I ran across this chaplet in my Fr. Lasance prayer book a few months back. This is one of the most beautiful, pertinent chaplets in my opinion. See if you feel the same:
Little Chaplet and Prayers
in Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
V. Incline unto mine aid, O God.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
My most loving Jesus, when I ponder over Thy most Sacred Heart, all tenderness and sweetness for sinners, then doth my own heart rejoice, and I am filled with the hope of Thy kind welcome. But, alas, how many and how great are my sins! With Peter and with Magdalene I bewail and abhor them because they are an offense to Thee, my Sovereign Good. Oh! grant me pardon for them all. I pray Thy Sacred Heart that I may rather die than offend Thee again, and may I live alone to love Thee.
Our Father (once). Glory be to the Father, etc. (five times).
Sweet Heart of Jesus, I implore,
That I may love Thee more and more.
My Jesus, I bless Thy most humble Heart; and I give thanks unto Thee Who in making it my model dost urge me with strong pleadings to imitate it, and also, at the cost of so many humiliations, dost vouchsafe Thyself to point out and smooth for me the way to follow Thee. Foolish and ungrateful that I am, how have I wandered far from Thee! Pardon me, O my Jesus! Takeaway from me all hateful pride and ambition, that with lowly heart I may follow Thee, my Jesus, amidst humiliations, and so gain peace and salvation. Be Thou at hand to strengthen me, and I will ever bless Thy Sacred Heart.
Our Father (once). Glory be to the Father, etc. (five times).
Sweet Heart of Jesus, I implore,
That I may love Thee more and more.
My Jesus, I marvel at Thy most patient Heart, and I give Thee thanks for all the wondrous examples of unwearied patience, which Thou has left us. It grieves me that these examples still have to reproach me for my excessive delicacy, shrinking from every little pain. Pour, then, into my heart, dear Jesus, a fervent and constant love of suffering and the cross of mortification and of penance, that, following Thee to Calvary, I may with Thee attain to glory, and the joys of Paradise.
Our Father (once). Glory be to the Father, etc. (five times).Sweet Heart of Jesus, I implore,
That I may love Thee more and more.
Dear Jesus, beside Thy most gentle Heart I set my own, and shudder to see how unlike mine is to Thine. How am I wont to fret and grieve when a hint, a look, or a word thwarts me! Pardon all my excesses, and give me grace for the future to imitate in every contradiction Thy unalterable meekness, that so I may enjoy an everlasting holy peace.
Our Father (once). Glory be to the Father, etc. (five times).
Sweet Heart of Jesus, I implore,
That I may love Thee more and more.
Let us sing praise to Jesus for His generous Heart, Conqueror of death and hell; for well does it merit every praise. Still more than ever confounded am I, looking upon my cowardly heart, which dreads even a rough word or injurious taunt. But it shall be so with me no more. My Jesus, I pray Thee for such strength that fighting and conquering myself on earth I may one day rejoice triumphantly with Thee in heaven.
Our Father (once). Glory be to the Father, etc. (five times).
Sweet Heart of Jesus, I implore,
That I may love Thee more and more.
By all the virtue of thy most sweet heart, obtain for me, O great Mother of God, my Mother Mary, a true and enduring devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, thy Son, that bound up in every thought and affection in union with His Heart, I may fulfill each duty of my state, serving Jesus, the loving King of my heart, ever more with readiness of heart and especially this day.
Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us,
Inflame our hearts with love of Thee.
Let us pray:
O Lord! we beseech Thee, let Thy Holy Spirit kindle in our hearts that fire of charity which our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, sent forth from His inmost Heart upon this earth, and willed that it should burn exceedingly, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.
(Indulgences: 300 days each lime, and plenary once a month, on the usual conditions, for daily recital.)