a pilgrimage to Catania, in the hope of being cured or a haemorrhage, from which she had been suffering for several years. There she was in fact cured, and Lucy, availing herself of the opportunity, persuaded her mother to allow her to distribute a great part of her riches among the poor.

The largess stirred the greed of the unworthy youth to whom Lucy had been unwillingly betrothed, and he denounced her to Paschasius, the Governor of Sicily. It was in the year 303, during the fierce persecution of Diocletian. She was first of all condemned to suffer the shame of prostitution; but in the strength of God she stood immovable, so that they could not drag her away to the place of shame. Bundles of wood were then heaped about her and set on fire, and again God saved her. Finally, she met her death by the sword. But before she died she foretold the punishment of Paschasius and the speedy termination of the persecution, adding that Diocletian would reign no more, and Maximian would meet his end. So, strengthened with the Bread of Life, she won her crown of virginity and martyrdom.
Relic of St. Lucy in the Cathedral of Siracusa, Italy
Relic of St. Lucy in the Cathedral of Siracusa, Italy
This beautiful story cannot unfortunately be accepted without criticism. The details may be only a repetition of similar accounts of a virgin martyr’s life and death. Moreover, the prophecy was not realized, if it required that Maximian should die immediately after the termination of his reign. Paschasius, also, is a strange name for a pagan to bear. However, since there is no other evidence by which the story may be tested, it can only be suggested that the facts peculiar to the saint’s story deserve special notice. Among these, the place and time of her death can hardly be questioned; for the rest, the most notable are her connexion with St. Agatha and the miraculous cure of Eutychia, and it is to be hoped that these have not been introduced by the pious compiler of the saint’s story or a popular instinct to link together two national saints. The story, such as we have given it, is to be traced back to the Acta, and these probably belong to the fifth century. Though they cannot be regarded as accurate, there can be no doubt of the great veneration that was shown to St. Lucy by the early church.
She is one of those few female saints whose names occur in the canon of St. Gregory, and there are special prayers and antiphons for her in his “Sacramentary” and “Antiphonary”. She is also commemorated in the ancient Roman Martyrology. St. Aldheim (d. 709) is the first writer who uses her Acts to give a full account of her life and death. This he does in prose in the “Tractatus de Laudibus Virginitatis” (Tract. xliii, P. L., LXXXIX, 142) and again, in verse, in the poem “De Laudibus Virginum” (P. L., LXXXIX, 266). Following him, the Venerable Bede inserts the story in his Martyrology.
The former grave of Saint Lucy, now empty, but embellished by reliefs dating from the Norman period and by a rich baroque wood frame.
The former grave of Saint Lucy, now empty, but embellished by reliefs dating from the Norman period and by a rich baroque wood frame.

With regard to her relics, Sigebert (1030-1112), a monk of Gembloux, in his “sermo de Sancta Lucia”, says that he body lay undisturbed in Sicily for 400 years, before Faroald, Duke of Spoleto, captured the island and transferred the saint’s body to Corfinium in Italy. Thence it was removed by the Emperor Otho I, 972, to Metz and deposited in the church of St. Vincent. And it was from this shrine that an arm of the saint was taken to the monastery of Luitburg in the Diocese of Spires—an incident celebrated by Sigebert himself in verse. The subsequent history of the relics is not clear. On their capture of Constantinople in 1204, the French found some of the relics in that city, and the Doge of Venice secured them for the monastery of St. George at Venice. In the year 1513 the Venetians presented to Louis XII of France the head of the saint, which he deposited in the cathedral church of Bourges. Another account, however, states that the head was brought to Bourges from Rome whither it had been transferred during the time when the relics rested in Corfinium.
The Incorrupt remains of St. Lucy in the Church of San Geremia, Venice. Her head is at the Cathedral in Bourges.
The Incorrupt remains of St. Lucy in the Church of San Geremia, Venice. Her head is at the Cathedral in Bourges.

JAMES BRIDGE (1913 Catholic Encyclopedia)
For more pictures of the Basilica of St. Lucy in Syracuse, click her

Audio Sermons for the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Morning Sermon Evening Sermon

Immaculate Conception - Fr. Joseph, OFM 

The audio sermon for today the Second Sunday in Advent is online here.
Modesty (moderation) in our penances and not succumbing to the temptations of the world to put off too soon our Advent penance.  

Holy Mass Our Lady of the Rosary - 2nd Sunday in Advent 

Fr. Joseph 2nd Sunday in Advent 

Video Sermon - Bishop Bonaventure, OFM 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

At age 5, St. Jane Frances de Chantal stands up for the Faith

December 5, 2013
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
A gentleman, who followed the heresy of Calvin, came to pay a visit to the parents of St. Jane Frances de Chantal. She was then only five years old.
One day, while she was playing in the room where the gentleman was conversing with another person, she heard him say that he did not believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
The Main Altar at the church of SS. Claudius and Andrew of the Burgundians in Rome. St. Pierre-Julien Eymard, founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, is buried here.
The Main Altar at the church of SS. Claudius and Andrew of the Burgundians in Rome.  Saint Peter Julien Eymard, founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, is buried here.

The child looked up from her playthings, and, going over to him, said: ” So you don’t believe that Jesus Christ is present in the Blessed Sacrament?”
“No, child,” he said, “I do not.”
“Yet Jesus Christ has positively declared that He is,” replied the child. “So by saying these words, you mean to say that Jesus Christ is a liar! Well, if you had said as much about the King of this country in my father’s presence, he would send you away from his house, and perhaps kill you! And do you think the great God will not punish you some day, because you have dared to call His dear Son a liar, by saying that you do not believe what He tells you?”

The gentleman was so confounded by these words of the little girl that he did not know what to say. He thought he would appease her by giving her some little presents, so he gave her some very beautiful ones.
But she was very angry at this, and when he put them into her hands she at once threw them into the fire, and said to him while they were burning: “Look, that is the way in which God will punish in the next world all those who refuse to believe the words of His Divine Son Jesus Christ.”

Rev. D. Chisholm, The Catechism in Examples (London: R & T Washbourne, Ltd., 1919), 63-4.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Last Sunday after Pentecost (The end of our lives and of the world. Those who love God have nothing to fear and eagerly anticipate seeing God.) The Feast of St. Andrew (We are the fish that Christ sent the Apostles out to catch. We will one day find ourselves upon the shores of eternity to be sorted out as the fish that were caught are sorted out. The good will be saved and the bad will be cast into Hell.) The First Sunday of Advent (We are beginning a spiritual journey once again. Let us always keep our goal (destination) in sight, so that we do not forget where we are going.)

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Fr. Bernard, OFM 

Fr. Joseph, OFM - First Sunday in Advent 

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Her Doctrine and Morals

First Sunday in Advent

1 December 2013


The Sunday


Dear Friend,
A new year is upon us, and again we are called upon to consider our last end. The world must be in fear and trembling because it is the world. We are called upon to not love this world, but to long for Heaven. The description of the destruction of this world causes all those who love this world to fear and tremble. The lovers of God long for the dissolution of this world and the union with God in eternity.
The world is at enmity with God and God with the world. We are called upon to love God and turn our backs upon the world and all that is of the world. We are to be in the world but not of the world. So as the world fears and trembles at its dissolution, the friends of God are to lift up their eyes knowing that the time of salvation is at hand.
St. Gregory says: " Let them grieve over the ruin of the world who have planted the roots of their hearts deep in the love of it, who neither look for the life to come nor are even aware that it is. But, we who have learned of the joys of our heavenly home must hasten to it as speedily as we may. We should desire to go there with all haste and to arrive by the shortest way. And with what miseries does not the world urge us forward? What sorrow, what misfortune is there, that does not press upon us? What is this mortal life, but a way? And what folly would it be, let you carefully consider, to be weary with the fatigue of the way, and yet not eager to finish the journey!"
The season of Advent is one of penance and mortification. In the spirit of penance and mortification, we naturally spurn the pleasures of the world. The more proficient we become in this the less appealing are worldly pleasures.
We are given many rights by God and most of them enjoin some worldly pleasure. It is in voluntarily renouncing our own rights and pleasures that we are able to draw closer to God. Jesus, as God, has a right to the best that the world has to offer, yet He spurned it all and took up a life of poverty, and humility. He is inviting us in a similar manner to spurn so many things of this world.
The things of this world are not bad. All that God has made is good. We do not spurn the world and its pleasures because they are evil in themselves. It is the use that men make of these things that is evil. When we seek the pleasures of this life in preference to, or in place of the pleasures of God and eternity we sin. God demands that we love Him with a love of preference. The good things of this earth very often supersede our love for God and in this manner we fall into idolatry. We seek things rather than God.
To aid us in overcoming this fault, we are led by our Holy Mother the Church, to enter into the season of Advent and willingly spurn these passing pleasures for a time. In doing this, we imitate Jesus in His poverty and humility, and we discipline ourselves so that we are not overcome and carried away by the pleasures of this world.
Many mortify themselves during Advent because they are being forced to do this by the laws of the Church. This is good, but not the best approach that we can take in preparing for Christmas. Jesus is asking us to willingly do this for the love of Him.
Let us distance ourselves from the world and some of its pleasantries for this time. And remind ourselves that they are all passing away. This world and all its pleasures are only for a time. Either we will leave them or they will leave us. On that day of separation, we need to have assembled some spiritual pleasures for us to enjoy in eternity. If we have only clung to this world and the things of this world we will be greatly afflicted for all of eternity.
If we have not allowed ourselves to become attached to this world and its pleasures we will find it easier to let go of them and reach out for better joys and greater pleasures. The first step is in following St. Paul's admonition to use the things of this world as if we used them not. We do this by denying ourselves the use of them from time to time. Let us make the most of this season of Advent by doing just that. May we begin now to lift up our hearts and eyes to Heaven; in penance letting go of this earth; and longing for the coming of Jesus.

Sunday, November 24, 2013 is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity by every possible device. Thus, to cite some instances, one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer's body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings; and lastly were he to disdain and reject polyphonic music or singing in parts, even where it conforms to regulations issued by the Holy See. 
(Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Mediator Dei, par. 62)

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Fr. Bernard, OFM 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Should we fall into sin, let us at once humble ourselves sorrowfully in His presence, and then, with an act of unbounded confidence, let us throw ourselves into the ocean of His goodness, where every failing will be cancelled and anxiety turned into love.
St. Paul of the Cross

Sunday, November 17, 2013


 Bishop Giles, OFM:
Audio Sermons for: 26th Sunday after Pentecost (Good and evil start small as tiny seeds, but become large over time) Feast of St. Agnes (The Seraphic Spirit) 

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Waubeka, WI - Fr. Bernard, OFM 

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 16 – St. Agnes of Assisi

St. Agnes of Assisi
Younger sister of St. Clare and Abbess of the Poor Ladies, born at Assisi, 1197, or 1198; died 1253.
She was the younger daughter of Count Favorino Scifi. Her saintly mother, Blessed Hortulana, belonged to the noble family of the Fiumi, and her cousin Rufino was one of the celebrated “Three Companions” of St. Francis. Agnes’s childhood was passed between her father’s palace in the city and his castle of Sasso Rosso on Mount Subasio.

St. Agnes of Assisi 

On 18 March, 1212, her eldest sister Clare, moved by the preaching and example of St. Francis, had left her father’s home to follow the way of life taught by the Saint. Sixteen days later Agnes repaired to the monastery of St. Angelo in Panso, where the Benedictine nuns had afforded Clare temporary shelter, and resolved to share her sister’s life of poverty and penance. At this step the fury of Count Favorino knew no bounds. He sent his brother Monaldo, with several relatives and some armed followers, to St. Angelo to force Agnes, if persuasion failed, to return home. The conflict which followed is related in detail in the “Chronicles of the Twenty-four Generals.” Monaldo, beside himself with rage, drew his sword to strike the young girl, but his arm dropped, withered and useless, by his side; others dragged Agnes out of the monastery by the hair, striking her, and even kicking her repeatedly. Presently St. Clare came to the rescue, and of a sudden Agnes’s body became so heavy that the soldiers having tried in vain to carry her off, dropped her, half dead, in a field near the monastery. Overcome by a spiritual power against which physical force availed not, Agnes’s relatives were obliged to withdraw and to allow her to remain with St. Clare.  St. Francis, who was overjoyed at Agnes’s heroic resistance to the entreaties and threats of her pursuers, presently cut off her hair and gave her the habit of Poverty. Soon after, he established the two sisters at St. Damian’s, in a small rude dwelling adjoining the humble sanctuary which he had helped to rebuild with his own hands. There several other noble ladies of Assisi joined Clare and Agnes, and thus began the Order of the Poor Ladies of St. Damian’s, or Poor Clares, as these Franciscan nuns afterwards came to be called. From the outset of her religious life, Agnes was distinguished for such an eminent degree of virtue that her companions declared she seemed to have discovered a new road to perfection known only to herself. As abbess, she ruled with loving kindness and knew how to make the practice of virtue bright and attractive to her subjects.
Fresco of Saint Clare and nuns of her Order, Chapel of San Damiano, Assisi
Fresco of Saint Clare and nuns of her Order, Chapel of San Damiano, Assisi

In 1219, Agnes, despite her youth, was chosen by St. Francis to found and govern a community of the Poor Ladies at Monticelli, near Florence, which in course of time became almost as famous as St. Damian’s. A letter written by St. Agnes to Clare after this separation is still extant, touchingly beautiful in its simplicity and affection. Nothing perhaps in Agnes’s character is more striking and attractive than her loving fidelity to Clare’s ideals and her undying loyalty in upholding the latter in her lifelong and arduous struggle for Seraphic Poverty. Full of zeal for the spread of the Order, Agnes established from Monticelli several monasteries of the Poor Ladies in the north of Italy, including those of Mantua, Venice, and Padua, all of which observed the same fidelity to the teaching of St. Francis and St. Clare. In 1253 Agnes was summoned to St. Damian’s during the last illness of St. Clare, and assisted at the latter’s triumphant death and funeral. On 16 November of the same year she followed St. Clare to her eternal reward.

Her mother Hortulana and her younger sister Beatrice, both of whom had followed Clare and Agnes into the Order, had already passed away. The precious remains of St. Agnes repose near the body of her mother and sisters, in the church of St. Clare at Assisi. God, Who had favoured Agnes with many heavenly manifestations during life, glorified her tomb after death by numerous miracles. Benedict XIV permitted the Order of St. Francis to celebrate her feast. It is kept on 16 November, as a double of the second class.
PASCHAL ROBINSON (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.

A man is really clean of heart when he is searching for the things of heaven, never failing to keep God before his eyes.   

   St. Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Photo: The afternoon sky over Muskego. What does this remind you of?  I see flames!
Sky over Muskego, WI on Sunday November 10, 2013

 “St. Augustine says that whoever does not shun dangerous occasions will soon fall into a precipice… The example of the unhappy Solomon should make us all tremble.  At first he was most dear to God, and even inspired of the Holy Ghost, but by the love of strange women he was in his old age led into idolatry. Nor should his fall be a subject of wonder; for, as St. Cyprian says, to stand in the midst of flames and not to burn is impossible.” 

 St. Alphonsus

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Dealing with the tares and the wheat. How eager we are to destroy those that we perceive as evil when they may, in the end, turn out better than us. We must be patient and let God do the weeding. 
Bishop Giles, OFM  

Fr. Joseph OFM  

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Fr. Bernard, OFM 

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Her Doctrine and Morals

Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

10 November 2013


The Sunday


Dear Friends,
There is an eagerness on the part of creatures to eliminate the evil that we see around us as quickly as possible. What we lack is the knowledge of the future. It was necessary that Saul was permitted to persecute the Church so that he might later become St. Paul. It was necessary that so many sinners were permitted to live among us so that they might later become the great penitent saints. We have heard many times a quote from St. Augustine: "There is no saint without a past and there is no sinner without a future." Only God can tell which sinner, schismatic, or heretic will become the next penitent saint.
While we must look with patience upon the people in the clutches of evil that live around us, we must nonetheless, be ruthless towards the evil that is within ourselves. Christ came to save the sinner and the lost, so those around us may yet see His mercy, and we may yet see His wrath.
The evil of sin that has defiled our souls must be the focus of our attention rather than the sins of others. If we are to help others, we must first begin by helping ourselves. The person steeped in his own evil can do nothing to truly assist his fellow man in sin. When the sinner repents, he has gained a wonderful position for himself, but he likewise has obtained a stable platform from which to reach out to his fellow man and invite them to the graces and mercy of repentance. 

The attitude of the penitent is not one of arrogance or superiority, but is rather one of humility and charity. Seeing his fellow man in error he reaches out to help him, not destroy him; to lift him up to the spiritual joys of grace. The attitude of the charitable penitent is a polar opposite of the attitude of the Pharisee who thanked God that he was not like the rest of men. The penitent sees the evil of others, not with eyes to condemn or destroy, but rather with eyes of compassion. The sins of others become exceptional cause of sorrow and charity. The penitent considers himself, and how he could very easily be in that same situation or worse, and only desires to come to the aid of his fellow man for the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of his fellow man.
There is a false humility and a false charity that we see promulgated by today's Modernist, Protestants, Novus Ordo, Traditionalists, etc. In this approach, they adopt a "humble and charitable" attitude, but they offer their fellow men a false hope, and security in their errors. At the same time, they offer their fellow man the demonic illusion of salvation without penance. They preach a doctrine of salvation without works or repentance. The only way to return to God from sin is through prayer, penance and good works. 

We must be weary of those who look down upon their fellow men with eyes of contempt and superiority, but we must be even more cautious that we do not imitate them and in a foolish misguided zeal seek to root out those that may one day be more pleasing to God than we are. 

Our Lord has mentioned to us that it is necessary that there should be scandal or evil, but woe to those by whom it comes. Evil is necessary in this life so that we have the opportunity to grow in virtue, grace and merit. The evil people in the world thus offer the good the opportunity to practice the virtues and to climb higher in grace and merit for heaven. Evil men therefore are only truly evil to themselves, and have become a great aid to the virtuous around them. If we could truly understand this we would love our enemies more than ever. We should earnestly pray for them and bless them because they are sacrificing their eternal life so that we might grow in grace. Our love for them should truly be the same as the love that we have for ourselves.
We must reach the state of charity where we pray for and forgive all those who have trespassed against us in any way. We repeat with Jesus upon the Cross: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing" Or we pray with St. Stephen, "Lord, lay not this charge against them."
In this light, it becomes easier for us to fulfill God's command to love our enemies and to do good to those who persecute us. In this patience and charity, we do not condone the evil, but rather condemn the evil. Yet, we pray that God's grace will touch the soul of the sinner, or heretic and transform them into a great saint.
We have or may yet find ourselves in the same state as those for whom we pray, and would truly desire that someone may have the same charity towards us and pray and sacrifice so that we may be freed from the evils and blindness that might assail us and thus hinder our love of God and entrance into heaven.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 7 – Bl. Bernardine of Fossa

November 7, 2013
Bl. Bernardine of Fossa
Bl. Bernardine of FeltreOf the Order of Friars Minor, historian and ascetical writer, b. at Fossa, in the Diocese of Aquila, Italy, in 1420; d. at Aquila, 27 November, 1503. Blessed Bernardine belonged to the ancient and noble family of the Amici, and sometimes bears the name of Aquilanus on account of his long residence and death in the town of Aquila. He received his early training at Aquila and thence went to Perugia to study canon and civil law. On the 12th of March in the year 1445, he received the Seraphic habit from St. James of the Marches who was then preaching a course of Lenten sermons at Perugia.  From the time of his entrance into religion, Bernardine never ceased to advance in religious perfection, and the success which crowned his missionary labours throughout Italy, as well as in Dalmatia and Serigonia, bears witness to the eminent sanctity of his life. Bernardine fulfilled the office of provincial of the province of St. Bernardine and of the province of Dalmatia and Bosnia, and would have been chosen Bishop of Aquila had not his humility forbidden him to accept this dignity. His cult was approved by Leo XII, 26 March, 1828. His feast is kept in the Franciscan Order on the 7th of November. The writings of Blessed Bernardine include several sermons and divers ascetical and historical opuscules; among the latter, the “Chronica Fratrum Minorum Observantiae” deserves special mention. This interesting chronicle was first edited by Leonard Lemmens, O.F.M., from the autograph manuscript, and is prefaced by an interesting life of Blessed Bernardine and a critical estimate of his writings. It may also be mentioned that Bernardine is the author of the first life of his patron, St. Bernardine of Siena.
Leo, Lives of the Saints and Blessed of the three Orders of St. Francis (Taunton, 1887), IV, 42-44; Lemmens, Chronica Fratrum Minorum Observantiae B. Bernardini Aquilani (Rome, 1905); Wadding, Annales Minorum, XII, 277- 480; Hurter, Nomenclator, IV, 968; Hugh a Pescocostanza, Vita del B. Bernardino da Fossa (Naples, 1872).
STEPHEN M. DONOVAN (Catholic Encyclopedia)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


As our souls are buffeted by winds and waves of sin, all we need to do is wake Jesus up in our souls and He will calm the storms of temptations, trials, tribulations, etc. He is waiting for us to call upon Him and He will rise and restore peace to our souls. May we call upon Him always and keep Him ever awake in our hearts and souls.

24th Sunday after Pentecost - Bishop Giles, OFM 

24th Sunday After Pentecost - Bishop Bonaventure, OFM

24th Sunday after Pentecost - Fr. Joseph, OFM 

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4 – Fearless and Faithful, He Reformed the Church

November 4, 2013

St. Charles Borromeo

Painting of young Saint Charles Borromeo by Wolfgang Sauber
Painting of young Saint Charles Borromeo by Wolfgang Sauber
Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal-Priest of the Title of St. Prassede, Papal Secretary of State under Pius IV, and one of the chief factors in the Catholic Counter-Reformation , was born in the Castle of Arona, a town on the southern shore of the Lago Maggiore in northern Italy, 2 October, 1538; died at Milan, 3 November, 1584. His emblem is the word HUMILITAS crowned, which is a portion of the Borromeo shield. He is usually represented in art in his cardinal’s robes, barefoot, carrying the cross as archbishop; a rope round his neck, one hand raised in blessing, thus recalling his work during the plague. His feast is kept on 4 November. His father was Count Giberto Borromeo, who, about 1530, married Margherita de Medici. Her younger brother was Giovanni Angelo, Cardinal de’ Medici, who became pope in 1559 under the title of Pius IV. Charles was the second son, and the third of six children, of Giberto and Margherita. Charles’ mother died about the year 1547, and his father married again.
His early years were passed partly in the Castle of Arona, and partly in the Palazzo Borromeo at Milan. At the age of twelve his father allowed him to receive the tonsure, and, upon the resignation of his uncle, Julius Caesar Borromeo, he became titular Abbot of Sts. Gratinian and Felinus at Arona.
Painting of St. Charles Borromeo by Anthony Bays
Painting of St. Charles Borromeo by Anthony Bays
When he received the tonsure he was sent by his father to Milan, where he studied Latin under J.J. Merla. In October, 1552, he left Arona for the University of Pavia, where he had as his tutor Francesco Alciato, afterwards cardinal. His correspondence shows that he was allowed a small sum by his father, and that often he was in very straitened circumstances, which caused him considerable inconvenience. It was not only that he himself suffered, but that his retinue also were not suitably clothed. Charles evidently felt bitterly his humiliation, but he does not seem to have shown impatience. Leaving Pavia to meet his uncle, Cardinal de’ Medici, at Milan, he was, within a few weeks called upon to attend the funeral of his father, who died early in August, 1558, and was buried in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan.
Fresh responsibilities at once came to Charles, for though he was not the elder son, yet, at the request of his family, including even his brother, he assumed charge of all the family business. The question of possession of the Castle of Arona was one of great difficulty, as it was claimed by both France and Spain. Charles conducted the negotiations with great energy and diplomatic skill, and as a consequence of the Peace of Cambrai (3 April, 1559) the castle was handed over to Count Francesco Borromeo, in the name of his nephew, Federigo Borromeo, to be held by him for the King of Spain. He also did much to restore to their ancient monastic discipline the religious of his Abbey of Sts. Gratinian and Felinus. Though his studies were so often interrupted, yet his seriousness and attention enabled him to complete them with success, and in 1559 he maintained his thesis for the doctorate of civil and canon law.
Painting by Giovanni Ambrogio Figino
Painting by Giovanni Ambrogio Figino
In the summer of 1559, Paul IV died, and the conclave for the election of his successor, which began on 9 September, was not concluded till 26 December, when Cardinal Giovanni Angelo de’ Medici was elected and took the name of Pius IV. On the 3rd of January, 1560, Charles received a message by a courier from the pope, asking him to proceed at once to Rome. He started immediately for the Eternal City, but though he travelled rapidly he was not in time for the pope’s coronation (6 January). On 22 January he wrote to Count Guido Borromeo that the pope had given him the charge of the administration of all the papal states. On 31 January he was created cardinal-deacon, together with Giovanni de’ Medici, son of the Duke of Florence, and Gianantonio Serbellone, cousin of the pope. Charles was given the title of Sts. Vitus and Modestus, which was in the August following changed to that of St. Martino-ai-Monti. He wished for no rejoicings at Milan; all the celebration was to be at Arona, where were to be said ten Masses de Spiritu Sancto. At this time Cardinal Ippolito d’Este, of Ferrara, resigned the Archbishopric of Milan, and on 8 February the pope named Charles as administrator of the vacant see. In succession he was named Legate of Bologna, Romagna, and the March of Ancona. He was named Protector of the Kingdom of Portugal, of Lower Germany, and the Catholic cantons of Switzerland. Under his protection were placed the orders of St. Francis, the Carmelites, the Humiliati, the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross of Coimbra, the Knights of Jerusalem (or Malta), and those of the Holy Cross of Christ in Portugal. By a motu proprio (22 January, 1561) Pius IV gave him an annual income of 1000 golden crowns from the episcopal mensa of Ferrara.
Charles’ office of secretary of state and his care for the business of the family did not prevent him from giving time to study, and even to recreations in the form of playing the lute and violoncello, and a game of ball. He lived at first at the Vatican, but in July, 1562, removed to the Palazzo Colonna, Piazza Sancti Apostoli. Soon after his arrival in Rome he founded at the Vatican an academy, which was a way of providing, by literary work, a distraction from more serious occupations. The members, whether ecclesiastics or laymen, met nearly every evening, and many of their contributions are amongst the works of Charles as “Noctes Vaticanœ”. Charles was very soon occupied as secretary of state in using his influence to bring about the re-assembling of the Council of Trent, which had been suspended since 1552. The state of Europe was appalling from an ecclesiastical point of view. Many were the difficulties that had to be overcome — with the emperor, with Philip II of Spain, and, greatest of all, with France, where the demand was made for a national council. Still, in spite of obstacles, the work went on with the view of re-assembling the council, and for the most part it was Charles’ patience and devotion that accomplished the object.
Once a year, in the Cathedral in Milan, Italy, in November and December, the “Quadroni of St. Charles” is exhibited. "Quadroni" mean "big paintings." St. Charles Borromeo visiting the ill. Painting by Giovanni Dall'Orto
Once a year, in the Cathedral in Milan, Italy, in November and December, the “Quadroni of St. Charles” is exhibited. “Quadroni” mean “big paintings.” St. Charles Borromeo visiting the ill. Painting by Giovanni Dall’Orto
It was not until 18 January, 1562, that the council resumed at Trent, with two cardinals, 106 bishops, 4 mitred abbots, and 4 generals of religious orders present. The correspondence which passed between Charles and the cardinal legates at Trent is enormous, and the questions which arose many times threatened to bring about the breaking-up of the council. Difficulties with the emperor, the national principles put forward on behalf of France by the Cardinal Charles of Lorraine, Archbishop of Reims, required from Charles constant attention and the greatest delicacy and skill in treatment. The twenty-fifth, and last, session of the council was held 3 and 4 December, 1563; at it were present 255 Fathers. At a consistory on the 26th of January, 1564, Pius IV confirmed the decrees of the council, and later appointed a congregation of eight cardinals to see to the execution of these decrees. During the sitting of the re-assembled council Charles’ elder brother, Count Federigo, had died (28 November, 1562). This event had a very determining result as to Charles, for he immediately resolved to give himself with greater strictness to spiritual matters, and he looked upon his brother’s death as a warning to him to give up all worldly things. His resolution was well needed, for, as he was now head of the family, great pressure was brought to bear upon him to give up the ecclesiastical state and to marry. This view was even suggested to him by the pope at the instance of other relatives. Some months passed in these efforts to influence Charles, but finally he resolved to definitely fix himself in the ecclesiastical state by being secretly ordained priest. The ordination took place, by the hands of Cardinal Federigo Cesa, in Santa Maria Maggiore, on the 4th of September, 1563. He writes that he celebrated his first Mass on the Assumption, in St. Peter’s, at the altar of the Confession. He said his second Mass at his house, attached to the Gesu, in an oratory where St. Ignatius had been accustomed to celebrate. Charles at this time had as his confessor Father Giovanni Battista Ribera, S.J. On the 7th of December, 1563, the feast of St. Ambrose, he was consecrated bishop in the Sistine Chapel; on the 23rd of March, 1564, he received the pallium, and was preconized on the 12th of May. In the following June his title was changed to that of Santa Prassede.
Meanwhile Charles had provided for the spiritual wants of his diocese. Antonio Roberti, in May, 1560, had, as his vicar, taken possession of his archbishopric, and Charles sent Monsignor Donato, Bishop of Bobbio, as his deputy for episcopal functions. Monsignor Donato soon died, and in his place, Charles commissioned Monsignor Girolamo Ferragato, O.S.A., one of his suffragans, to visit the diocese, and to report on its needs. Ferragato entered Milan, 23 April, 1562; on 24 June of the same year Charles sent to Milan Fathers Palmio and Carvagial, S.J., with the object of preparing the faithful of the diocese, both clergy and laity, for the carrying out of the reforms prescribed by the Council of Trent. While anxious for the spiritual welfare of his flock, he was no less solicitous for his own. There came to him the thought of what was the will of God concerning him, and whether he was to continue as the spiritual father of his diocese or retire to a monastery. It happened in the autumn of 1563, between the sessions of the Council of Trent, that the Cardinal of Lorraine went to Rome, accompanied by Ven. Bartholomew of the Martyrs, O.P., Archbishop of Braga, in Portugal (see BARTHOLOMEW OF BRAGA). Bartholomew had already shown himself to be of a like spirit to Charles, and when Pius IV introduced them, and suggested that he should begin the reform of the cardinals in the person of Charles, Bartholomew answered that if the princes of the Church had all been like Cardinal Borromeo, he would have proposed them as models for the reform of the rest of the clergy. In a private interview, Charles opened his heart to Bartholomew and told him of his thought of retiring to a monastery. Bartholomew applauded his desire, but at the same time declared his opinion that it was God’s will that he should not abandon his position. Charles was now assured that it was his duty to remain in the world; but all the more he felt he ought to visit his diocese, though the pope always opposed his departure. Bartholomew counselled patience, and represented the assistance he could give to the pope and the whole Church by remaining in Rome. Charles was satisfied, and stayed on, doing the great work necessary by sending zealous deputies. After the Council of Trent he was much occupied with the production of the catechism embodying the teaching of the council, the revision of the Missal and Breviary. He also was a member of a commission for the reform of church music, and chose Palestrina to compose three masses; one of these is the “Missa Papæ Marcelli”.
"Saint Charles goes in procession with the Holy Nail", Painting by Giovanni Dall'Orto
“Saint Charles goes in procession with the Holy Nail”, Painting by Giovanni Dall’Orto
Pastoral solicitude, which is the characteristic chosen for mention in the collect of his feast, made him ever anxious to have the most suitable representatives in Milan. He heard of the excellent qualities of Monsignor Nicolò Ormaneto, of the diocese of Verona, and succeeded in obtaining the consent of his bishop to his transference to Milan. Ormaneto had been in the household of Cardinal Pole, and also the principal assistant of the Bishop of Verona. On the 1st of July, 1564, Ormaneto reached Milan, and at once carried out Charles’ instructions by calling together a diocesan synod for the promulgation of the decrees of the Council of Trent. There were 1200 priests at the Synod. It was with the clergy that Charles began the reform, and the many abuses needed skilful and tactful treatment. Father Palmio contributed much in bringing the clergy to a sense of the necessity for reform. The synod was followed by a visitation of the diocese by Ormaneto. In September Charles sent thirty Jesuit Fathers to assist his vicar; three of these were placed over the seminary, which was opened on the 11th of November (feast of St. Martin of Tours). Charles was constantly directing the work of restoration of ecclesiastical discipline, and the education of the young, even down to minute details, was foremost in his thoughts. The manner of preaching, repression of avaricious priests, ecclesiastical ceremonies, and church music are some of the subjects on which Charles wrote many letters. The revival of strict observance of rule in the convents of nuns was another matter to which Charles urged Ormaneto’s attention; the setting up of grilles in the convent parlours was ordered, and, to remove material difficulties, Charles ordered his agent, Albonese, to pay the cost of this where the convents, through poverty, were unable to bear the expense. This order brought difficulties with his own relations. Two of his aunts, sisters of Pius IV, had entered the Order of St. Dominic; they resented the setting up of the grilles as casting a slur on their convent. Charles, in a letter (28th of April, 1565) displaying much thought and great tact, strove to bring his aunts to see the good purpose of the order, but without success, and the pope wrote on the 26th of May, 1565, telling them that he had given general orders for the setting up of the grilles, and that it would be pleasing to him that those united to him by ties of blood and affection should set a good example to other convents.
Notwithstanding the support which Charles gave, Ormaneto was discouraged by the checks with which he met, and wished to return to his own diocese. Charles pressed the pope to allow him to leave Rome, and at the same time encouraged Ormaneto to remain. At last the pope gave his consent to Charles visiting his flock and summoning a provincial council; but, desiring his stay to be short one, he created Charles legate a latere for all Italy. Charles prepared to start, chose canonists to help the council, and wrote to the Court of Spain and Philip II. He left Rome 1 September, and, passing through Florence, Bologna, Modena, and Parma, he made his solemn entry into Milan on Sunday, 23 September, 1565. His arrival was the occasion of great rejoicings, and the people did their utmost to welcome the first resident archbishop for eighty years. On the following Sunday he preached in the Duomo, on the words: “With desire I have desired to eat this pasch with you” (Luke, xxii, 15).
Choir stall of St. Peter und Paul in Weißenau
Choir stall of St. Peter und Paul in Weißenau
On the 15th of October the first provincial council met. It was attended by ten out of the fifteen bishops of the province, those absent being represented by their procurators. Three of these prelates were cardinals, and one, Nicolò Sfondrato of Cremona, was afterwards pope with the title of Gregory XIV. Charles announced that the reform must begin with the prelates: “We ought to walk in front, and our spiritual subjects will follow us more easily.” He commenced by fulfilling all things required in himself, and his wonderful clergy astonished the prelates. The council was finished on the 3rd of November, and Charles sent a minute report to the pope. On the 6th of November he went to Trent as legate, to meet the Archduchesses Giovanna and Barbara, who were to be married to the Prince of Florence and the Duke of Ferrara. Charles conducted Barbara to Ferrara and Giovanna to Tuscany, where at Fiorenzuola, he received the news of the pope’s serious illness. He reached Rome to find that the pope’s condition was hopeless, and he at once bade the Holy Father turn all his thoughts to his heavenly home. On the 10th of December Pius IV died, assisted by two saints, Charles and Philip Neri. On the 7th of January, 1566, the conclave for the election of his successor was concluded by the election of Cardinal Michele Ghislieri, O.P., of Alessandria, Bishop of Mondovi, who, at the request of Charles, took the name of Pius V. It had been maintained that Charles at first favoured Cardinal Morone, but his letter to the King of Spain (Sylvain, I, 309) seems to prove that he did his utmost to secure the election of Cardinal Ghislieri.
Pius V wished to keep Charles to assist him in Rome; but though Charles delayed his departure for some time, in the end his earnest representations obtained permission for him to return to Milan, at least for the summer. He returned to his see, 5 April, 1566, having made a detour to visit the sanctuary of Our Lady of Loreto. Charles showed admirably how the Church had the power to reform from within, and, though the task he had to do was gigantic, he set about its execution with great calmness and confidence. He began with his household, gave up much of his property to the poor, and insisted that in all that concerned him personally the greatest economy should be used; for his position as archbishop and cardinal he required due respect. He practised great mortification, and whatever the Council of Trent or his own provincial council had laid down for the life of the bishops he carried out, not only in the letter, but also in the spirit.
A miracle by St. Charles. Painting by Giovanni Dall'Orto
A miracle by St. Charles. Painting by Giovanni Dall’Orto
The rules for the management of his household, both in spiritual and temporal affairs, are to be found in the “Acta Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis”. The result of the care that was taken of his household was seen in the many members of it who became distinguished bishops and prelates. More than twenty were chosen while members of the cardinal’s household; one of these was Dr. Owen Lewis, fellow of New College, Oxford, who taught at Oxford and Douai, and after being vicar-general to St. Charles was made Bishop of Cassano in Calabria.
The administration of the diocese needed to be perfected; he therefore chose a vicar-general of exemplary life, learned in law and ecclesiastical discipline. He also appointed two other vicars, one for civil and the other for criminal causes. He associated with them other officials, all chosen for their integrity, and took care that they should be well paid, so as to preclude all suspicion of venality. Corruption in such matters was specially distasteful to him. Whilst providing for upright officials, the needs of the prisoners were not forgotten, and in time his court was known as the holy tribunal. He so organized his administration that by means of reports and conferences with the visitors and the vicars forane, his pastoral visits were productive of great fruit. The canons of his cathedral chapter were in turn the object of his reforming care. He put before them his plan of giving them definite work in theology and in connexion with the Sacrament of Penance. They welcomed his reforms, as he wrote to Monsignor Bonome: “The result of the way I have taken is very different to that in vogue to-day” (27 April, 1566). Pius V congratulated Charles on his success and exhorted him to continue the work.
Handkerchief belonged to St. Charles Borromeo, in Saint Charles' chapel in the church of San Carlo al Corso church in Milan.
Handkerchief belonged to St. Charles Borromeo, in Saint Charles’ chapel in the church of San Carlo al Corso church in Milan.
Another great work which was begun at this time was that of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, in order that the children might be carefully and systematically instructed. This work was really the beginning of what is now known as the Sunday school, and there is a remarkable testimony to this in an inscription under a statue outside the Essex Unitarian Church, Kensington, London, where Cardinal Borromeo is mentioned in connexion with the work. The visitation of his flock was steadily carried out and various pious foundations were made to succour the needy and sinners. In 1567 opposition began to be made to his jurisdiction. The officials of the King of Spain announced that they would inflict severe penalties on the archbishop’s officers if they imprisoned any more laymen, or carried arms. The matter was referred to the king, and finally to the pope, who counselled the Senate of Milan to support the ecclesiastical authority. Peace was not restored; and the bargello, or sheriff, of the archbishop was imprisoned. The archbishop announced sentence of excommunication on the captain of justice and several other officials. Much trouble followed, and again the matter was laid before the pope, who decided in favour of the archbishop.
In October, 1567, Charles started to visit three Swiss valleys, Levantina, Bregno, and La Riviera. In most parts, indeed, there was much to reform. The clergy especially were in many cases so lax and careless, and even living scandalous lives, that the people had grown to be equally negligent and sinful. The hardships of this journey were great; Charles travelled on a mule, but sometimes on foot, over most difficult and even dangerous ground. His labours bore great fruit, and a new spirit was put into both clergy and laity. In August, 1568, the second diocesan synod was held, and it was followed in April, 1569, by the second provincial council. In August, 1569, matters came to a head in connexion with the collegiate church of Santa Maria della Scala. This church had been declared by Clement VII, in 1531, exempt from the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Milan, provided that the consent of the archbishop was obtained; but this consent had never been obtained, and consequently the exemption did not take effect. Now the governor, the Duke of Albuquerque, had been induced by the opponents of the archbishop to issue an edict declaring that all who violated the king’s jurisdiction should receive severe punishment. The canons of La Scala claimed exemption from the archbishop and relied on the secular power to support them. Charles announced his intention of making his visitation in accordance with the wishes of the pope, by sending Monsignor Luigi Moneta to the canons. He was met with opposition and open insult. Early in September Charles himself went, vested for a visitation. The same violent demeanour was again shown. The archbishop took the cross into his own hands and went forward to pronounce the sentence of excommunication. The armed men raised their weapons; the canons closed the door of the church against Charles, who with eyes fixed on the crucifix, recommended himself and these unworthy men to the Divine protection. Charles was indeed in danger of his life, for the canons’ supporters opened fire, and the cross in his hand was damaged. His vicar-general then put up the public notice that the canons had incurred censures. This act was followed by blows and cries, removal of the notices, and the declaration that the archbishop was himself suspended from his office. Pius V was shocked at this incident, and only with very great difficulty allowed Charles to deal with these rebellious canons, when they repented.
Clothes of Charles Borromeo in "Museo Borromeo" museum in Karlskirche Wien (Austria).
Clothes of Charles Borromeo in “Museo Borromeo” museum in Karlskirche Wien (Austria).
In October, 1569, Charles was again in great danger. The Order of the Humiliati, of which he was protector, had by his persevering care been induced to accept certain reforms, in 1567. But some of its members strove to bring about a return to their former condition. As Charles would not consent to this, some of the order formed a conspiracy to take his life. On the 26th of October, whilst Charles was at evening prayer with his household, a member of the Humiliati, dressed as a layman, having entered with others of the public who were admitted to the chapel, took his stand four or five yards from the archbishop. The motet “Tempus est ut revertar ad eum qui me misit”, by Orlando Lasso, was being sung; the words “Non turbetur cor vestrum, neque formidet” had just been sung, when the assassin fired his weapon, loaded with ball, and struck Charles, who was kneeling at the altar. Charles, thinking himself mortally wounded, commended himself to God. A panic arose, which allowed the assassin to escape, but Charles motioned to his household to finish the prayers. At their conclusion it was found that the ball had not even pierced his clothes, but some of the shot had penetrated to the skin, and where the ball had struck a slight swelling appeared, which remained through his life.
It was seen how far the unruly-minded had gone, and the serious turn affairs had taken. At once the governor took prompt steps to assure Charles of his sympathy and his wish to find the assassin. Charles would not allow this, and asked the governor to use his efforts to prevent the rights of the Church being infringed. In some measure this occurrence led the canons of La Scala to sue for pardon, and on the 5th of February, 1570, Charles publicly absolved them before the door of his cathedral. Notwithstanding his wish to forgive those who had attempted his life, and his efforts to prevent their prosecution, four of the conspirators (amongst them Farina, who actually fired) were sentenced to death. All being of the clergy, they were handed over to the civil power (29 July, 1570); two were beheaded; Farina and another were hanged.
Charles at this time made a second visit to Switzerland, first visiting the three valleys of his diocese, then over the mountains to see his half-sister Ortensia, Countess d’Altemps. Afterwards he visited all the Catholic cantons, everywhere using his influence to remove abuses both among the clergy and laity, and to restore religious observance in monasteries and convents. He visited Altorf, Unterwalden, Lucerne, Saint Gall, Schwyz, Einsiedeln, where he said that he nowhere except at Loreto, experienced a greater religious feeling (10 September, 1570). Heresy had spread in many of these parts, and Charles sent to them experienced missionaries to win back those who had embraced it.
At this time Pius V came to the conclusion that nothing less than the suppression of the Order of the Humiliati was adequate. He therefore issued a Bull (7 February, 1571) suppressing the order and providing for its property. This same year, owing to the short harvest, the whole province suffered from a terrible famine, during which Charles worked with unceasing toil to help the starving, relieving at his own expense as many as 3000 daily for three months. His example induced others to help, the governor, especially, giving large alms. In the summer of 1571 Charles was for some time seriously ill, in the month of August; having partly recovered, he was making his visitation when he heard of the serious illness of the governor, the Duke of Albuquerque. Charles returned to Milan only in time to console the duchess. He made use of the prayers ordered by Pius V for the success of the Christians against the Turks, to urge on his flock the necessity of averting God’s anger by penance. Great were the rejoicings at the victory of Lepanto (7 October, 1571). Charles was especially interested in this expedition by reason of the papal ships being commanded by Marco Antonio Colonna, whose son Fabricio was married to his sister, Anna Borromeo.
The archbishop remained in bad health, suffering from low fever and catarrh. It was feared that consumption would set in; in spite of his illness he prepared for the third diocesan synod, which was held in his absence in April, 1572. He soon afterwards heard of the death of Pius V (1 May, 1572), and, though feeble, he started for the conclave, which lasted one day and resulted in the election of Cardinal Ugo Buoncompagni, with the title of Gregory XIII, 13 May, 1572. As medical treatment had not restored Charles to health, he now abandoned it and returned to his ordinary rule of life, with the result that he was before long quite well. On his homeward journey he again visited Loreto, in November, and reached Milan on 12 November. He at this time resigned the offices of Grand Penitentiary, Archpriest of Santa Maria Maggiore, and other high dignities. In April, 1573, he held his third provincial council.
St. Charles Borromeo healing the Plague vicitims and giving the Sacraments to the dying. Painting by Jean-Baptiste Corneille
St. Charles Borromeo healing the Plague vicitims and giving the Sacraments to the dying. Painting by Jean-Baptiste Corneille
The new governor of Milan was Don Luigi di Requesens, who had known Charles in Rome. However, as soon as he took office, being urged by the opponents of Charles, he published some letters falsely incriminating Charles in questions of the royal authority and containing much that was contrary to the rights of the Church. Charles protested against their publication; with great reluctance, and after much anxious deliberation, he publicly pronounced, in August, sentence of excommunication explicitly against the grand chancellor and implicitly against the governor. As a consequence of this, libels were published in the city against Charles. The governor showed his displeasure by placing restrictions on the meetings of the confraternities, also depriving Charles of the Castle of Arona. Various rumours were in circulation of more wicked plans against Charles, but his tranquility was maintained, and he carried on his work with his usual care, despite the fact that the governor had placed an armed guard to watch his palace. None of the governor’s actions succeeding, the governor was led to ask for absolution, which he obtained by deception. When Gregory XIII learned of this, he compelled the governor to make satisfaction to Charles. This was done, and on 26 November Charles announced that the governor was absolved from all penalties and censures. In this year Charles founded a college for the nobility at Milan.
In August, 1574, Henry III of France was passing through the Diocese of Milan on his way from Poland to take the French throne. Charles met him at Monza. The fourth diocesan synod was in November, 1574. Gregory XIII proclaimed a jubilee for 1575, and on the 8th of December, 1574, Charles left for Rome. He visited many shrines and, having reached Rome, performed the required devotions and started for Milan, in February. He assisted at the death-bed of his brother-in-law, Cesare Gonzaga, and continued the visitation of his province. In 1576 the jubilee was kept in the Diocese of Milan. It began on the 2nd of February. Whilst the jubilee was being celebrated, news came of the outbreak of plague in Venice and Mantua. The fourth provincial council was held in May. In August, Don John of Austria, visited Milan. Religious exercises were being carried out, and his arrival was made the occasion of rejoicings and spectacular effects. All at once everything was changed, for the plague appeared in Milan. Charles was at Lodi, at the funeral of the bishop. He at once returned, and inspired confidence in all. He was convinced that the plague was sent as a chastisement for sin, and sought all the more to give himself to prayer. At the same time he thought of the people. He prepared himself for death, made his will (9 September, 1576), and then gave himself up entirely to his people. Personal visits were paid by him to the plague-stricken houses. In the hospital of St. Gregory were the worst cases; to this he went, and his presence comforted the sufferers. Though he worked so arduously himself, it was only after many trials that the secular clergy of the town were induced to assist him, but his persuasive words at last won them so that they afterwards aided him in every way. It was at this time that, wishing to do penance for his people, he walked in procession, barefooted, with a rope round his neck, at one time bearing in his hand the relic of the Holy Nail.
A fresco of St. Charles Borromeo in Villasanta
A fresco of St. Charles Borromeo in Villasanta
At the beginning of 1577 the plague began to abate, and though there was a temporary increase in the number of cases, at last it ceased. The Milanese vowed to build a church dedicated to St. Sebastian, if he would deliver them. This promise was fulfilled. Charles wrote at this time the “Memoriale”, a small work, addressed to his suffragans, which had for its object to recall the lessons given by the cessation of the plague. He also compiled books of devotion for persons of every state of life. By the beginning of 1578 the plague had quite disappeared from all parts. At the end of 1578 the fifth diocesan synod was held. It lasted three days. Charles endeavoured at this time to induce the canons of the cathedral to unite with himself in community life. In this year, on the 16th of August, he began the foundation of the congregation of secular priests under the patronage of Our Lady and St. Ambrose, giving it the title of the Oblates of St. Ambrose. Though he had been helped by various orders of religious, especially by the Jesuits and the Barnabites, one of whom (now Bl. Alexander Sauli) was for many years his constant adviser, yet he felt the need of a body of men who could act as his assistants and, living in community, would be more easily impressed by his spirit and wishes. He was the master mind of this new congregation, and he ever insisted on the need of complete union between himself and its members. It was his delight to be with them, and, looking to him as a father, they were ready to go where he wished, to undertake works of every kind. He placed them in seminaries, schools, and confraternities. The remaining synods were held in 1579 and succeeding years, the last (the eleventh) in 1584.
His first pilgrimage to Turin, to visit the Holy Shroud, was in 1578. About this time he first visited the holy mountain of Varallo to meditate on the mysteries of the Passion in the chapels there. In 1578-9 the Marquis of Ayamonte, the successor of Requesens as governor, opposed the jurisdiction of the archbishop, and in September of the latter year Charles went to Rome to obtain a decision on the question of jurisdiction. The dispute arose in consequence of the governor ordering the carnival to be celebrated with additional festivities on the first Sunday of Lent, against the archbishop’s orders. The pope confirmed the decrees of the archbishop, and urged the Milanese to submit. The envoys sent by them were so ashamed that they would not themselves present the pope’s reply. Gregory XIII had welcomed Charles and rejoiced at his presence. Charles did much work during his stay for his province, especially for Switzerland. In connection with the rule which Charles drew up for the Oblates of St. Ambrose, it is to be noted that when in Rome he submitted it to St. Philip Neri, who advised Charles to exclude the vow of poverty. Charles defended its inclusion, so St. Philip said, “We will put it to the judgment of Brother Felix”. This brother was a simple Capuchin lay brother at the Capuchins, close to the Piazza Barberini. St. Philip and St. Charles went to him, and he put his finger on the article dealing with the vow of poverty, and said, “This is what should be effaced”. Felix was also a saint, and is known as St. Felix of Cantalicio. Charles returned to Milan by Florence, Bologna, and Venice, everywhere reviving the true ecclesiastical spirit. When he reached Milan the joy of his people was great, for it had been said he would not return. After the beginning of Lent (1580), Charles began his visitation at Brescia; soon after, in April, he was called back to Milan to assist at the death-bed of the governor, Ayamonte. In this year Charles visited the Valtelline valley in the Grisons. In July he was brought to know a youth who afterwards reached great sanctity. He was invited by the Marquis Gonzaga to stay with him, and refused, but while staying at the archpriest’s house he met the eldest son of the marquis, Luigi Gonzaga, then twelve years old, now raised to the altars of the Church as St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. Charles gave him his first Communion. The next year (1581) Charles sent to the King of Spain a special envoy in the person of Father Charles Bascape of the Barnabites, charging him to endeavour to come to an understanding on the question of jurisdiction. The result was that a governor, the Duke of Terra Nova, was sent, who was instructed to act in concert with Charles. After this no further controversy arose.
In 1582 Charles started on his last journey to Rome, both in obedience to the decrees of the Council of Trent, and to have the decrees of the sixth provincial council confirmed. This was his last visit, and during it he resided at the monastery attached to his titular church of Santa Prassede, where still are shown pieces of furniture used by him. He left Rome in January, 1583, and travelled by Sienna and Mantua, where he had been commissioned by the pope to pronounce a judgment. A great portion of this year was taken up by visitations. In November he began a visitation as Apostolic visitor of all the cantons of Switzerland and the Grisons, leaving the affairs of his diocese in the hands of Monsignor Owen Lewis, his vicar-general. He began in the Mesoleina Valley; here not only was there heresy to be fought, but also witchcraft and sorcery, and at Roveredo it was discovered that the provost, or rector, was the foremost in sorceries. Charles spent considerable time in setting right this terrible state of things. It was his especial care to leave holy priests and good religious to guide the people. Next he visited Bellinzona and Ascona, working strenuously to extirpate heresy, and meeting with much opposition from the Bishop of Coire. The negotiations were continued into the next year, the last of Charles on earth. All his work bore fruit, and his efforts in these parts ensured the preservation of the Faith. The heretics spread false reports that Charles was really working for Spain against the inhabitants of the Grisons. In spite of their falsehoods Charles continued to attack them and to defend Catholics, who had much to suffer.
At the end of 1584 he had an attack of erysipelas in one leg, which obliged to remain in bed. He however has a congress of the rural deans, sixty in number, with whom he fully discussed the needs of the diocese. He also made great exertions to suppress the licentiousness of the carnival. Knowing the needs of the invalids who left the great hospital he determined to found a convalescent hospital. He did not live to see it completed, but his immediate successor saw that the work was executed. During September and early October he was at Novara, Vercelli, and Turin. On the 8th of October he left Turin and thence traveled to Monte Varallo. He was going to prepare for death. His confessor, Father Adorno, was told to join him. On 15 October he began the exercises by making a general confession. On the 18th the Cardinal of Vercelli summoned him to Arona to discuss urgent and important business. The night before Charles spent eight hours in prayer on his knees. On the 20th he was back at Varallo; on the 24th an attack of fever came on; he concealed it at first, but suffering from sickness he was obliged to declare his state. For five days this state lasted, but still he said Mass and gave Communion daily, and carried on his correspondence. He seemed to know that death was at hand and determined to work as long as he had strength left. The foundation of the college at Ascona was not completed, and it was urgent that it should be finished in a short time, so Charles pressed on and started, in spite of his sufferings, on 29 October, having previously paid a farewell visit to the chapels. He was found prostrate in the chapel where the burial of Our Lord was represented. He rode to Arona, thence went by boat to Canobbio, where he stayed the night, said Mass on the 30th, and proceeded to Ascona. He visited the college, and afterwards set out at night for Canobbio, staying a short time at Locarno, where he intended to bless a cemetery, but, finding himself without his pontifical vestments, he abandoned the idea. When he reached Canobbio the fever was decreasing, and he was very weak. The next day he took the boat for Arona and stayed there with the Jesuits, at the novitiate he had founded, and on All Saints’ Day he said Mass for the last time, giving Communion to the novices and many of the faithful. The next day he assisted at Mass and received Holy Communion. His cousin, René Borromeo, accompanied him on the boat, and that evening he reached Milan. It was not known there that he was ill. He at once was visited by doctors, whose orders he obeyed. He would not allow Mass to be said in his room. A picture of Our Lord in the tomb was before him, together with two others of Jesus at Gethsemani and the body of the dead Christ. The physicians regarded the danger as extreme, and though there was a slight improvement, it was not maintained, and the fever returned with great severity. The archpriest of the cathedral gave him the Viaticum, which he received vested in rochet and stole. The administration of extreme unction was suggested. “At once”, Charles replied. It was at once given, and afterwards he showed but little sign of life. The governor, the Duke of Terra Nova, arrived after great difficulty in getting through the crowds which surrounded and had entered the palace. The prayers for a passing soul were said, the Passion was read, with Father Bascapè and Father Adorno at the bedside, the words “Ecce venio” (Behold I come) being the last words he was heard to utter (3 November, 1584). On the 7th of November his requiem was sung by Cardinal Nicolò Sfondrato, Bishop of Cremona, afterwards Gregory XIV. He was buried at night in the spot which he had chosen.
The Crypt of Saint Charles Borromeo, in the Duomo di Milano, Italy.
The Crypt of Saint Charles Borromeo, in the Duomo di Milano, Italy.
Devotion to him as a saint was at once shown and gradually grew, and the Milanese kept his anniversary as though he were canonized. This veneration, at first private, became universal, and after 1601 Cardinal Baronius wrote that it was no longer necessary to keep his anniversary by a requiem Mass, and that the solemn Mass of the day should be sung. Then materials were collected for his canonization, and processes were begun at Milan, Pavia, Bologna, and other places. In 1604 the cause was sent to the Congregation of Rites. Finally, 1 November, 1610, Paul V solemnly canonized Charles Borromeo, and fixed his feast for the 4th day of November.
The position which Charles held in Europe was indeed a very remarkable one. The mass of correspondence both to and by him testifies to the way in which his opinion was sought. The popes under whom he lived — as has been shown above — sought his advice. The sovereigns of Europe, Henry III of France, Philip II, Mary, Queen of Scots, and others showed how they valued his influence. His brother cardinals have written in praise of his virtues. Cardinal Valerio of Verona said of him that he was to the well-born a pattern of virtue, to his brother cardinals an example of true nobility. Cardinal Baronius styled him “a second Ambrose, whose early death, lamented by all good men, inflicted great loss on the Church”.
It is a matter of interest to know that Catholics in England late in the sixteenth or at the beginning of the seventeenth century had circulated some life of St. Charles in England. Doubtless some knowledge of him had been brought to England by Blessed Edmund Campion, S.J., who visited him at Milan in 1580, on his way to England, stopped with him some eight days, and conversed with him every day after dinner. Charles had much to do with England in the days of his assistance to Pius IV, and he had a great veneration for the portrait of Bishop Fisher. Charles also had much to do with Francis Borgia, General of the Jesuits, and with Andrew of Avellino of the Theatines, who gave great help to his work in Milan.
The complete works of St. Charles — “Noctes Vaticanæ” and “Homilies” — were edited by J.A. Sassi and published in five volumes (Milan, 1747-8). The “Acta Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis” contain many works not included in the edition of Sassi. They were first published in 2 vols., Milan, 1599, and there have been several reprints, the last forming vols. II and III of the “Acta Eccl. Med.” Vol. I of this edition will contain Acts previous to, and vol. IV Acts subsequent to, St. Charles.